
Death of A Beloved Sister

It was the first year of NEWTS for James Potter and his friends and the second last year in total. Until now James had relentlessly and consistently run after Lily and each time Lily had rejected that 'pompous jerk' but this year….it was different. He was different. Everyone in the school, including McGonagall, noticed the change in his behavior except for two people. That was Lily Evans and James Potter himself. And, not many people knew the reason for the change. The ones who knew felt deeply for the seventeen year boy who had matured into a grounded and confident young adult over the summer. McGonagall had thought he would return to Hogwarts a mess...…..considering what he had endured over the summer, but no. James Potter hadn't been a mess. Not a single tear shed from his eyes. But, he had changed. And, even though change was all Professor McGonagall had wanted for the 'Marauders' but this... .this was not what she wanted. This wasn't how she wanted him to change.

Exactly twenty four hours ago, James had stepped through the fireplace and for the first time in seven years James hadn't made a joke. He was followed by his three best friends, none of them grinned stupidly as they used to.

"Don't get any ash on the carpet, Potter." She said, curtly.

"No, Professor." He replied. His eyes glued to the floor. His shoulders drooped and his hands shook even though he tried to hide them.

"I see you got your badge," She observed the 'Quidditch' Captain's badge on his robes, the one she sent him only a few days ago. "And, you are made headboy too."

She smiled sadly as she stopped herself from saying 'your parents must be proud',

"Yes, Professor." He still didn't look at her.

"Well, Mr. Potter, hang back." She said, in a firm voice. "The rest of you should go and unpack."

Remus, Sirius and Peter quickly hurried out. James fidgeted uncomfortably.

"Sit down, Potter."

James sat down in front of her and looked at a paper in his hands.

"Are you okay?" For the first time in her life, she felt stupid. How could the boy be okay?

"Yes, Professor." He still didn't look up.

"James?" She said softly.

James Potter looked up instantly. She said 'James' and that made it personal. She never involved herself in the personal lives of her students. But, this was an exception. James Potter was an exception.

He was startled to see tears in her eyes,

"I am not okay, Professor." He said, "But...I will be."

"You will….." She wondered out loud at his assurance.

"Once, I have my revenge." Professor McGonagall saw a fire in his eyes, a purpose, a sense of duty and most of all....the dangerous flame ignited by vengeance. "I will be fine."

He told her authoritatively and stood up. He walked out, leaving the parchment behind. Perhaps, he had no need of it anymore, Or maybe, it caused too much pain or he just wanted to rid himself of the expectations and the things he had been looking forward to. After he left, Minerva spotted the parchment on the chair he was sitting on. She picked it up absentmindedly. It was an envelope and on the middle of it was written,

Ms. Charlotte H. Potter,

Potter Manor,

Godric's Hallow,

Number 100."

She recognised her own handwriting, it was the Hogwarts letter she herself had sent to Charlotte, James Potter's beloved eleven year old sister who was due to attend the school this very year. And, she would have, had she not died by the hands of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's followers called the Death Eaters, earlier that summer just before the eyes of her adoring brother who could do nothing to save her.

McGonagall thought James looked much older in just a matter of a few weeks. She wished she hadn't seen James that day in the summer. She wished with all her heart that she had not let him go back home. She wished that she had been there…..but what could she do now? What had happened, had happened before anyone could realize anything. Oh, how she wished she could forget that night in the summer when Dumbledore summoned her at dawn. But, she couldn't and she never would.

James Potter's whole life was uprooted the third day of summer when he and his sister Charlotte were sitting in the garden almost around midnight while James told her stories of Hogwarts.

"I can't wait to go." Her eyes shone brightly. "I just can't wait..."

"Your time will come, Charlotte." He had rolled his eyes, "Honestly, I am jealous….you have all your years still ahead of you. And, me….."

Both of them thought about the fact that James only had two more years at Hogwarts and Charlotte would only be in second year when he left. She felt sad about that. She wanted to go to Hogwarts ... .sure…..but, the thing she wanted the most to have was more than just a summer with her older brother.

"Now, you do want some cake?" He asked. "Chocolate fudge?"

"Yes!" She smiled, "How about some milk too?"

"That's my girl!" James clicked his tongue. "And, you have to go to bed. Or Mom will literally kill me."

"What are you going to do?" She grinned. "Dream about Lily?"

Both the siblings looked nothing like each other, yet their manners were the same. James Potter was broad-shoulder, tall and had black hair and sparkling blue eyes. His sister, on the other hand, was short, slender and had swift brown coloured hair with soft gray eyes.

"No…." He smiled back. "Sirius is coming by a Muggle train…and I have to wait till he comes."

"Oh, yes!" She clapped her hands, "He can play Quidditch with us."

"Yeah..he would." James was in a deep thought.

He was worried about Sirius. He had a hard time in his home. His family had become more and more angry after Sirius had joined the Order. He had already turned seventeen and was allowed to do so, and James had to wait till the summer ended. And, convince his mother to let him do it. She was very worried if he joined the Order something would happen to him.

James sat down polishing his own broom and then the one he bought for Charlotte just a few days ago as a surprise for her first year at Hogwarts.

He was so excited to see her face when he gave it to her. She would just love it. And, McGonagall would too.

It was four am in the morning when Sirius came there.

"Hey, Padfoot." He hugged him. "It is so great to see you again."

"You too, Prongs." He replied warmly.

It was really great to see him. Sirius had cuts on his face which James knew for sure that they were the result of the forbidden curses. James knew everything about his friend and he knew that he would never raise his wand on his mother. No matter what she did. James didn't say anything because he just knew. He knew who hurt his friend. He knew why his friend wouldn't fight back. He knew his friend didn't want to talk about it.

It had been only a few minutes after Sirius came inside the house when strangers came inside.

"Who are you?" James stood up. "This is a private property. You can't just barge in he...."

Black hooded and masked people came into the house and all of them held wands pointing towards them both.

"Hey…" Sirius stood up. His wand at the ready. He had been trained for this. But, it wasn't any comfort that he was our numbered by

"What is happening?" Charlotte came out of her bedroom, yawning. "Why are you shouting….?"

Mr. and Mrs. Potter started coming back down the stairs.

James ran to the garden, where he had left his wand on the swing where he and Charlotte had had dessert in the middle of the night. And, he heard a loud shout. He heard a few words...the words he hoped never to hear in his house. His whole body shook with fear. He burst into the living room as he saw Sirius brandish his wand and screamed loudly. But, he was outnumbered.

"Avada Kedavra!" A man screamed in the hooded mask.

"NO!" James screamed as the green light hit Mr. And Mrs. Potter in the chest who were both wandless. Their bodies fell on the ground and James was frozen.

"Septumsempra!" A familiar voice shouted, his wand directed at Sirius Black, who jumped at the last moment to defend James and the curse hit the little eleven year old girl.

"No!" James yelled as he ran towards his sister. But, it was no use because the spell had already hit Charlotte and she fell on the ground as her soft skin split and her blood poured out as if it was water. The spell only broke contact when James pointed his wand towards the man who hurt his sister and shouted,

"Crucio!" He yelled, mercilessly.

The spell broke and Charlotte fell on the floor, twitching. The hood fell off the man and Sirius and James gasped and James lowered his wand.

"Snivellious?" They both whispered.

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