
Chapter 29: A Series of Meetings III

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in a shabby-looking bar in Buenos Aires, Argentina James Madrox was seated at a table in the corner.

Waiting for the person he was supposed to meet to arrive.

All under the directions of his new boss, Roman Maxwell.

Who James has to admit is a pretty good one.

Not only did he make good on his promise to give him a sizeable paycheck, but he also made it to so he could walk the streets and not be called a terrorist or noted for his association with the Brotherhood.

Telling James once more he made the right choice joining Roman that day all those months ago when they met.

Especially since he paid much better than his former boss Magneto.

More time passed and soon the person James was scheduled to meet arrived.

It was a woman about his age with tan-skin and an afro-like hairstyle.

An assassin who goes by the codename: Domino.

[Insert Image of Domino here]

But her real name is Neena Thurman.

A woman whose X-gene gave her luck-based manipulation powers.

But even without relying on her powers she was dangerous.

Having read the file Roman had provided him on her James knew that.

Spotting James and recognizing him as the person she was supposed to meet Neena walked over to the table he was sitting at and took the seat opposite of him.

"Hey, Domino right?" James asked.

"Yeah. There isn't another." Neena replied. "So, what's the job?" She asked.

Since that's the reason Domino was meeting with Madrox in the first place.

To discuss hiring her for a job.

"It's a long-term deal. My employer wants to hire you to work for him full time." James explained.

When he did do Neena raised a brow in his direction. "This is some kind of joke right?"

"It's not." James immediately replied. "My boss knows of your skills and abilties and wants them exclusively in his service. Of course he will reward you appropriately should you agree to this offer."

"And what if I say no?" Neena asked.

Pulling out on her pistols and placing it on the table as she did so.

"Then you're free to leave and we will likely never contact you again." James spoke. "Unless we want to hire you for a different job that is."

"Right." Neena replied.

"Listen I don't expect an answer from you right now. Take some time and think it over. Then let's meet back up here in three days for you to give me your final decision. Sound good?"

Neena said nothing and simply nodded.

"Excellent." James said.

He then decided to leave the bar and head back to his hotel.

Since Roman was paying for it he was going to enjoy the he'll out of it.

Yet another reason he's glad he joined Romans' organization.


Three days came and went and James found himself back the shabby-looking bar, seated at the same table in the same corner.

Nursing some Tequila he stopped when he spotted Domino approaching him like she did a few days ago.

Like before she sat down at his table.

But unlike before she had a wary and serious expression on her face.

"Listen carefully. My gun is pointed directly at the little ones between your girls." Domino began whispering. "You move, you even blink in a way I don't like and you can kiss those things goodbye, understand me?"

James gave a nod in response.

"I got it. There's no need to do anything rash." James spoke.

"Good." Domino said. "Now listen and hear me clearly. You can tell Magneto and his Brotherhood I will never join them or work for them. I may be a mercenary but even I had standards."

"Yeah I do. Which is exactly why my boss wants you go come work for him. Which by the way isn't Magneto anymore. I am no longer a member of the Brotherhood. Haven't been for months now." James explained.

"So you say." Neena cutely replied.

Just because she learned James Madrox hadn't been seen with the Brotherhood for month doesn't mean he wasn't a member of the group any longer.

Being an assassin and contract killer as long as she has Domino has seen ploys like this more times than she can count.

A person "leaves" their organization. But really it's a lie. They are still loyal to said organization and simply use their new fake status as a means to and end.

Usually to kill someone.

Domino had seen this many times, and she was not going to fall for it.

"Its the truth. Whether you believe me or not. After getting a much better offer I left the Brotherhood. Which is honestly I think one of the best choices I've ever made." James explained.

"Ok. Let's assume for a minute you are telling me the truth. That you really left the Brotherhood and are now working for someone else. Why should I work for said person, whoever they are?" Neena spoke.

"Well for one the pay is amazing." James began. "Second, if you want the boss will give you a clean slate. He did it for me for the most part. I have no idea how, but I'm not considered a terrorist any longer. Lastly, this guy is seriously working to craft the world into a place for metahumans like us."

"Meta what?" Domino questioned.

"Metahumans. A term the boss invented for people with special powers. From those like that World War II guy Captain America to Mutants like us." James explained.

"So you are like me?" Domino asked.

"Yep. You got it in one beautiful." James replied.

Right after he did so a person touched Domino's left shoudler.

Slightly turning her head she saw it was a man in hat and sunglasses she had spotted upon entering the bar.

"Kinda busy. So back off." Neena said.

Only for the man to ignore her and remove his hat and sunglasses, revealing James Madrox underneath them.

To be precise it was one of James duplicates who had set to watch his back during his meeting with Domino.

Since he wasn't a fool.

Her eyes widening for a moment Domino looked between the James standing beside her and the James sitting in front of her.

"Yeah. I know. Everyone reacts like that the first time." The duplicate spoke.

"But if you're around me longer you get used to it." James replied. "Anyway back to the main point. My boss wants you to work for him. You've had some time to think about it so, what is your answer?"

Domino took a second to think before speaking.

"I'll give it a chance. But the minute some shit happens I don't like I'm out." Domino said.

"Sure." James and his duplicate replied at the same time.

Missing Neena off.

Which is exactly what James was going for.


James Madrox current age: 25 years old.

Domino (Neena Thurman) current age: 25 years old.

A/N: The Domino in this fan fic is the one from the Deadpool films. Just to let you all know.

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