
Ancient Ones Rise Is Are Demise

A ancient being of immense power threatens destruction upon the world. Exious the legendary demon slayer takes on an apprentice to help him defeat this evil, since he knows he will not be able to face it alone. Will Exious and his apprentice be able to stop the evil that has appeared?

Sal21 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Kate didn't know what i was talking about so she just nodded. "So have any questions about all this." She looked deep in thought for a second before replying.

"I don't get how I'm supposed to be able to help you. With all the power you currently have I'm like a mere child. If you can't fight this ancient being how am I supposed to."

Looking towards my item chest at the foot of my bed thinking about the book. I shook my head, "I'm not sure all I know is I'm gonna do my best to train you." Never once had I thought about it but as a novice she will be more like a burden.

Not that I wouldn't be able to protect her and fight. That's not the problem any weakness and she could be in grave danger. My line of work doesn't bode well for anyone.

Possession is a real threat that many don't understand. They could be possessed and not even realize it. While whatever creature it is bides its time until they become weak.

Even I couldn't stop a creature of darkness merging with me. I kept control but it almsot killed me. Even now it trys to force its way to the surface. It's not something most could stop especially if it gained my powers.

Kate was promising being able to use two magics was rare. But learning the magics took twice as long. I decided to go to sleep to replenish my energy. When I woke a few hours later Kate was still at the desk.

She was dedicated still didn't know much but was trying to learn on here own. It was time I felt refreshed, I stood grabbing my staff and sword. "Kate follow me your training begins now."

She stood up right away with a eager look in her eye. Alright I thought tapping my staff on the ground. Not using my sword I moved the staff front right to left. Then spoke a few words a door appeared in front of us.

This is a basic gate spell that you should learn its great while traveling. I walked through the door, on the other side was green feilds which spread on for miles. This is where I test new spells and dangerous items.

No one lives out here or comes this far into the endless grasslands. Kate stepped through the gate and it closed behind her. With a popping sound the magic dispersed. Here we will train its safe and no one will bother us.

You have been studying all day, have you learned the spells your grimoire had to offer? She grinned "I've memorized all the words and movements that help channel the energy." Ok cast as many as you know. Let's see what you've accomplished on your own.

Kate proceeded to cast seven or eight spells. Succeeding in all the casts albeit weak versions of them. Still quite impressive for someone with her lack of experience. Using a simple ability of mine, I checked each spell she cast as she casted it.

Attack me Kate with everything you have it will give you a rough idea of where you are powerwise. compared to me it will give you a rough estimate of your current power. She did as instructed and started her attack she was chanting before pulling out her sword. The airs tempature began to drop from the ancient blades power.

Only using my staff and fast hand movements I stood my ground. Kates first spell came from behind. A four foot long icicle flew straight at my spinal chord. I smirked "good but not enough you have to be faster being slow means death."