
Chapter 62: Meeting

A/N: Hey readers. It's me the author.

Ok now that introductions are out of the way I have an announcement to make.

Have no fear it's not to say I am going to cancel or rewrite this story.

No, I like the way it's going and plan to stick with it until the very end.

At the moment I am just about to address some concerns.

First off, this is not becoming an MCU x DC crossover fic. Though there will be DC elements in this story as you have seen. But they will be explained properly.

Like Starfire. Who I didn't just throw into the story on a whim. I have plans for her than just being Romans third and final love interest.

Secondly, I have decided to start alternating the days I update between this story and my DC Sunspot one. Which I have posted the first few chapters for.

Now this schedule probably isn't going to be exact but here is a rough outline for my update schedule going forward.

Monday: Sunspot fic.

Tuesday: Sunspot fic.

Wednesday: Sunspot fic.

Thursday: MCU fic.

Friday: MCU fic.

Saturday: MCU fic.

Sunday: Likely off day since I don't want to experience burnout.

And that's that.

So without further ado the chapter.


[Forest, Middle of Nowhere]

(3rd Person: POV)

Lightly tapping her left foot on the ground Emma waited patiently for Magneto and his entourage to arrive.

Roberto, Clarice, and James waiting right alongside her.

The latter two trying and utterly failing at disguising how close they now really were to each other.

Since pretty much everyone knew that just a short while ago Warpath and Blink had become a couple.

Though since they hadn't made their relationship public yet, and it didn't affect their performance out in the field, no one had said anything about it.

But once they did Emma knew Roman would tease them about their relationship without restraint.

Since that's just who he was.

Moving on.

Another 20 minutes passed before the other participants of the meeting arrived.

Emma having sensed their minds the moment they did.

Well almost all of them.

As Magneto appeared before her Emma found she couldn't sense his mind.

But that didn't worry her in the slightest. Since Roman had explained the reason this would be the case beforehand.

The helmet Magneto always wore, which shielded his mind from telepathic intrusion.

Though to Emma, now that she knew it, said helmet was not a major obstacle.

Turning her gaze away from Magneto Emma looked over those he had brought with him to the meeting.

There was one she recognized from before, the one called Toad.

An apt name for the man in Emma opinion.

Then there the boy known as Pyro.

Who from what Roman had explained to Emma once attended a school founded by Charles Xavier.

Who in Emma's eyes was an utter fool.

Preaching co-existence and peace and turning the other cheek to those who would use any means to destroy metahumans like them.

If Emma ever met this Charles Xavier in person she was most certainly going to give him a piece of her mind.

Following Pyro Emma glanced at the only female currently present in Magneto's group, a woman called Callisto.

[Insert Image of Callisto Here]

From the files she has reviewed the woman wasn't a powerhouse, but her ability detect those with the X-gene made her valuable nonetheless.

Taking her eyes off Callisto Emma turned her eyes to the final member of Magneto's group.

A man known as Victor Creed, who went by the codename Sabertooth.

[Insert Image of Victor Creed/Sabertooth here]

Out of all those present on Magneto's side Emma rated him the biggest secondary threat.

Especially given that Creed had close to 200 years of life experience. Most of it spent fighting in combat.

Considering he had been a soldier for most of his life.

Though Emma did have several tricks up her sleeve for dealing the long-lived man.


Emma turned her gaze away from Creed and back to Magneto.

"Welcome. So glad you could make it." Emma said to the man. "Though considering you were 20 minutes late to this meeting I started to wonder if you really wanted it to happen in the first place."

"Apologies for our tardiness Ms..."

"Frost. Emma Frost." Emma replied to Magneto.

"Yes. Well then Ms. Frost as I was saying excuse our tardiness. On our way here we picked up some unwanted attention and thus had to deal with it before arriving here." Magneto explained.

"I see." Emma mused. "Well then enough with the pleasantries let us get down to business."

"Quite." Magneto replied. "So, your leader Roman wishes for me and mine to join you?"

"More or less." Emma replied. "Put simply he wishes for you to hand over a detailed account of your groups entire actions. As well as cease and desist with any plans you have set into motion until Roman has had a chance to review them." She spoke. "If you do this then we will arrange full pardons for you and your associates in regards to any criminal matters. We will also supply you with resources from money to weapons."

Listening to the terms of the deal Emma laid out Magneto became stunned.

"Oh why so surprised Erik? It's a good deal and if I was in your position I would take it." Emma spoke.

A sly smile appearing on her face after Magneto became shocked when she used his actual name.

Which not many people still alive knew.

Yet this woman in front of him spoke it as if it was nothing.

"You. Just what are you and your boss playing at?" Magneto asked Emma. Giving her a glare.

Which she completely ignored.

"Nothing. We are simply working to make the world a place where metahumans like us can live without fear, shame, or oppression." Emma explained. "And Roman would like you to be a part of that Magneto. Since unlike your old friend Charles you do not wear rose-colored glasses. You see things for what they are. And that is a quality we like in you. So join us. Or don't. The choice is yours. But be warned should your continued activities create problems for what we are trying to accomplish the next time we meet we might very well be having a different conversation."

"You dare threaten me, girl." Magneto spoke.

"Not a threat. Just a few simple words of advice." Emma replied. A sly smile on her face.

Seeing this Magneto started to feel even more frustrated.

But after a moment he calmed down.

"I have heard your proposal. But I will need time to consider it." Magneto said.

"Of course. Take your time. But now too much." Emma said. "Also Roman wanted me to give you a little warning. Keep a close eye on the one called Mesmero. For if not you might find yourself stabbed in the back." She explained.

"And what does that mean?" Magneto asked.

But Emma didn't answer him.

Instead Clarice opened a portal and her entrie group walked through it. The portal closing behind them immediately after.

Leaving Magneto and his followers alone to ponder all Emma had said to them.


Sitting in her seat aboard the VTOL her group had taken to the meeting, which Domino had been piloting the entire time the meeting with Magneto had taken place, Emma pondered if the old man she had just met would take the deal Roman offered.

To be honest she thinks it can go either way.

But whatever decision Magneto makes it's not a huge loss to her group.

Though she would find it interesting to work with the man known as Magneto.

Moving on.

Emma's group arrived back at the Command Center with no issues.

But when they did all of them were shocked to discover multiple Roman's tearing through alien ships.

Along with an orange-skinned alien girl called Starfire.

Learning all this Emma could only shake her head and accept.

Since she has realized a while ago that being with a man like Roman would lead to hardly ever having just a boring day.

But since Emma didn't like boring in the slightest it was perfect for her.

Yep, just perfect.

Next chapter