
Ancient Doomsday In MHA (HIATUS)

The story of a young man who wished to be Doomsday !!!NO HAREM!!! --------------------------------------------------------- Tristram Torres who had been alone all his life due to his Physical deformities, and dedication to his studies dies and gets the chance to meet God (Not a God of any earthly religion). He is allowed to make three wishes, after which God sends him on a Mission to a World of his (MC's) choosing. ---Wishes Below--- --------------------------------------------------------- 1- To always have the properties of Doomsday (The original Kryptonian one) but to also be able to change into him in order to access his other Powers(Massive superhuman strength, speed, stamina and agility Nigh Invulnerability, Regeneration, Reactive adaptation, Self-evolution, Immortality, Razor-sharp claws, teeth, and bony spurs) 2-To have control over Kinetic Energy 3-To be able to get stronger infinitely by absorbing any kind of radiation Multiverse? You might be asking. YES Multiverse. Not in the early stages of this novel but yes. After all, theres not really a challenge for Doomsday in MHA is there? But then again, is there one anywhere? Worlds: MHA Marvel (MCU) -open- This is just something im working on out of boredom so dont expect much from the upload time. Im not really an avid comic reader so correct me if im wrong about anything regarding Doomsdays Powers. Im doing this cause theres not really a fanfic for Doomsday so yeah. --------------------------------------------------------- I'll do my best to update every friday starting the 3rd(June), after which I'll update as much as possible during the summer holiday :) --------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I own... well nothing and all credit goes to the respective owners or whatever idk I didn't study law. But yeah I don't own any of the characters :)

KeiJu · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


Aight so first of all, sry for being late... again. I wasn't really feeling it on friday since I wrote half the chapter and deleted it, and I was at a cookout yesterday so yeah sry... Then I'm also sorry about this chapters lenght. I'd like to keep the things that come after this chapter to actually be in a seperate chapter so yeah sorry 'bout that.

Also please rate, thx :)

Oh yeah, I forgot to say but there won't be any lemon in the near future. Yeah sry but I really can't write those...

~1084 Words~ (Don't judge ok... I promise this won't be a frequent thing)


--Back Home--

I had just taken Momo back home, when I decided to go out again and hunt some villains.

This time however, I would actually go out with a plan. That plan is to try and get information on All for one's whereabouts and kill him, but I soon decided against that plan, when I realised that I might not be able to stay here after killing him. The God seemed nice and all, but that doesn't mean that he would grant me that wish, so yeah I'm probably going to wait until I graduate and all.

I then proceeded to plan out my future in this world, knowing full well not everything is going to go according to plan. But that's the fun of it I guess...

Anyways, after that train of thought ended, I began thinking about what I would do in the future.

After about 15 minutes of thinking, I had 4 things I wanted to do.

1 - Rescue Eri from the Yakuza and have my parents adopt her as my sister. I do wonder what her powers would do to me, but I doubt that things that affect powers in this world would affect my power, since the Quirk test didn't even pick up that I have a Quirk.

With that I came to the conclusion that anything that isn't physical (excluding telekinesis) can't harm/affect me, which is a relief to be honest. Only if it's true of course.

2 - Graduate UA and become a Pro Hero, while also killing villains in the backround.

3 - After 2, I will probably move on to kill All for one, and hope that I can stay in this world for as long as I wish, since part 4 kinda depends on that.

4 - Is probably the most important one, and the one I look forward to the most. This part includes Marrying Momo and having a child with her. I always thought about what it would be like to have a mini me running around everywhere and the thought of it already makes me happy.

The reason why this is last (don't think I need to tell you that but whatever), is because 1st of all, I might not be able to stay here after killing all for one, meaning that I would have to leave my child and Momo behind which I just couldn't do, and 2nd of all, because Momo probably has plans of her own and I don't want to bother her in the future and limit her.

Those plans are really all the big things I want to do in this world, but I'll probably add things to that in the future.

After all that planning, I finally went out to do what I wanted to from the start.

I went to my window, after which I shifted into my D-Day form and jumped out of it.

(AN: It's gonna be "Shifting" now, not transforming. Sounds less cringe in my opinion)

Finding villains in this city, especially during the night is like finding hey in a hey stack... You really don't have to look far.

Anyways, after finding some small time villains, I landed right next to one, towering above him with my hulking 8' body (comic one is 7').

The one I landed next to proceeded to scream and throw some sticky spider-web like substance on me, which I presume is used to trap people. I had to assume that, since it wasn't actually powerful enough to give me any kind of resistance, but it did gross me out which is why I promptly proceeded to show his soul the way out to the heaven gates.

There were a total of 7 dudes there and all of them looked terrified, until another one came.

"Hey. I've heard of you. You're definately stronger than we are with your Quirk but what if you couldn't use it!" He said, before shooting me with a bullet of sorts. I didn't move since bullets don't actually do anything to me, which caused the villains to form a massive shit eating grin on their faces.

I already don't like these pretentious villains that always think they have the means to defeat their enemies, but the ones that instead of preparing for resistance just smile, are the ones that piss me off the most.

The bullet proceeded to bounce off of my chest, which seemed much to the villains surprise.

This surprised me. Not the bullet doing nothing, but rather that the bullet didn't penetrate my skin.

Are they stupid? The bullet is just a different bullet, it isn't more powerful or anything

Mid shot, I realised that this bullet was probably one of the ones made my the Yakuza, using Eri's Quirk.

If I was going to let them live before, I'm definately not doing it now.

"Where did you get that bullet" I ask in my deep voice which seemed to have caught them off guard for a bit.

"Like I'm gonna tell you anyt-"

I quickly punched his head in before he could finish that sentence. I wouldn't say that I was 'angry' per se but this did upset me a bit.

Lately I've been noticing that I've been becoming more and more ruthless, which worried me at first, before realising that it doesn't really matter.

I'm not planning on becoming some ruthless killing machine, but even if I did, who could stop me?

That's why I decided to just let whatever happens happen and do whatever makes me happy.

Anyways, enough of that. The stuff that followed the one villain having his head punched in can only be described as a massacre.

They all died in the span of 6 seconds, which wasn't record time but it's whatever.

After dealing with them, I went to sleep, dreaming about nothing in particular.

Heeeeeeeeeeey there. (Rate pls) Sorry for being late (Again) Imma try not to be, but imma be real, I'm satisfied if I can upload once a week (During school time). I'll upload more during summer vacation.

Please point out any mistakes/plotholes and I hope this was a bearable read. I wrote this on 3h of sleep :) Thanks for reading

KeiJucreators' thoughts