
Chapter 10

===>Meeting with the seelie queen<===

When I got inside the room the seelie queen had already made herself at home. So like a proper host I smiled and sat down at the chair in front of her.

<Nice to meet you your highness, my name is Dante delighted to have your company.>

<Hi, my name is Sarah Hyland the queen of all seelies. I am here to talk about creating an alliance and meeting the second ever ripper ever seen.>

I am not surprised she found out, me having such strength and also being immune to the sun must have given her enough clues for her to figure it out.

<Who else knows it?>

<The shadow hunters, seelies, warlocks, werewolves and vampires all the supernatural world knows.

<How do you feel about me?>

I smirked

<Terrified of the fact that you can rip me apart to pieces and exterminate my whole species. But also hopeful we can make an alliance so nobody will mess or look down at the seelies.>

<But you can't give me nothing in return, I already have everything I want.>

<Yes you have everything now, but what would happen if every Downworlder teamed up and attacked you.>

I suddenly smiled at her and told her.

<Even better, I become stronger by devouring. And I have real immortality, so you all will die, while I become stronger. Leave the seelies and my clan are at war from this moment on.>

I could see her face morph from a mocking smile to a terrified face.

<And if you think that you can just block me from entering your realm, you are mistaken. Magic doesn't work on me. So tomorrow I will attack your home. Kill every living being in it then destroy the whole realm. And when people ask me why I did it. I will only have one thing to say to them. Because the seelie queen acted like an overconfident bitch in front of me. Now. Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. HOUSE>

When I angrily spoke the whole building was trembling from the sheer strength of my words.

<No, please don't, I was mistaken I should've been more respectful. Please don't do that.>

She got on her knees and started begging me to not kill every one of her race. And I was actually going to do it, why? Because she dared to come at MY house and threaten me.

<Why shouldn't I do it? From my perspective I will be exterminating the bugs that are bothering me.>

<please you can do anything you want with me, but don't exterminate my species>

<hmm, oh I found out what I will do with you.>

I sped away to one of my "special" rooms and picked up a dog collar then came back to the room. I threw her the collar.

<wear it. From now on you will become my dog, I was thinking of buying a pitbull but you will have to do. Now start crawling around the room till I am satisfied.>

She looked at the collar like it was her mortal enemy but still weird it and started crawling around the room. After half an hour I was satisfied and let her stand up.

<Now, how do you feel knowing the man who humiliated you will become stronger and stronger while you stay under his shoes. Go and whenever we meet, I want that collar on.>

When she left Raphael came in and informed me that Marcel Gerard came earlier than expected and would like to meet with me.

<Ok, send him here.>

When Marcel came into the room he seemed scared but confident.

<Hello, nice to meet you sir Dante.>

<Hi, nice to meet you too Marcel, I think you know why I called you here.>

<I don't have her.>


I looked at him confused

<You weren't looking for the powerful warlock under me?>

<First of all no, second of all she I sent that powerful, she has the power of a low level high warlock.>

<If you didn't call me for that then why would someone of your standing call for me?>

<As you know I am a ripper, so the vampires under me are more powerful than normal vampires. But now I want New Orleans completely under my control. I am too busy here, so I searched for talented people to recruit so I can make them elders in my clan. You were the top candidate so you were called.>

<What are the benefits of letting you turn me into an elder?>

<You will become so much stronger than other vampires you will have to hold yourself back while doing everyday activities because if you even lightly punch a vampire in the head. he's head would explode, and most importantly immunity to the sun. I am giving you everything a vampire wants, and in return I want loyalty to me and the clan, what do you say.>

He didn't Evan hesitate and accepted. So I drained him of his blood and fed him my blood so he can turn into an elder. Then left everything to Raphael, he can forward my orders to Marcel when he wakes up. When I reached to my room a text came from an unknown number.

<The clave accepts your deal>

Hahahaha, everything is going according to the plan.

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