
Qin Feng's Transmigration

The atmosphere was bright in Bright Sun High school. The sciences team has won the regional sciences competition the day before. This has thrown the whole of Bright Sun High school into a celebratory mood.

"Qin Feng, thanks to you and your teammates,we won the competition. This is by no means a small feat". A tall, brawny man with ruddy hair spoke loudly as he walked over to meet a team of four.

"Principal, don't mention at all, thanks to your principle, we became refined and polished. We are here today because of your commitment towards our success", a handsome boy with a pair of black pupil that could pull one into a daze replied to the tall, brawny man.

The principal nodded, obviously satisfied with what Qin Feng has said. He looked at the other three;" Ye Qing, Chu Yan, Su Ping, you've all done well ".

" Thank you , principal "; they nodded.

"Ok, I can feel a lot of eyes staring at me, obviously they can't wait to catch up to you guys. You people should see me later, I will reward you then ".

"Thanks a lot, principal ", the four of them nodded, beaming with smiles at the thought of their rewards. The students surrounding them looked at them enviously, anything coming from the principal will definitely be precious, right?

After the principal left, the students surrounded them like bees swarming honey, pestering the four with their different needs.


The morning had been hectic for Qin Feng as he drag his weary body to the library. He had been forced by his friends to attend the party thrown by the high schoolers to celebrate the triumph at the regional sciences competition. He wasn't able to leave because they insisted that he got drunk.

Worse for him, he had his face smeared by the lipsticks of both pretty and ugly girls. It was annoying, the pretty ones are okay but how can he, Qin Feng, be molested by the ugly ones. No, this can't happen again. Never!

As he walked to the library, his eyes gleamed as he thought of the book he came to borrow.

'Ancient words, what a mysterious book', he thought. He entered the library and called out the librarian name.

"Old man Fei, Old man Fei !"

He had called twice before a reply could be heard.

"Little Feng, are you here to borrow that book?", Old man Fei asked stressing ' that book ' as he came out of a corner which was enshrouded with darkness.

Qin Feng nodded. He looked at Old man Fei with pleading eyes.

" Please Old man Fei, allow me to take the book home, I will return it tomorrow ", he pleaded.

"No", came a quick reply.

"It is dangerous tonight ", the old man added, speaking calmly with eyes shining with wisdom.

"Dangerous tonight?"

"A thunderstorm should occur tonight, reading the book tonight will have its own consequences. Who knows where your ass will land up to?, Old man Fei spoke seriously at first before joking with the last statement as he let out a chortle.

"I don't think the media said anything about a thunderstorm occuring tonight". With a face full of doubt, Qin Feng raised his eyebrow looking at the old man who stood with a straight back.

"Never mind, its your decision. I don't think you will understand if I say what's on my mind, after all, your technology has no power over the supernatural". A gentle smile appeared on Old man Fei's face when he looked at Qin Feng.

"Your technology?", Qin Feng became puzzled. While he was in this state, he saw Old man Fei standing across him, holding a heavy book which appears antiquated.

"Ancient Words", Qin Feng mumbled as he traced the wordings on the book having collected the book from Old man Fei

"Ok lad, be careful with it and....", he paused for bit before continuing; "I wish you good luck".

"Ok, old man, trust me to take care of the book for you". Well, he doesn't understand the good luck part but he will do well to take good care of the book. He bolted out of the library as he made his way home.


It was a bubbling night in Santa city. Tall and mighty skyscrapers spread across the metropolis. Neon lights filled up the streets lightening up the city with varied colours as pedestrians and car owners go about their businesses.

In a three storey building among the numerous buildings, second floor, in a medium - sized room,on a large and cozy bed,lies a teenage boy of 16 years.At his front, lies an old book with the words on it breathing invisible mysteriousness. This young boy was Qin Feng. Having done his chores, he had settled on his bed to read the book.

Ancient words was a book that spoke about an ancient civilization. In that civilization, they practice what was called cultivation and use an ancient technique known as; ' Ancient Words'.

Qin Feng stares at the pictures in the book, trying to decipher what they meant. Qin Feng as a teenager loves hot-blooded actions. Though he looks calm and quiet, he is extremely wild on the inside. He do watch action movies during his spare time.

Due to the fightings which were represented by diagrams, the hot-blooded words written in the book, he loved the book more than any historical books he had read.

As Qin Feng read on, he got to a page. On this page, a large diagram could be seen. The diagram looks like..... a voice box. Yes, a voice box.

Qin Feng was extremely puzzled as he stared incredulously at the picture.

Suddenly, thunder strikes could be heard. Boom! Boom!

The lights in the room went off before coming on and went off again.


"A thunderstorm? Old man Fei......"

Qin Feng wasn't able to complete his statement because he saw a blinding golden light coming from the voice box diagram.

"What is this?" As he wonder, he saw a flash of golden light hit him.

"Was that the voice box?" He had seen a faint outline of a voice box in the golden light that hit him.

Boom! Boom! The thunderstorm continue


In a school building, flickering lights could be seen as the destructive thunderstorm continue without concern.

An old man stood by the window of a library, his gaze piercing the sky.

"I can't believe he was chosen. I thought I would have to wait for a long time".

"Hahaha, this is good. What a surprise!"

"Those old fogeys better watch out. Looks like the Divine Heavenlies will be thrown into a storm very soon." Old man Fei laughed heartily as he rose to the sky.

"I better start moving, the Ancient heavenly race has to start preparing for the coming war". He tore space with his bare hands and vanish into the void.

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