
An Unexpected Legacy

Oscar made his way through the dense forest, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in his stomach. He had always been drawn to the woods, ever since he was a child, but today felt different. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the day he lost his mother and grandmother to an incurable disease. It was a day that had changed his life forever. As he reached the edge of the forest, he paused to take a deep breath and gather his thoughts. He knew why he was here, to visit the graves of his loved ones, but something was drawing him deeper into the woods. He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more in these woods, something important. As he made his way deeper into the woods, he couldn't help but notice the way the trees seemed to be closing in around him. The light filtering through the leaves was dimmer, and the air felt thick and heavy. He knew he was getting close to something, but what? As he pushed through the underbrush, he saw it. A large tree, unlike any he had ever seen before. The trunk was thick and gnarled, and the leaves were a deep, dark green. It seemed to be calling out to him, and without hesitation, he made his way toward it. As he approached the tree, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. It was as if he had been here before. As he reached out and touched the trunk, he felt a jolt of energy run through his body. He knew he had to explore this tree, and without hesitation, he began to climb. As he climbed higher and higher, he found himself in a hidden library. The room was filled with tomes and scrolls, and the air was thick with the musty smell of age. He knew he had to find out what was hidden in this library, and without hesitation, he began to search. It wasn't long before he found it, a scroll hidden in the back of the room. As he picked it up, he felt a strange energy emanating from it. He knew he had to open it, and without hesitation, he did. As he read the scroll, he discovered that it held the secret of a forbidden ability, the ability of adaptation. He knew that this ability would change his life forever, and without hesitation, he decided to leave the forest and explore the world with his newfound power. ===== This is my attempt at getting better at prompt engineering for fantasy writing. The story is completely crafted using AI, I simply provide the base ideas and make simple tweaks to make the story flow a little smoother. The quality of the story will progress as my skill with prompt engineering along with the technology behind it improves.

Kermitthehog132 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

2. Welcome to Arvandor (Part 2)

As Zephyr and Oscar walked through the streets of the Kingdom of Arvandor, Zephyr turned to Oscar. "You'll have to lay low for a while," he said. "You never went through the front gate, and if a guard doesn't recognize you, they'll take you to the gate for verification. It wouldn't be good."

Oscar nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. Zephyr could see the concern etched on Oscar's face and offered to take him to a place where he could stay for a little while, get used to the environment, and maybe even get on the verification list without having to go through the gate.

"I know a place," Zephyr said. "An inn owned by a friend of mine. She's a half-elf, her name is Eira. I can introduce you to her, and she'll allow you to stay for a while."

Oscar was grateful for the help and followed Zephyr through the winding streets of Arvandor. As they walked, Oscar couldn't help but use his analysis ability on Zephyr, curious about his newfound companion's abilities. To his surprise, he discovered that Zephyr had the ability of invisibility. But Oscar kept the information to himself, not wanting to make Zephyr uncomfortable.

Eventually, they arrived at the inn, and Zephyr introduced Oscar to Eira. She was a kind woman, and she welcomed Oscar with open arms. "You can stay here as long as you need," she said. "I'll show you to your room."

As Eira led Oscar to his room, he reached into his pouch and pulled out a silver coin. "Thank you for your kindness," he said, offering the coin to Eira.

She smiled and shook her head. "No need for that," she said. "Consider it a welcome gift."

Oscar lay in his new bed, finally allowing himself to rest after the long and strenuous journey. He was exhausted from the journey, but he felt relieved to have made it to the Kingdom of Arvandor. He fell asleep quickly, his mind wandering as to what the future would hold.

The next morning, Oscar woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start his new day. He searched through his belongings, making sure nothing was lost or stolen during the night. Satisfied that everything was in order, he went down to the inn's dining room to see what was on the menu for breakfast.

As Oscar sat down at a table, he saw Eira bustling around the small kitchen, cooking and serving food to various customers. She greeted Oscar with a warm smile.

"Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?" Eira asked as she placed a steaming bowl of portage in front of him.

"Good morning. I slept well, thank you," Oscar replied. He took his time to enjoy his breakfast, savoring every bite. He glanced around the room, taking in the sights and sounds of the busy inn. He felt grateful for the warm meal and a roof over his head, especially after the events of the past day.

Eira sat down across from him after catching a break from the incoming crowd, studying him with curious eyes. "So, what brings you to Arvandor, dear?"

Oscar hesitated for a moment, not wanting to reveal too much about himself. He decided to keep his story simple. "I'm here to visit the Academy," he replied truthfully. "My father always spoke highly of it and I wanted to see it for myself and possibly enroll."

Eira's eyes lit up. "The Academy is a wonderful place! It's one of the best schools in all the kingdoms. I was a student at the academy myself," she said, "Although I didn't graduate, I still learned a lot during my time there. The academy has different specializations you can choose from based on your skills and abilities. Magic is something you have to be born with, but the academy can help you develop your abilities."

Oscar listened intently, not having much prior knowledge about the academy. "So, what kind of specializations are there?" he asked.

There's a specialization for just about everything," Eira replied. "There's a track for those with a talent for combat, another for those with an eye for strategy, and even one for those with a gift for diplomacy. it really just depends on what your strengths are."

Oscar thought about it for a moment, considering what his strengths were. He had always been good at analyzing situations and coming up with a plan, but he had never considered using those skills in a more formal setting. "It sounds like an interesting place," he said. "I think I would like to see it for myself."

Eira smiled, "I highly recommend it, the experience will shape you for the rest of your life."

Oscar finished his breakfast, thanked Eira for both the conversation and the food, and dropped a tip onto the table before attempting to head out of the tavern/inn for the first time. However, just as he was about to leave, Eira grabbed his shoulder and told him to follow her.

"Oscar, wait a moment. I have something for you," Eira said.

Oscar turned around and saw the tip was missing from the table. He followed Eira to the back of the tavern where she pulled out a small paper from her pocket.

"Here, this is your new temporary identity until I can get you onto the gate entry registry," Eira said as she handed Oscar the paper. "It has your new name, as well as a few other things that you might not recognize but are important for guards and such."

Oscar looked at the paper, seeing only a name that he didn't recognize and a few unfamiliar symbols. He assumed it was important but couldn't quite understand what it all meant.

"Thanks, Eira. I appreciate it," Oscar said.

"No problem, Oscar. I just want to make sure you're safe while you're here in the Kingdom, it's my job." Eira replied. "Now, be careful out there."

Oscar nodded with a smile as he put the paper into his pocket. "Oh well, thank you still. I'll do my best to Blbe safe out there." He said before turning around and heading towards the exit.

Oscar stepped out into the bustling streets of Arvandor, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city. He felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty as he gazed around, trying to decide where he should go first on his exploration of the kingdom. He had heard so much about the Academy, but with his limited knowledge of magic, he wasn't sure if that was the right place for him to start. He also wondered about the city's many shops and markets, where he could find useful items or perhaps learn more about the people of Arvandor. In the end, Oscar decided to follow his instincts and just start walking, hoping that the city would reveal its secrets to him in time.