
An npc who just wants to live idling around.

A bacon-loving young student with a simple mindset transmigrates into the world of a high school harem game and just wants to spend his days at the academy in peace without taking part in the events of the game, but it seems that the all-mighty (author) suits him. trouble your life. I am a new author, if there are suggestions to improve the writing, say them, either in English or Spanish. (the cover image is not mine, if the owner wants it I will remove it. English is not my first language, so sorry if the translation is bad if want the history in spanish can be go a wattap, it's the same name)

Andre_Saavedra · Games
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

54. returning to the capital and an unexpected surprise.

Until recently, in case Ren's route was traced, he decided to go on his escape straight home.

then he headed to the park, which worked great because the incompetents only knew that ren was to the east of the dungeon gates, not to the west where the park was.

But he has just informed the clone that is in front of his house selling food, that some men entered his house.

He had 6 clones in total, he cannot create more because he has a linear connection with each clone, and more would be a problematic load for his brain, since he always maintains the connection, he could remove the connection and be contacted only when necessary, but it would be bad if there is new news that ren needs and for a clone to reestablish the connection it would take too long

he also made sure that the 5 clones in the guild have the memories of their originals, and the originals had already had their faces burned off so they would be unrecognizable afterward.

so he just explained to the 3 that the duke had sent his hunting dogs after him, and now they were in his room.

Too bad for them that ren never leaves anything once he leaves a place.

He always erases even the smallest hair that remains and takes his sheets and pillows, you never know if someone wants to break in to steal or something.

That's why he asked Mr. Bálder if he could go with them to his house, after all, they had a house in the slums.

Mr. Balder nodded, which made Ren smile.

after eating, the 4 set off back to the slums.

Mr. Bálder's house was a small brick house with only one room that was a living room, kitchen, dining room, and bedroom at the same time.

Balder, although he didn't want to, thought that maybe Ren would change his mind once he saw how little they had, but seeing Ren, he just looked around quietly while he commented.

"She's homey.

ren seeing the cabin bed, he saw that he would have to get his bed.

on the bottom bed, there were a few books on a shelf next to him, and an action figure all bitten and worn.

he saw that Balder and Kiyoshi were sleeping there.

and on the top bed, there was a shelf next to the bed, there you could see one or another children's story, I knew that Kelly should sleep there.

Ren nodded, this house may be small, but it's homier than his apartment.

he thought that he should remodel his room when he comes back.

Seeing Ren nodding, Kelly thought she accepted the spot and ran and jumped up onto her bed.

- Please Kelly, I already told you that the bed is not for jumping, it could break.

- Just this time father, I had to show sensei where I usually sleep.

Kelly said, but there was a crack.

and the 3 men saw how the little girl fell, bed and all, and destroyed the bottom bed.

Kiyoshi cried as she complained to her sister since her favorite toy was on her shelf.

Ren, on the other hand, looked at the bed a bit and nodded.

"Mr. Balder, I'll be back in a moment, please wait for me.

Kelly ignored her brother as she chased after Ren, she thought maybe she disliked the easily broken bed, after all, she planned to let him sleep with her.

the 2 who stayed thought that maybe ren gave up on them and went elsewhere, they just sighed as they went to put the bed upstairs again, after all, this bed served them for years.

After a while, Kelly came back with a message from Ren.

-sensei said that she would bring some gifts as a new tenant.

The 3 looked at each other confused but still decided to wait for him.

ren, on the other hand, was thinking that she could give them.

he knew that they would not accept money or bring them a modern bed.

Seeing that many things were made by hand, he got an idea and changed his route to carpentry.

When she came back, they saw Ren smiling as she took out wood and carpentry tools.

she offered them the help of making a new bed.

Since none of them knew, Ren decided to teach them.

as the wood in this world is harder than in his old world, normally the awakened ones can cut it, Balder was next to his children indicating them with the ren home manual.

Ren, on the other hand, was cutting the boards, and with a brush, he matched them and a tape measure, medium so that they fit well once they put the rest together.

once I finished with the boards of the 2 beds, he returned to the children's side, and with the chisel, he shaped the sides of the wood, with the drawings that the children liked that they saw on the internet on their phones.

until ren broke down when they wanted him to make a mansion out of a small piece of wood.

after that, they put everything together, but one part didn't fit, that's what Kelly did.

