
Chapter 1 - Red stone

I remember passing out in the middle of the day. I experienced something where most people should be jolted awake. There was a sensation of a never ending fall into a dark space. Even just thinking about it gave me a headache.

I suddenly felt the sun rays hitting my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see a mix of red and purple colors in the sky that are being covered by clumped up dark clouds. I sat down with my hand supporting my head.

That dream of me falling in a dark space may have affected me so bad that everything was spinning. There was a sharp pain in my head that made me want to throw up.

I tried to stand up even though I was struggling.

When I finally came to my senses, I saw a huge field of grass ahead of me. There was nothing else. This must be the place where I fell from that dark space and it knocked me out, giving me a bad headache. I must still be dreaming.

I felt something against my feet. I looked down and saw that I was bear footed. The grass.... I can feel the grass.

I suddenly felt a gust of wind. The wind was cold and the air was fresh. It was so relaxing that the breathing might cure a lot of pains. My headache slowly began to disappear.

The wind… why can I feel the wind?

I turned around and was astonished at something that seemed to be unusually placed in the middle of nowhere.

A stone wall stood before me. I looked at both sides and saw that it went on further as if it was hiding something at the other side. Whatever it is, it's secluded since the wall is so high up, you won't even be able to climb it up even with a ladder.

I tried to walk beside the wall, using it so that I won't fall because all of this is confusing me, giving me more headaches than ever.

After a while, which seemed like hours of walking, I saw a large gate. My hand impulsively knocked as if it had a mind of its own. There were no knobs or handles on the gate. It was like a wall, but it obviously was not. Stainless steel? How rich are the people who own this property? For this property to be placed in the middle of this well-groomed field? The landscape was simply… how do I put this… jaw-dropping? Yeah, it was amazing.

I waited enough. I was about to turn around when the gate suddenly moved. It slightly opened where only a petite person like me can fit.

"Get in. Hurry." In shock, I immediately went inside without even thinking.

I looked at the boy who let me in. He was already sitting beside the gate while reading a book as if nothing happened. Weird.

I couldn't help but stare at his clothes. He was wearing a uniform with a style that I may have only seen in movies.

I squinted my eyes to get a better look. In addition to his weird looking uniform, his necktie had a unique logo. I just scratched my head. What a weird patch.

Without moving, I took a glance around. I saw a tall building in front of me that was surrounded by a breathtaking landscape. I wanted to ask the guy earlier, but he looked like the kind of guy who would rather read thousands of books than flirt with any girl at all. He didn't even care after I got inside their property. It was as if he just let some air in.

I just shrugged and started to wander towards the building in front of me. Maybe someone else can answer the questions I have ever since I woke up in the middle of nowhere.

I was mesmerized. The area looked like it was so well kept that even a tiny dust particle does not exist. The garden in front complemented the architectural design of the building. It had a minimalistic design, knowing how houses and buildings these days are built with little to no cluttered designs. It was as if I was going inside a mall or a company office that is owned privately by billionaires.

As soon as I stepped in, I saw a woman maybe in her mid-60s, wearing an office uniform, holding some sort of tablet in front of me.

"What are you doing out here during class hours?!" I was surprised by her sudden rise of tone as well as her reaction. She suddenly turned towards me as if she was a dog about to bite me.

Did she just say class hours?

She suddenly ran towards my direction. She was about to grab me when my body automatically moved and ran away from her. I looked back and saw her running in my direction.

"What's your name?! What class are you in?! And why the hell are you wearing that?!"

"Wha— she's crazy!" I ran. This was the fastest I've seen myself run. Whoever that woman is, she's freaking crazy!

I saw a staircase leading to the next floor. Not thinking twice, I immediately ran up the stairs. I didn't look back. I just kept on running as I can still hear her voice calling out to me. I know that she's still behind me.

I finally confirmed my whereabouts as I took a glimpse around as I was running. I'm inside a school. Judging from the school's decorations, the architectural design, the color, basically everything, it's as if I have stepped into a high-end infrastructure. It wasn't modern. It was futuristic!

