
Anemone Agency

A wonderful skilled woman: powerful moves, battle strategy, all the way to exquisite skills. That's why the agency sent her on their most difficult mission yet: to retrieve the Anemone Prism, an object of great power! Surely, this must be a breeze for a pro like Eclipse? But things get complicated, and enemies are stronger than ever! Fragments of the Anemone Prism are spread around the world. Can she finish her mission... Or will she die by her enemies hands?

Aviryon_nr1 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 7: A new friend?

Freya was finally ready to have at least a little bit of fun on her vacation. She was wearing a smooth black dress with her usual belt that had the crystal, a black velvet hair tie with white stripes, tights, a pair of red high-heeled shoes and some make up. Everything was great. The house was clean as well, perfect for guests, even thought there wasn't time for that.

Freya quickly got onto the car's leather seat and drove away, down the street. It wasn't too cold or too hot, it was just perfect. People were walking down the streets, and rays of sunshine were making their way through clouds. There were three more minutes left until the party started, and there was no way to get there so fast, but she didn't want to miss too many things at the event.

Thirteen minutes later she finally got there. The party was in a large park, but no one could enter without an invitation, because it was the dead noble's park. It was given to the state due to his death, but people decided to organize a special group to take care of it.

At the front gates was security. To enter, she had to go to them. It wasn't that hard. They asked for her name and the ticket. Everything was alright, so they opened the tall iron gates and let her in.

Inside the park there were many guests already. Some had drinks or slices of cake in their hands, others just chatted and laughed. Some of them were dressed casually, while others extravagantly, nonetheless, there were quite a lot of people. The atmosphere seemed so relaxed, like nobody had a care in the world. To arrive to the center of the party, Freya had to go on a path made of stones. There were a lot of trees and tropical plants around, but in the middle it was almost empty. That was where the party was being held. A stage with elgant, long red curtains was placed on the far end, the opposite of the path Freya came from. She had never before seen a stage, even less so been on one, so she decided this was a great time to try something new. Slowly, but definitely she made her way to the stage and climbed on the wooden stairs, until she was in the center. Freya felt wonderful, for once in her lifetime the world was spread at her feet, full of possibilities. Nobody noticed her but it really didn't matter to Freya, just being there was enough. After she had admired the whole park from above, she cautiously made her way to the side, with her high heels clicking and echoing at every step.

In the middle of the clearing was placed a long table with lots of drinks and many types of cake. Some were choclate bowls filled with carimera web (a delicious sweet made from the carimera fruit by cutting it to strands), there were also drizzled yellowbean tarts, sun dried amarino logs and many more, besides drinks. When the women got close she noticed that they were all free. Freya couldn't feel more happiness. If she'd known about this sooner, her life wouldn't have been so unlucky. This was paradise, you had music, food and polite people murmuring and chatting away. Then she realized something.

Freya was relieved to finally be able to think about something else besides work! This was her chance to meet new people! As she got to the center of the party where the food was arranged elegantly on a shiny mahogany table she was offered a tasty looking sunset cocktail from a passing waiter with a silver plate on his arm ''feel free to serve yourself from that table over there, hope you enjoy your time with us!'' He said with his fake smile.''Thank you, I will'' Freya answered politely. She was just about to try a piece of kewkew (her favorite fruit), when a women approached her. She had dark hair tied up in a bun and large brown eyes. Her long, scarlet dress was glittering beautifully and her necklace had a crystal on it to match the outfit. ''Kewkew, what a great choice! It's always been my favourite!'' She said with a golden voice. ''Really!? Mine too!'' Freya answered. ''So what brings you here? Oh, I'm sorry, let me introduce myself: I'm Dahlia!'' The women said as she friendly extended a long, thin arm. Freya shook it and then told Dahlia her name. The two talked for some time until Freya said ''I've been offered a Misson at work I don't know much about, should I accept it?'' ''I think curiosity never hurt anyone, dear. What would you do if you don't accept it!?'' ''Well, I suppose I would do more office work, but I like that, in a way...'' ''I, personally, have always been the kind that loves action, so I think you should accept it! it's much more exciting then office work, and it gives you a purpose...so many people want that these days. You know, true bravery is facing the unknown, darling... that's what you should do!'' ''I think you're right'' Freya answered, surprised at how simple it was to decide. Then Dahlia's shiny black phone rang: '' yes, I talked to her, yes, of course... I'll meet you later... thank you sir!'' ''I'm sorry, but I have to go! Work, work and work!'' She said after finishing the phone conversation and rolling her eyes. ''bye, I hope to see you again!'' Dahlia yelled back while walking towards the exit of the party.

Even thought Freya didn't talk to anyone else, the rest of the evening was great, the snacks were tasty and she truly enjoyed observing people's outfits! In the end, the party really did solve everything!

Why can I not get them I'm time?

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