
Chapter 2

Meanwhile in the luscious countryside in a private English manor; Cassie was just returning back from an eventful morning at the recording studio. Since Annie had returned from New York, things have been very hectic for not only Cassie but also with Fifth Avenue Square. Every day Cassie, Nathan, Paul, Calvin and Landon would drive over to Central London and spend practically almost a whole day rehearsing and preparing themselves for the upcoming world stadium tour and the upcoming press tour in the US. Besides that; Garrett had been flown in from New York and replaced Roxie's job as being Fifth Avenue Square's personal assistant. It was no surprise to Cassie that a replacement for Roxie's job as being Fifth Avenue Square's personal assistant was eventually going to happen, but what surprised Cassie and the others the most was why Scott and Lexie let the replacement happen in the first place. Not one person had heard any news from Roxie since she had returned to New York 6 months ago and it left Cassie wondering if things were really ok between both Nathan and Roxie. Not only that, Annie's trip over to New York made things even more suspicious whenever Cassie would ask Annie if she saw Roxie and Annie would just change the conversation or ignore Cassie's question. So Cassie just let her concern about Roxie and Nathan's relationship fade away and focus on her music career.

In the meantime Cassie spent most of her free time over at The Smouldering Hog helping out Nathan's family with either waitressing or being another hostess. To Cassie helping out at The Smouldering Hog was a nice break from all of the stress and anxiety of all the planning for not only the press tour in the US for Fifth Avenue Square's new album but for the band's world stadium tour. Being at the pub somewhat reminded Cassie of the life she had before she had met Nathan and the rest of the boys in the UK. It was mind blowing to Cassie that she was living a new life in a different country. However; Cassie wished that Roxie was there in the UK going through this experience together.

Pretty soon Cassie was in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. At the same time; Garrett had come out of the guest bedroom that was located downstairs near the kitchen.

"Hey; you came back from rehearsals earlier today." Garrett said once he noticed Cassie in the kitchen.

"Yeah; I got a late night shift over at The Smouldering Hog tonight so tour rehearsals were cut in half today. How's it going with all of the planning for the upcoming press tour?" Cassie asked.

"Alright I guess. Honestly, I don't know how Roxie did everything with all of this pressure coming from Scott. That girl must have the patience of a raging bull because I'm seriously having a hard time getting stuff done." Garrett sighed.

"I know, but you'll get the hang of it soon enough. You just got to keep at it. Anyway; I'm going to go shower and probably rest for about a half an hour until I have to head over to the pub. By the way; where is everyone else?"

"Supposedly Paul, Calvin and Landon went out with Annie and Auntie Lizzie to go shopping and Nathan is helping out Tom at The Smouldering Hog until the girls come back." Garrett stated.

"Wow; this is what the third time this week Nathan has gone to help out over at The Smouldering Hog?" Cassie asked.

"I don't blame him. If I was supposedly cheated on by the one person I developed feelings for while that said person lived in my house and tried to prove themselves worthy to be my band's new personal assistant, not to mention the fact that I'm surrounded by basically everything that reminds me of them; I would want to find something to distract me." Garrett pointed out.

"You're not wrong there; then again we don't even know if that is the real reason why things ended between Nathan and Roxie. Any who if you need me; I'll be upstairs." Cassie said as she started to walk out of the kitchen.

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