Ren sighed and started to do it again, it was too short, but he had to do it.

once I finish, I take out the mattresses already bought, and paint.

The children began to imagine things and paint them on their mattresses, while Balder just looked and smiled.

When finished, the children were all dirty with paint.

Ren sent Balder and them to go and take a bath in the public baths, while he did some tinkering.

I ask him if he can ask Adela to accompany Kelly, since Adela for some reason liked to bathe with Kelly, Kelly the same, when Ren asked why.

They both just said

-women's things.

after the 3 of them left, ren decided to tidy things up a bit here.

Starting with the bathroom, he donned a mask and gloves.

he began to check the cistern and clean it.

there was a shower, but no channel for the water.

Ren took out a portable shower that was powered by magic stones and put it in its place.

the kitchen too, he checked the burners, but it seems that they are not used very often, or are very hygienic since it was not dirty or deteriorated.

the gas tank here looks like a small machine that needs an F rank stone to work.

Direct Ren put a D rank monster core on him, he has quite a few in his ring.

I also repair the table and changed half-rusted screws that were in some of the things.

once finished, he began to make his bed, smaller at the side of the cabin.

he had also bought putty for the wall, he covered the holes in the ceiling and a few in the walls.

he went to the roof and saw that it was a pitched roof, he had to applaud Balder's parents for their ingenuity.

Looking around, there were a few brick houses, but they were all flat and didn't even make a hole for the water to pass through.

When the 3 came back cooler, he made them curious about what ren could do, they were confident that ren wouldn't do anything wrong.

At first, they didn't notice anything unusual apart from ren's bed.

until it was time to cook, where Balder had a rank F stone that he used to take out when he was not going to use the kitchen, his surprise was to see a rank D stone, his kitchen would have energy for at least 6 months if he uses it well, the stones rank F only give you 15 days.

Ren offered to cook, but Balder refused, he helped repair his old house, this house he had when he was young, and his parents lived here with him.

When he got married, he went to live in the middle zone with his wife, but when he lost everything, he came back here, after all his parents had already died and left him this house.

after dinner, which ren liked very much, they went to brush in the tank and the portable shower that ren had placed, it served as a sink and shower.

Then they all went to sleep.

The next morning when Kelly opened her eyes.

She saw on her home clock that it was 6 o'clock.

His father was already boiling a pot and Ren was off to the side doing planks.

Kelly got up quickly to change into her pajamas in the bathroom, then came back into workout clothes and started training with Ren.

At noon, Ren would go with Kelly to practice her martial arts.

She would then go with Kiyoshi to a random part to teach Kiyoshi all the little Ren remembered about hacking.

Balder had been commissioned to see the flow of the actions of the duke and the white fang guild.

once they came back, ren brought ingredients to eat.

and so with that routine, I spent a month.

In all this time, Kelly was about to go to rank D, Kiyoshi although he could be a fighter, he decided to dedicate himself to computing, now he could hack common systems, such as spying on certain people in their homes and playing pranks on them, between being able to create simple programs.

The 4 went this time to the same restaurant.

"Well you see, things with the dungeons don't calm down, I was only able to enter 15 of the 25, but it's already progress, I received reliable information that once the 25 dungeons are free, a special dungeon will come out.




- won't it be dangerous for everyone, young ren?

"It is more possible that the dungeon is created in new territory, bone...

- I know! It will be in the area of ​​nobles.

"Well said Kiyoshi, it should be there, Duke Holland should enter, to make sure of that, I will go to the capital and return in 3 months.

the 3 agreed, ren couldn't finish everything now, she would have to do it in 3 months.

for that, she invested.

"That's why I have some presents before I go.

Ren brought out books on martial arts, along with breathing techniques, he didn't buy them, he had to create them for Kelly's unique style.

"These skill books will help you train while I'm gone, avoid going out too often at night, things will be hectic here for a while.

To Kiyoshi, I hand over a laptop with internet and lots of weird gadgets along with books.

"For you, Kiyoshi, I don't know much about computers, you'll have to use these books in addition to this laptop.

"It has unlimited internet, you can use it whenever you want, but avoid being tracked, plus one of my spies will come once a week, he's pretty good at computers, he'll guide you for a while.

he gave Balder 100 coins.

"For you Mr. Bálder I don't have much, I can only offer you this money to invest in the stock market before you reject me, consider it a loan, I already opened a bank account under your name, you can put your profits there.

