
Actually Scandaln't

"I'm not a homewrecker, I swear," wheezed Calorie as soon as she had made it to Bolita and Auricularis. She wasn't sure if the two had seen what just went down, but she didn't want to take any chances. It appeared they hadn't, fortunately, for they stared at her puzzled.

"What's going on?" asked Auricularis.

"Your brother's being a damn creep, that's what. Oops." Calorie glanced around to make sure none of the other partying nobles had overheard. "He grabbed my wrist and tried to invite me to his faction…and stuff…"

"You can have him," said Bolita, looking almost a little too pleased at the situation. "Please, feel free. In fact, I insist."

"I'll pass," replied Calorie, her nose wrinkled with disdain. "I don't do desperate."

"I've got to say, what is up with these nobles? That blond dude who was here earlier would just not stop talking. The man is built like a jump rope but he's not even half as interesting," huffed Auricularis, crossing her arms over her chest. Her gaze drifted off, but something appeared to catch her attention and cause her eyes to widen. "Oh shoot, they're coming."

Indeed, gliding their way toward the trio was a duo, a blond one. The pair was led by the lanky noble who Her Royal Highness had just been complaining about, and beside him was none other than Lady Citrine.

Calorie took this as her cue to shrink back into the corner where she came from like the good maid she was, desperately praying that she wouldn't run into Prince Spamlet again.

"Greetings Your Highness," they said in unison, which he followed with a bow and she with a curtsy.

"Greetings Lord Breze and Lady Citrine," replied Auricularis with a cordial smile.

"Your Highness, I believe you and my sister have met before?"

"We have," affirmed the princess. Now that both were before her, Auricularis could see the family resemblance in their pointed chins and sharp noses. Not that she thought their noses looked like beaks of course. Beaks couldn't dream of having a point like that in a million years.

"I hear you'll be attending The Academy with us this year," jumped in Lady Citrine. "We are excited to have you."

"Oh well, uh, thank you. I'm excited to be going?" Auricularis was not excited in the least to be going back to school, in fact the very idea made her want to turn into a leaf and drift away in the wind, but she was pretty sure those were thoughts she was supposed to keep to herself in this sort of setting.

"If there is anything at The Academy bothering you, please let us know immediately. Rest assured we'll see to it right away," said Lord Breze.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Apparently that was enough to satisfy the blondes, for after making another show of respect, they glided away just as soon as they had come.

"Can't say I felt like I was part of that conversation," remarked Bolita. "Though I suppose Lady Citrine wasn't that fond of me the last time we met, which was I guess, at the tea party. I don't know why that is though. The old Lady Bolita must have been pretty rude to her or something."

"Yeah, that wasn't cool of them at all," agreed Auricularis, casting a displeased glance at the backs of the pair. "Wait, are you also going to be at The Academy?"

"I think so, though to be honest I have no idea. The duke tells me nothing, in fact I didn't even hear about this engagement until just before it happened."

"Ah, I see. If you're not then I'm going to figure out a way I can bring you along. Calorie will definitely be coming with me. There's no way I'm going there by myself, no siree. I'd die."

"Aww, thanks. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in years."

"Don't mention it," replied Auricularis gruffly, clapping Bolita on the back as if the princess were a coach and the lady was a member of her team who just made an outstanding play.

The close interaction wasn't lost on the nobles who had been watching the two from the corners of their eyes as they swirled around the ball dancing and making conversation. It was common knowledge to everyone but the recently reincarnated nobles, but the Schmanceys and the Rhoy 'Al-Ti's were the two parties boasting the most power in the kingdom, and they weren't exactly besties for life.

"Do you think the daughters are forming an alliance?"

"Could it be that their fathers put them up to this?"

"But aren't the prince and the lady already getting married? There is no reason for the princess to also go out of her way to become close to the lady, is there?"

"Well the prince and princess aren't close either. Perhaps she's trying to gain an advantage by currying favor with his fiance."

"That would explain the princess's behavior, but what about Lady Bolita? She was always the vicious one…"

By now the sky had shifted to a cool indigo and was darkening by the minute. It was nature's way of telling the aristocratic attendees to wrap up their business and start heading home soon unless they wanted to risk trusting in the faint moonlight alone to guide them home.

"I should go," said Lady Bolita, reluctant to part ways with her sole companions.

"I'll see if I can plan a visit to your manor soon. Or invite you over to the palace. We've definitely got to meet up at least once before school starts. Draft a game plan and all that, you catch my drift?"

"Yes, yes of course. I think the duke would also like that."

"That duke sounds like a pain to deal with. Makes me kinda glad the king doesn't seem to care what I do.

Bolita felt a chill run down her spine, and looked behind her to see the duke casting his frosty gaze upon her. Clearly, while she was more than welcome to mingle with the elite, she was to do it during hours that wouldn't affect the duke's sleeping schedule.

"Ah, I'll just be on my way now."

"See ya, bro. Take care!"

The lady floated through the thinning crowd of aristocrats like a jellyfish floating through water, and soon disappeared past the ballroom's doors and out of the princess's sight. A number of other nobles said parting words toward the princess, and before she knew it, the room was empty. It was just her, her "family," and the household staff.

Whistling like a certain cartoon rodent on a steamboat, Auricularis began inching her way out of the ballroom. However, as fate would have it, it seemed tonight was the night the king decided to show interest in her activities.

"My lovely daughter," he boomed from his throne of gold, "how fare you this fine evening?"

"Faring fine, I think?"

"I hear from your elder brother you've been training with the knights recently. Why might that be o' dearest daughter of mine? Surely you are aware your time at The Academy begins in two months and you must begin making preparations?"

"Oh, um, yea."

Spamlet, who had been brooding in his corner, perked up at Auricularis' show of ineptitude and didn't even try to hide a condescending smirk. Auricularis knew she was not on the same level as a loser eating someone else's pie in a corner, so she paid him no mind.

"That is all," said King Snee, rising from his throne. "Servants, I want this place to look like it was never used by tomorrow or else I'll be halving your pay." He rubbed his temples and strode toward the exit, followed by Concubine Eustachia who trailed behind him like the smoke of a fire. Spamlet emerged from his recluse and left as well, but not before shooting Auricularis one last look of contempt.

Then, it was just the princess and the servants. Auricularis made a beeline for Calorie.

"You're coming with me to The Academy right?"

"Out of everyone you could ask, you ask the person who's been reincarnated as a maid?"

"You've got me there. I can bring you with me to The Academy, right?"

"I'll say this again but slower. Out of everyone you could ask, you ask the person who's been reincarnated as a maid?"

"Oh. True." Auricularis looked toward the doors, but the rest of the royals were long gone. "I'll ask them the next time I see them. We have to have a meal some time sooner or later, right?"

Calorie shrugged. "I best get to mopping. As much as I'd love to, I don't have it in me to let the other maids do my share of work."

"Ahh, yes." Auricularis took note of the mop in Calorie's hand and the weary look of resignation she wore. "I'll see you around then."

And with that, the ballroom was reduced to a population of sad, scrubbing servants.

Sorry for the week with no updates LOL My co-author and I have gotten a little busy, but hopefully the lack of updates won't happen again :D Do be sure to drop some powerstones for moral support (boy do we need it hhhhh)!!

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