
ancient blood mage

Raka was a freshman in his country's most renowned university. After a series of event, he got himself a set of Maya's Virtual Reality Helmet. Caught in the heat of the moment, he tried the game. Unfortunately, he didn't get teleported into the usual beginner town. Instead, he found himself in a mysterious cave full of despair. "Overcome the trial.. Accept my legacy.. Continue the slaughter.. Revenge!" Follow the story of Raka and his struggle to become the best in Maya.

patrick_helland · Video Games
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29 Chs

chapeter two

Raka anxiously opened the box that contained the set. Even though he said all those things like not interested or not worth it, deep down he was really eager to try.

He seemed uninterested outside, but actually, he often searched the news and videos about how amazing the virtual reality experience is. In fact, he already made a promise to himself that in the future he would be playing the game even though he would already be in his 30s.

After unpacking the box, Raka could see the black Helmet and a big black box inside. The helmet served as a sensor and transmitter for the brain. As for the box, it would act as the main processor. The technology still hasn't allowed such taxing job to be done inside a small and wearable helmet.

Raka picked the helmet up, he could see the pitch black helmet with only a word carved in it, 'Maya'. The helmet's outline design was very smooth and stunning. No one could ever think that this helmet was actually full of sensors and electrical circuits.

There was also a manual book regarding how to use the helmet. The process was very simple, users only needed to plug the cable outside the box into any electric source. Then connect the helmet into the box. After putting the helmet while in a lying position, they could connect to 'Maya'.

The manual didn't contain any information about the game itself. Because of that, Raka checked the website while waiting for the opening time. He found out that everything will be explained by the system. That's why they recommended the user to start playing about 15 minutes before the server opened.

Raka looked at his desk clock, it showed 20.43.

"Well, the time seems perfect. Let's try the so called best game in this decade"

Raka put the helmet on and started the system. Then he closed his eyes.

Everything seemed pitch black at first, but suddenly there were rays of light surrounding him, making him felt like he was actually moving through to another dimension. Then, the only thing that he could see was pure white everywhere around him.

Raka looked at his surrounding. He tried to move his limbs. It was a bit sluggish at first, but he adapted real quick. After looking at his own body, he was astonished to find out that everything, every part of his body, seemed very real.

"Damn! This is really awesome. No wonder they said that it guaranteed 99% real life experience."

Then, rays of green light descended to the white room, it slowly manifested into a figure. A figure with two wings stretched on its back. It was a beautiful goddess with a majestic aura, coupled with her elegant and refined disposition. Her eyes were closed, but one could imagine how mesmerizing the eyes would be if it was opened. It was truly the sight of a goddess coming out from paintings.

"Greetings youngster from another world. Welcome to Maya, the world where you can enjoy your second life. My name is Nayana and I am the goddess who rule this world." The goddess wore a green robe that looked very dazzling, but it still got suppressed by the breathtaking sight of the goddess itself.

Raka was dazed because of her appearance. He was used to withstanding other girl's charm. He knew that he got no time for fooling around by having a girlfriend. But, this goddess was different from all the beauty he ever saw. It was otherworldly indeed.

"I will explain a few basic introduction. The world that you will be going to is called Maya. There are only two continents, the great land of Baruna and Mandala. The continents are surrounded by countless small islands".

"There, you may experience thrilling adventure or relaxing life. You may choose to be an adventurer to uncover the secrets of the dungeon, be a king to unify the continent, or just be a commoner to simply enjoy the life. There are infinite possibilities in the way you may choose your path".

"There are 8 primary stats in this world. The first two are HP (Hit Points) and MP (Mana Points). HP will be depleted if you got attacked or poisoned and MP will be depleted if you use skills or special moves. After those two, there are Strength, Endurance, Agility, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom. Strength will affect your physical attack damage, Endurance will affect the amount of HP you have, Agility and Dexterity will determine how fast your movement and attack speed will be, Intelligence and Wisdom will affect your Mana Points, Magical Damage, and your rate of comprehension."

"After those 8 primary stats, there are dozens secondary stats. Some will be useless and some will be extraordinarily powerful. The difficulty of getting them will be determined by how powerful they are. Like I said, Maya has countless possibilities. You may find a powerful skills or stats in a fortuitous encounter" The goddess added.

"Do you have any question, youngster?" Asked the goddess, smiling.

'It seems that this game is pretty much the same like other game, except for the infinite possibilities thing. The program must be very complex'

Raka silently thought to himself. After pondering for a while, he asked.

"Because how real this world is, are there any differences between players? People are different. There are strong people, smart people, and even dumb people. I wonder if they have different advantages or disadvantages?"

The goddess kept her smile and answered.

"There are. Everyone will be having a different value of the primary stats except for the HP and MP. The lowest will be 6 and the highest will be 10. There are also other advantages/disadvantages. Those who were naturally smarts will be able to comprehend skills faster and those who were already a strong martial artist will be able to battle more efficiently because of their techniques."

Martial artists have a certain degree of knowledge about how to strike harder, move quicker, or react faster. Things like this were techniques that have been imprinted on their brain. That's why it made sense to say that they would have a bit of advantage over normal people.

"Okay, I understand. Let's get this started"

"Well before that, you have to register your username first. The name will be your identity in Maya. Make sure to

choose wisely because you wouldn't be able to change it in the future"

"Ragna. It's the nickname I have been using" Raka answered resolutely.

Ragna was Raka's username since he was a little boy. He used that name for every forums or game that needed a username. Over the course of time, he had grown very attached to that name.

"The name haven't been used yet. You will be registered as Ragna from now on." Said the Goddess while still keeping her smile.

The Goddess raised her hand, suddenly, a virtual projection of him appear above her palm.

"Now you may change your character appearances according to your wish. The change can't exceed 5% of your original appearances"

Raka looked at his virtual projection. He wasn't ugly so he didn't want to change anything big. Then he remembered about the character that he liked when he was little. The character was a mage with a brown hair and brown eyes.

He was very impressed by the mage. He remembered a certain scene where the mage battled an entire battalion of an army. Spells cast from him would bring catastrophe to them.

"Make my hair and eyes brown. That would be enough"

The character's hair and eyes in the virtual projection turned brown. Raka could also feel the change in his own hair.

Even though he can't feel his eyes, he was sure that it already turned brown too.

"Congratulations, you have made your character. Now, are you ready for your journey in Maya?"

"I am ready!" said Raka resolutely.

"I hope your journey will be filled with joy and happiness. Good luck" The Goddess waved her hand. Rays of light appeared, engulfing Raka's body. Then, Raka magically vanished, as if he was teleported by using the lights.

In the room, only the Goddess was left. Suddenly, she opened her eyes. Showing her green jade-like eyes. She looked at the place where Raka was, her gaze seemed to contain a bit of concern.

Raka felt his surroundings changed. He could feel the environment of the place. The air was a bit moist and cold. He could feel the wet soil below his feet.

'Wait.. moist and cold? Wet soil?'

Raka felt something was wrong.

Then, he opened his eyes. Seeing the place he got transferred into, his jaw dropped and he couldn't help but curse loudly.

"Are you kidding me? Where the HECK is this place?"

Raka got transferred into a cold and dark cave instead of the warm Beginner Town.