"Use this capital and make it grow, after the fall of the duke, it will be troublesome for your territory, they will need resources.

The 3 of them accepted Ren's gifts, after that, Ren left the place, directing them to go through the back door afterward.

He left one last message for the 4 clones of him before cutting off the connection.

- protect them, and find out everything you can without being discovered, I'll be back in 3 months.

Once he finished his things, he went to the airport.

He took out his student ID and got on the plane.

Once inside, I was watching the news and saw one about how famous a messaging app was becoming in the last 4 months.

He decided to download it out of curiosity, he registered his number.

And he realized that it was a mistake, there were a lot of messages from the other protagonists.

Ren found it annoying to read everything, so he just ignored it, he put on his headphones and went to sleep.

Once you get home, you'll take a well-deserved vacation.

When they got off the plane at the public airport, why didn't they tell Naomi about her coming back?

I arrived around 9 pm, just when the streets were lit up and there was a lot of activity.

Ren while he was walking in a jean, a polo shirt, and a jacket, he saw the couples walking hand in hand.

Ren was thinking of going to a movie, after all, he was early and there was nothing to do in his room besides sleep.

he went to see a comedy movie.

It was interesting.

while he left in hand with his popcorn and a drink, he left in the calmest, until the people around saw Ren who suddenly stopped and the bag of popcorn fell from his hand.

The narrator was also surprised why that happened out of the blue, but looking around Ren, he saw a couple walking together.

they looked noble and beautiful.

the girl was in casual clothes, she was a light-colored sweater.

the narrator and the author himself were too surprised to differentiate the exact color the girl was wearing.

They only saw a light blue looking sweater and darker blue janes on the girl, the boy didn't matter much, he just looked elegant in the author's opinion.

But the narrator who was more detailed recognized him as Brant Lambard.

And the one holding his arm was Saiko Hakuya.

When they saw Ren, Saiko rolled her eyes, Brant couldn't have cared less about this fake noble.

-good night ren, today you came back from-

Saiko closed her mouth.

Ren's gaze was hollow for a moment, but then she became stoic and emotionless.

Ren with just one last thought before he forcibly activates mind flow.

'because ?.

Her brain cleared, and her vacant gaze turned stoic.

I ignore Saiko's greeting and look at Brant.

Brant let go of Saiko's arm and looked at Ren.

I didn't know what was going on with this guy, but if out of nowhere he challenges him, he will respond until he destroys him, after all, he reached D + a few days ago and his father sent him with his fiancee to celebrate, which Brant didn't care about, but ren didn't know it yet.

he didn't know that ren surpassed him by at least 2 ranks, although everyone knew that even if they are at the same rank level, the difference in experience between these 2 is abysmal.

Ren in his head wasn't being guided by any feelings, he was being objective.

Due to the lack of contact between these 2, he realized that they were not a real couple, in addition to Brant's annoyed look when he saw them, he realized that they were engaged.

Naomi must have compromised her daughter for some political issue, after all, the Lambart house was one of the 6 noble houses of the empire, to get more support from the nobles, she compromised her daughter with the Lambart house, as Brant is the only one heir, was somewhat plausible.

But since he wasn't used to noble customs, it was somewhat annoying the subject of compromising someone just for political power.

He was seriously thinking about the consequences of killing Brant here and now.

Ren is a human just like everyone else, but he is a human that he has killed before and will continue to do so to remove obstacles from his life, but this obstacle can be more annoying if he thinks about it.

the downsides of doing so far outweighed any near-zero advantages it might give you.

if he killed him, he took care of a nuisance here, and in the future, Brant was always someone obsessed with Aiko and didn't mind hurting others just to get attention from him.

on the other hand, with a large number of witnesses not counting that Saiko was present and his action would make him look like an uneducated savage and murderer.

Ren was under the headmistress's wing, if he kills Brant here and now, the headmistress will lose the support of the Lambart house and relations may very well become hostile from now on.

also that he may be executed for killing him.

After evaluating the pros and cons, he just sighed.

and he turned his back on both of them, he just had to give up on this and leave without making a scene.

The two watched Ren's back as he calmly walked towards the academy.

The narrator did not know what to think about this, he already had a sweet love story that he planned to make the author tell, but with this everything was shattered.