
ancient market

"So, these are memories of the future, quite peculiar and perplexing to the gods. It's almost like a dreamland. These memories could grant me a life of nobility. Nobles marry many beautiful women. I used to feel envious when I witnessed these weddings. Now, I have the chance to become a merchant, an emperor, or even to shape the future with democracy or dictatorship."

The scholar emerged from his deep meditation, stood up, and poured water into a wooden bowl.

Taking a small towel and dipping it into the water, he proceeded to cleanse five parts of his body: 1) face, 2) hands up to the elbows, and the last 2) feet.

After this purifying ritual, he chanted an ancient phonetic alphabet, offering gratitude to the five elements, the sun, and the Earth mother.

"Life has granted me everything I've hoped for, but the desires of humanity can never be fully satisfied. Thus, I offer my thanks to the creator of humanity. Human nature is a duality of good and evil, swayed by circumstances. My aspiration is to learn from cosmic entities like the sun and Earth mother, treating everyone equally, even as society has divided humanity through roles and births."

With these words spoken, he embarked on his journey once again.

The scholar didn't adhere to a conventional deity, yet he had borne witness to life's mystical capacities — how it could both obliterate and create. He held a belief that some entity or force maintained life's stability and protection.

After acquiring knowledge from an enigmatic source, his body began fortifying itself. Nonetheless, energy couldn't manifest out of thin air; he noticed his body thinning, akin to paper, right before his eyes.

With a substantial pack on his back, the scholar set off toward the nearest kingdom, known as Paroutpuyoost.

The Paroutpuyoo Kingdom served as a hub for commerce and trade, representing humanity's foray into a comfort zone. From the innovation of silk attire to seed cultivation, this kingdom showcased humanity's vulnerabilities and intellect.

A grand gate signified the kingdom's entrance, colossal walls enveloping it from the west, as if the realm guarded against or evaded something.

The scholar retrieved his bag, searching for copper coins to offer to the guards before entering the kingdom.

He observed the bustling marketplace, the sound of cracking mixing with fragrances of perfumes and iron, wafting into his nostrils.

As he scrutinized every facet of the market, his thoughts were lucid — he sought a means of earning income.

Making his way to the academy section of the market, the scholar ordered three large wooden blocks, the most cost-effective and straightforward choice.

Painted fabrics and paper were typically reserved for wealthy nobles in the royal family or the king's aides. These wooden blocks varied in quality, from premium to inferior, a tradition dating back to ancient times.

Effortlessly, the scholar carried the wooden blocks with one hand and ventured into the forest to gather materials for his artwork.

He collected green grass and commenced grinding it on a stone. In minutes, a pure green pigment emerged, which he collected.

His focus then shifted to red flowers. Attempting to grind them, he discovered the color was feeble and dissolved rapidly.

Subsequently, he gathered dried leaves and wood, kindling a fire. Amidst the flickering flames, he collected charred remains to create black pigment.

Further along, he scoured the area for various flowers that could yield red pigment.

In an accidental mixture, red and green combined to produce yellow, igniting the scholar's curiosity. He continued experimenting with different colors and blending techniques.

next chapter :- attack by cruel tigers.

Ccosmofantasypencreators' thoughts
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