
THEIR FIRST MEETING PART 3( Alternate Title At The Last)

" My name is Irina Shidou, nice to meet you all," the girl said that with a cheerful smile on her face.

"yea!!!!"All the boys expect zero shouts together.

"wow....this girl is really cute," said a boy with a blush on his face.

"hum...what do you know! she is prettier than any other girl in our class" the boy sited next to him said while adjusting is spectacles.

"No, she should be the most prettier girl in our school." said a boy while giving his glass buddy a slap on is back.

"tch.....she is is prettier than me! now zero-sama will not stare at me!" A quite cute girl grumble to her friend next to her sit.

"hump, watch yourself in the mirror! zero-sama will never look at you." said a girl while shaking her twin-tail.

"but, she is pretty. we got new competition." said the previous girl grumbling to her friend.



"Shidou-san your sit will be next sitting near the window at the last column." the teacher said while pointing the empty seat beside zero.

When Irina tries to follow the teacher's finger her eye catches a boy with black hair and deep black looking at her with a gentle look on his eyes with a slight smile on his lip.

Stare by the the gentle gaze of this mesmerizing boy something within Irina stirred up. She can't pull off her eye from this boy, like a moth attracted by the flame even if knowing that only death is waiting for them.

She too attracts by this boy and stares at him like a fool. Quickly her entire face turns into deep red from neck to her ear, her face turns so red that it looks like a rep tomato.

Some of the girls and boys who are still staring at her felt something is off after seeing her face turn red. They also follow her gaze and they to also turn like her, only boys are better off and their face doesn't turn red.

One by one after realising something is off turn towards zero and mesmerized by the sight. It is their first time seeing him smile with a gentle gaze, for girls it's like seeing haven and for the boys, some of them felt like they open a forbidden door.

It feels like forever until they heard a cough.

"cough...."Zero coughs feeling the feverish gaze of the girls and some feverish gaze of a hand full of boys that shiver down to his spine.

"cough...Shidou-san you can take your sit" the teacher out of her embarrassment cough and said.

"yes, teacher" Irina meekly start to go towards her sit while gazed by jealous girls.

when she reaches to her sit and try to sit down, she heard a mesmerizing voice" Hi, I'm Zero, Zero Gremory. Nice to meet you. You can call me Zero."

When she turns towards the source of the voice, she saw zero reach one of his hand with a bright smile that makes a rainy day turn a bright sunny day.

Once again she becomes dazed and only ane sound come out from her mouth"oops"

Seeing her once again turn into statue everyone follows her gaze and the classroom once again turn into a fish market.

Only sequels come out of everyone mouth.





This the only sound came out of everyone's mouth. They feel like they riding an emotional roller coaster, when they feel like the curve of the roller coaster is finished only to find more curving it becomes.

Today the first time they see Zero's gentle eye, Zero's slight smiling face and zero's bright smile that make every single girl in this class feel like they reach haven.

The awkward moment of sequels only ends when they heard the same cough again"cough..."

Irina and everyone return to their sense of reasoning and slowly turns towards the teacher with a huge blush on their face to only see their teacher looking at the floor and her ears that can only be seen is deep red.

Irina herself after controlling her emotions and reasons want to greet back zero but starts shutters and said"ni....ce to m..eet you! I'm Irina Shidou, you can call me Irina" and reach her hand towards him.

"Oh, Irina-chan then, "Zero said while catching Irina's hand for a handshake.

The teacher seeing them feel somewhat jealous and asked everyone to divert her attention" Shidou-san is new to the school. So anyone is going to show her around the school."

Nearly every single boy's eye lit up with excitement and when they try to volunteer for the job a sound that comes from the last column died their excitement at a visible rate.

Everyone in the room become dumbfounded and thought they hearing things. The cold and cool Zero-sama they admire who has the best grade and number one athlete in the entire school, for a simple glance of him the girls of the different class allows peek from the doors and window.

When someone tries to talk to him even if they are teachers they got a short answer to their question with a cold voice. That very Zero-sama is volunteer asked to show the school to a girl is nor something they can easily accept.

"Is I'm not allowed to?" Zero asked after not getting an answer from the teacher.

"no,no,no Zero-chan can do it," The teacher said with a jealous tone.

Every single girl in the class feel so much jealous towards Irina that the feel like wants to devour her whole, but at the same time, they feel grateful towards her. They feel that because of her they able to see the gentle and bright smile of their zero-sama which make their world bright too.

So they decided to let her stay at the site of Zero-sama so they can see his smile face again. But that does not mean they will allow her to be the only one to be happy so they node to each other with an understanding look and asked the teacher" Teacher we also want to show around the school to Irina-chan."

"But Zero-chan already volunteer for the job. And if all of you go class will be nearly empty." the teacher said while thinking deeply.

"Please teacher we want to become friends with Irina-chan and show her around" the girls once again asked with a pleading tone.

'Bull shit! you are only want to accompany my Zero-sama and don't want him to alone with 'her' hump..' while thinking something very rude the teacher said with a not happy smiley face"Okey, all of you can go! I will talk to your next teacher about it, so she will not punish you."

After all, she understands their thinking and she too also doesn't want her Zero-sama to alone with a girl, if that happens then she will not able to hold her jealousy and do something that she will regret later on.

"Thank you teacher!" the girls all said at the same time.

"Well then, let's begin the 'Home Room'' the teacher said with a big flashing towards Zero and starts the class.



Today will be the day that going to know as the birth of 'The Heavenly Prince' and will be celebrated in the school Secretly by all the girls and some abnormal boys from later on as a tradition.

And there will be born a fan of a certain 'The Heavenly Prince' whose smile can make someone's sad day a pleasant day.

The girls of the Zero's class and female teacher of the school are the VIP member of the fan club and every single female student of this school are it's a loyal member. Even if they change the school they will always be its loyal member. And the material of the club will be passed on from generation to generation.

And from this very day, Irina was referred to as the princess of the 'The Heavenly Prince'.

Alternate Title:- Birth Of 'The Heavenly Prince'

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