
Ancestor: I Have The Ultimate Villain System

Gu Bai The Ancestor of the Gu family who have been proclaimed dead for a million year suddenly broke out from his grave and he also got an Unknown entity claming himself the Ultimate Villain System......

Nebula_The_Great · Eastern
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In a abandoned graveyard, there were a lot of graves there but there, a particular grave stand out a lot.

It was a huge grave, it was a 8 feet in length and was 3 feet width.

The name written on it was Gu Bai. The sole first ancestor of the Gu family. The top family in the immortal realm. Gu Bai was also known as the most vile man known to ever walk in the immortal realm, he was cunning, evil and on top of all, he was very shrewd and evil.

And right now, the grave of Gu Bai was shaking a lot...



It was shaking a lot and then.....



The grave of Gu Bai broke and then a man with a height of 7 feet came out of the grave that just explode... He has long Black hair following 'till his waist and it was untidy and was messy. He was wearing a long black robe with slim-fit pant that is black in coloured.

After he came out, he wipe off the dust that was on his hands and then a devilish grin appeared on his face as he said...

"Finally, after a million year. The great Ancestor of the gu family, the man who shook off the whole immortal realm, the dragon among men, the great me, Gu Bai has come. The world shall know the terror once bought by the world's most handsome man, the overpowered Gu Bai hahahahahahah. I'm such a great exaggerater. I should get an award for this " he said in a loud voice enough to alert the Gu Family that their Ancestor has come back while laughing and praising himself narcissistly.

After announcing his presence. In a few minute, a lot of elderly man came with a middle aged man in the first.

After coming closer to Gu Bai, he cupped his hands and bowed respectfully as he said...

"I welcome the O, Mighty ancestor of the Gu family, i'm the 34th Head of the Gu family and my name is Gu Feng." Gu Feng said with a cupped hands and a respectful bow.

"Hahaha, it seems this time's head of the family is sensible enough otherwise i might've to change the head of the Gu Family like i did to the 11th head Gu Chen" Gu Bai said as he laugh

After Gu Feng introduced himself, the elders also came up with their hands cupped and bowed respectfully while introducing themselves but he didn't paid it much attention because he noticed a floating square thing and a pleasant voice in his head. He didn't try anything because it suddenly came to him and he was powerless to do anything so he try to interrogate that Square floating thing.

[Ding, Congratulation Host On Awakening Th Ultimate Villain System] it said in his pleasant voice

'Who are you!?' Gu Bai said in his thoughts to try if that thing could communicate through thoughts but it could really talk so it surprise him a little but he quickly composed himself.

"Arrange me a room for me" he ordered Gu Feng as he walk with them but he didn't paid any attention to their talk but instead focus on the Square floating thing that introduced himself as the ultimate villain system.

'So what is this thing about?!' He said as he closely analyse the floating thing which called itself system or whatever it's called.

[I'm the Consciousness of the Ultimate Villain System and it's a type of mission giver thing which will reward you every time you successfully killed a Son/daughtrr of Heaven and reincarnators. ] it explained what it is in her pleasant voice....

'And what type of reward this thing will give me? Is it even valuable.?' He doubted if he could even give something that's valuable to him

[Don't underestimate me host, i can directly give you cultivation level of a Immortal Emperor and i can give you a Divine level weapon instantly ] it said in a anger and proudness

'WHAT!' Gu Bai was shocked because the cultivation level of a immortal emperor wasn't something which could be given and a divine level weapon.... it is said to be only 9 such divine weapon....

[Now, you understand my power humph!] It said in a proud tone

[And do you want to know my functions?] It said back to her gentle tone

'And what are these?' He asked, curious as to what type of function this level of being could have.....

[I have a function called system which shows you your current status of you. Next is Shop function where you can buy anything, I mean ANYTHING. I also have a mission function where i'll assign you mission and lastly, i have achievements where for every achievement you achieve, you'll get reward.] It explained it's function in a happy tone

'Hmm, interesting. First i should check my status. "STATUS".' I said it and then a different screen pops up in front of my face showing my status.....


[Name: Gu Bai

Age: 10,000,000 (10 Million)

Cultivation: Immortal God-King

Techinques: @#$%#$%# (unmesureable)

UVP (Ultimate Villain Points): Null

Item: Newby Villain Package! ]

"Hoh!? My status is still great as ever hahaha" i laugh out loudly surprising the elders and the head of the Gu Family.....

I closed off the system and then listen to Feng's Words about the current situation about the immortal world. The current immortal realm is peaceful with no enemies left currently so i didn't ask anymore questions and stayed silent.....

{Half an Hour Later}

[Gu Manor]

we reached the Tian Family Manor and there, all the Servants bowed respectfully to us and i nodded at their behaviour and then feng then gave me a large room and there, i sit upon the bed drinking the spiritual tea the head maid bought for me while talking with the the system....

'You said that i have to kill These son/daughter of heaven but where do i find them?'

[You don't have to do anything, i'll inform you when i sense a son/daughter of heaven if they are near within a million kilometer ] it said assuring me

[And i've already sensed a daughter of heaven and she is from the gu family, specifically thr daughter of the current head]

'Hoh! So the Gu family have a daughter of heaven... i should see her when i have the time....'

'And open the newby villain package....' i command it and she said yes as multiple notification sounded in my head...

[Congratulation on gaining 5000 UVP and A mysterious box] it said in a happy tone like why the hell is she happy??

'Hoh! 5000 UVP? And that mysterious box..... open it for me.....' i command it curious as to what i'll get from thr mysterious box...

[Congratulation on obtaining "The Sword Of Destruction"] it said as she show me a description of the said weapon.

[The sword of Destruction: The sword which is made from the destruction energy when the world was in the process of creation and it's a divine level weapon. It can destroy anything from living thing to concept. Literally ANYTHING ] it said the last part in a loud voice and exited tone.....

'Ohh! A sword! Brings back the memory when i was young, i used to use swords a lot back then' i said in a nostalgic tone....

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