I kept glancing at the other buildings that I could see out the windows whenever I had a chance. What the heck is this place? How many floors are there in this building- I mean school?!

"Why the hell are you following me?!" I ran down this never ending hallway. I turned right and was surprised to see a dead end. Sh*t!


"Shh." Struggling, I bit the hands that suddenly grabbed me and pulled me inside a dark room.

"Tch. Where'd that girl go?! Damn it."

As soon as I heard footsteps coming from the woman, I stopped breathing and moving. The person who grabbed me also stopped moving. I suddenly felt my heart pounding. Why is it that I can feel everything actually happening?

After a while, the footsteps became faint. When I couldn't hear anything anymore besides the breath of the person who grabbed me, I suddenly let out a huge sigh.

"Are you alright?" I was stunned. My legs suddenly felt weak and my body almost gave out since I was running for who knows how long.

"I-I'm okay. Thanks," I said, still trying to catch my breath.

I glanced at the person who saved my ass. I saw a tall guy, maybe around my age, with his hands in his pocket. He was chill. Staring at me, I guessed that he was judging my whole appearance. Although it was dark, I could still see him vividly.

I noticed his uniform. He was wearing the same one the guy who let me in this place a while ago was wearing. But this guy, he wasn't wearing a necktie. His clothes were also a mess. The buttons weren't closed. He looked kind of cool.

"Why were you running?" He asked calmly.

"That woman was chasing me."

"I see, you are the new victim."

My train of thoughts halted. Say what? Victim?

He turned around and I just stared at him, mouth open. Confused as to what he was saying, I was surprised when the lights suddenly flashed. We were inside a janitor's closet.

"W-what do you mean… new victim?" I asked nervously. He didn't answer, instead, he just looked at me from head to toe.

"Come with me."

I saw him open the drapes behind him. He then opened the window as if he was attempting to jump. I ran towards him and didn't think twice about grabbing his hand. "What?"

"Sorry." I immediately released his hand. He just looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Come." That's it. The people here are crazy! I must be dreaming. Yeah, I'm just dreaming.

Without a second, he swiftly grabbed me and jumped out the window.

"W-wait! AAAAHHH!!!"

The sensation of falling once again haunted me with real fear. That was the time I realized that I was not dreaming. All of these feelings were real.

"Open your eyes."


"Just do it."

I hesitated at first but his voice was so calm that it convinced me everything was going to be alright. Even though we jumped out of a window, I wondered how much trust my mind gave him to the extent of allowing him to give me orders.

I felt butterflies in my stomach from the thought of him carrying me for a while until he finally let me down.

"I'll be back." He said as he walked away and disappeared into a room in the corner. I sighed.

What the hell is happening?

I looked at my hands. I tried to move them and everytime I did, I actually felt everything. I then tried pinching myself.

This isn't a dream.

I accidentally glanced to my right side and saw a huge mirror. I was in a room and one whole side of it was a mirror, as if I was in a dance studio.

When I saw myself, I covered my mouth in shock.

I was wearing a white dress. I don't remember having this dress. I don't remember anything at all. Why is this happening? Where am I? Who was that guy?

I suddenly felt a sharp pain above my chest. I felt something burning. It was like my chest being ripped up.

"What the hell is happening to me?!"

The pain became unbearable. I screamed so hard.... then everything went black.


"Are you awake now?"

I saw a familiar looking guy in front of me. He was staring at my chest for a while then he averted his eyes when he saw me looking at him. I wasn't bothered by him looking at my chest. I was concerned at how he looked at it. He was in shock.

He stood up then walked towards a door at the opposite side.

I tried to stand up. I was leaning against a wall. He must have placed me there after I blacked out.

I held my chest where I felt the sharp pain but to my surprise, I didn't feel anything anymore. But there was something there. I looked to my left to see myself in front of the mirror.

There was a red stone on my chest.