
Ingram Buchalter

Inside the study a haggard middle aged man anxiously walks around the room. The man is Fen Butchalter, a dungeon researcher in a small town of Lacrima at the northern borders of the kingdom of Midglen. The reason for his anxiety is his wife undergoing labor inside the bedroom besides the room he's in.

After several tormenting minutes of anxiety a knock is heard on the door.

/Fen-sama, the deliver is a success... um... Alexia-sama is waiting for you in the other room.../

a cute young maid with brown hair bashfully says as she peaks her head through the door. Fen's anxious face quickly glows in joy upon hearing the news.

Fen rushes over to the other room and swings open the door, accidentally knocking over the midwife and head maid of the household.

/Oh my! Hildi, I'm terribly sorry!/

he says as he embarrassingly tries to help up the lady he knocked over but is immediately stopped by her hand.

/No, it's okay. I'm alright! Hurry now! They're waiting for you, you clumsy idiot!/

She says while getting herself up.

Fen walks over to the bed where his wife is resting. In her arms she cradles a handsome baby boy with jet black hair just like his mother's. The black color of his hair is a sign that he is special, since it's an extremely rare hair color to be found in the human race and people born with black hair tend to be stronger and hold unknown skills. Though it only means he will be facing hardships with acceptance as he grows up. Since humans are full of fear and prejudice towards the unknown and what they do not understand.

/I'm sure the young master will grow up to become a cool intelligent kid, it's quite surprising how he didn't cry after his delivery and after being spanked on his bottom./ Hildi says as she smiles at the baby.

/Make sure you take good care of the young master, Alice!/

The young maid who called for Fen after the delivery nods quietly while holding the edge of the bed tiptoeing trying to get a good view of the newborn.

/Such a handsome child, I wish the world would be kind to him. And not allow him to experience all those things I had to endure while growing up./

Ruth, the child's mother says while showing a pained expression on her face.

/He won't./

Fen says while kissing the forehead of his wife.

/We will make sure to give him the best we can and make sure he grows up in an environment full of love./

He says with a proud and hopeful look on his face.

/Then we should probably keep him away from you Fen. Knowing you, you might accidentally drop him./

Everyone laughs except for Fen who embarrassingly accepted the possibility.

/Ehem... well I'll also do my best not to allow that to happen haha... Anywayys, darling have you thought of a name for our child?/

Fen says desperately trying to change the subject.

/Yep! Our child's name shall be Ingram... Ingram Butchalter!/

/Hmmm... a calm raven. It's better than I expected./ Fen says while looking at Ingram.

/Hey!! What's that supposed to mean?/

Fen and Hildi both laugh at her reply and soon after pouting Ruth follows suite.

/hahahaha... my little Ingram. Mother and father will do our best to give you a happy childhood.../

Little Ingram looks at his parents and the two maid. Though he did not understand what they were saying he understood what they meant.

-One year later-

A little boy looks through the books, parchments, and documents inside his father's study. It's outstanding how a little boy not even halfway to the age of two reads through the documents cluttered around the places that he can reach in the room. Crawling to the shelf besides his father's desk. He finds a book at the lowest part and reads the title. A smile appears on his face.

(Hehehe finally! I found it!)

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