


(Somewhere in Konoha)


"Oh hey, didnt expect to see you here!"

"Hey! I guess it's not exactly my kind of thing right? Well, I came because the entry tickets were way cheaper compared to usual. It was basicly a waste not to buy one."

"I know! But that's not why I came though, I came to see 'him'."

"Ooooh, you're talking about that Uchiha right? The one that took the exam alone? Isn't it meant to be a three man team test? That's crazy!"

"Yeah, and rumour says he's not even 10 years old yet. Imagine that, being a chunin before reaching double digits age!"

"Huh, I wish that was me..."

Before they could talk anymore, the two people talking were intrerupted by an announcer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! We are about to start this edition of the final chunin exam test, the knockout tournament!" he said, as the people in the stadium cheered.

"I will now present to you the participants!

Starting off with the genin from this village, Hyuuga Hajime, Koji, Izuna Uchiha, [...]"


(Izuna's POV)


'So, I wonder who I get to fight first... I'm hoping that Hajime guy makes it to me. I want to fight him too.'

As the announcer finished calling out all the names, to which Izuna didn't pay much attention, everyone was sent to the sidelines, where they were to wait for the first round.

After a bit of waiting, a panel on the wall showed the list of match-ups. Only interested in his, Izuna noticed that he was at the end of the bracked, always fighting last in every round. This wasn't exactly a bad thing, since he could watch the other fights before his took place.

The first round, he would fight against a leaf genin named Koji. He didn't have any family name listed, probably because he wasn't from a shinobi clan.

Next he would definitely fight one of the suna guys, since two of them were matched up in the first round, and the winner there fought the winner between Izuna and Koji.

For the next rounds, we will have to wait. There is the possibility that Izuna fights Hajime in the third round though.

As the fights passed one by one and next followed Izuna's, Fugaku entered the waiting room in the sidelines and approached him.

"Izuna, focus up, your fight is next."

"I know, Fugaku-sama. I am ready. I always am."

"Good, then listen up. Do not use 'that' jutsu yet. Keep it as a surprise. If you use too much chakra here, you won't be able to fight the stronger opponents. With that in mind, though, don't underestimate this Koji guy. Use too little of your power and you will take damage instead."

"Yes, sir, I am aware. Thank you."

"Then, good luck."

As Fugaku finished his sentence, Izuna walked to the center of the field, where Koji and the proctor were waiting, ready to begin the battle.

Next chapter