
Chapter 1: Coming from the Stars

A man travels quickly among the stars, he wears a blue robe, and has white hair, with some purple strands at the ends. His hair falls on his shoulders and in his eyes it is possible to see only a light and vivid blue, which emanates strong intention.

Eventually he comes close to a comet, and there are two women. They wear white clothes.

The two women talk, both have beautiful black hair and brown skin, one is sitting while the other is actively watching the surroundings. On their foreheads, there is something like a birthmark, but very well designed. They are two spheres, like planets meeting, and from that meeting there is an explosion that creates different points like lights or maybe something else ...

The man comes close to both. He nods and says.

- Let's start, come Xaemi.

Then he points down with his finger. A circle with several symbols is created in the pointed direction. And in the center, there is a drop of blue blood, even more vivid than your eyes. This drop causes the space itself to distort, a powerful energy emanates from this drop of blood, it causes the comet to disperse, as if it had become the finest dust.

Soon, both women fly alongside the man. The woman who was sitting, stands, she passes the nail of her right index finger on the left, and with the small cut that was made, blood begins to flow. She looks at the blood that begins to float and fall as a drop above her right finger. And then with a quick movement, she points to the circle and the blood joins the other, its strength is almost as strong as that of blue. This blood, however, is golden.

- I, Lucem, thank you for coming here today, Xaemi, Lady of the supernovae. - The man says and puts his arms behind his back.

- It is of the utmost importance that you are born, little one ... Only then can the clock of time turn in favor of our blood ...

Xaemi faces the circle and as both bloods begin to merge.

- Madam, are you sure about that? How can we know if it will work?

- Have faith, Abigail, he will bring glory to our blood. He will be bred as the largest of both supernova and arfozian races. He will be the one who will defend Caenn and get rid of Lornum.

The symbol then begins to expand at a rapid rate, twelve layers, as slices of the same symbol separate from the original, and begin zigzagging in the enormous endless space of the stars.

- The gifts.

Lucem pulls a bright blue sphere, it is possible to see a river and a tree at a glance. Lucem then throws it in the middle of the twelve circles.

- Abigail.

Xaemi calls for Abigail, who brings a small box. Xaemi opens it slowly. A strong golden glow appears. She puts her hand inside the box and from there, she takes out a golden seed.

- Wonderful, Xaemi. A heavenly seed from the third veil.

- We cannot give this child our heavenly treasures yet, as he will have to earn it, until then, we will help him to cultivate faster. - Xaemi

Lucem then looks at Abigail. And again he waves.

Abigail quickly looks at Xaemi, who also waves at her, without delay, she turns and flies away, within the great universe and in the middle of the sea of ​​stars, she eventually disappears.

Xaemi and Lucem look at each other again, they see blurs for a moment and disappear, when they reappear they are each on one side of the twelve circles that move in a zigzag, and then extend their hands and make all the circles stop in a shape circular, like a twelve-hour clock.

With the other hand, they invoke a large amount of cosmic energy, until a 5cm sphere is created. They then invoke even more cosmic energy, until the sphere grows to 5 meters, and so on, until it reaches 500 meters, 5,000 meters, 500 thousand meters ... 5 million, 500 million meters! And then 5 billion! But it still doesn't stop, it grows exponentially until it reaches a total size of 500 billion!

Two huge spheres of cosmic energy, much larger than Antares were created by the hands of two people!

They then close the palm of the hand that controlled the sphere and they quickly compress until they are 5 cm again!

Xaemi takes a few steps and places the sphere above one of the circles, the sixth to be exact.

Lucem does the same, but places it in the twelfth circle.

- It's done. Now let everything happen naturally.

Both then fly, each to one side, the sea of ​​stars that surrounded them is no longer, they were totally swallowed up by the great power of Lucem and Xaemi. In that space, only the twelve circles and spheres remain.

Many years pass and yet they persist. On the 100th year date, a great transformation takes place, two huge masses approach each other, as big as the spheres that Xaemi and Lucem had created, and the epicenter of their meeting would be exactly in the twelve circles! Although they were traveling quickly, the distance to both was still hundreds of billions of kilometers,

Some time would pass before they met.

Months go by until finally both masses meet. But before they touched each other, they were already falling apart due to the powerful gravitational field that each had. But all the destroyed parts were neither disintegrated nor turned to dust, they started to become a small silhouette ...

And that state lasted for 100 years, until a baby's silhouette was finally made. This baby was made entirely of cosmic energy, so it was completely blue and transparent. So far, only 10% of the mass of both superstars has been consumed to create the baby's silhouette. And then with the baby's silhouette completed, the twelve circles begin to rotate.

Twelve powerful vortexes are created, and they keep on turning and turning ...

Again, 100 years pass, and during this time, several stars have been sucked in, and another 10% of both superstars.

Suddenly the vortexes stop, and move until they are all below the baby's silhouette, which has lost blue contrasts and starts to look more and more like a flesh-and-blood baby.

All twelve circles shine brightly and then come together, and again become one. After 300 years apart.

The baby then moves and the circle ascends until it is one with the silhouette, the circle that was large then decreases and becomes very small, the circle then flies to the left side of the baby's chest and merges into the skin until it disappears.

When this happens, the baby cries and his cry makes the space around him tremble!

The two super stars with their huge masses split! The baby then begins to form more quickly, its skin soon turns brown, but there is a blue-gold aura over it.

And the most intense comes right after, the baby opens his eyes!

When he opens his eyes, everything stops! All the space and time around you freezes completely!

However, in their eye sockets, there are no eyes! The opening of your eyelids reveals only darkness.

And it is at this moment that a strong golden glow emanates from both superstars. And from the heart of their masses, two long strands travel quickly, until they stop on top of the baby. The wires then fall in circular shapes, then begin to rotate ... until they form two small golden spheres. That seconds later they fall on the baby's eye sockets, which in turn, blinks.

The baby moves his hands and feet and with his eyes open, you can see beautiful golden irises. He then puts one of his fingers in his mouth and sleeps.

When he sleeps, everything goes back to normal, and the superstars accelerate strongly and with the baby in the epicenter, they meet and explode!

This definitive encounter made the superstars get together and with their core already absorbed, they cannot support their own weight and start to turn into pure energy!

Again a powerful wave sweeps all around and thousands of things are created due to this powerful explosion, planets, stars and even life, in 300 years all of this had been formed and solidified due to the high concentration of cosmic energy.

But then, as if a call were made, these same creations begin to be taken by a vortex. And in the center of this vortex is… a baby!

Another 200 years pass, and again, the space around is empty ... completely without anything.

Except for a completely golden asteroid with some blue lines, like arteries.

This asteroid pulsates strongly, and soon it starts to spin and travel ...

100 years later the asteroid is small, almost the size of the baby, but it still protects it, it finally falls on a planet. In the middle of an Octagonal land.

As the asteroid falls, a sphere comes out, in which it is possible to see a river and a tree, and then a small golden seed, which falls not far from the sphere.

The asteroid finally lands on a steep valley pass, it falls apart and turns bright lights, and when all the lights disappear, the baby appears.

Well, tell me what you think of the story.

Do not comment on the level of English haha

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