3 "My daughter is untalkative"

From I was very young, I never liked to talk. My parents were worried; my brother started to talk at 18 months old, but I said my first word when I was five.

I wasn't alone. Hoon was untalkative too; a reason why we got along so fine.

You would ask:

"If you don't talk, what do you do?"

I use my eyes. I glare, glance, stare, you name it.

It's not like I'm shy; I'm definitely not.

But what's the point of talking when no one listens to you?


Yuri woke up to the sound of rain.

She did her normal routine.

Making her bed, putting on the school uniform, brushing her teeth, and sneaking away from her brother's room.

Today, unfortunately, wasn't successful. Chul seemed to wake up earlier, probably also from the sound of the rain outside.

"Hey, sis!" He chuckled and started to pat Yuri's head.

"I'm going to school." Yuri gave one of her famous glares towards Chul.

"No, you aren't! What's so good about any of these grades anyways."

Yuri sighed and gave Chul a hard stare.

"I'm going to do it, Oppa."

"No, you aren't!"

"Mo-!" Yuri took the chance of Chul getting shocked for a second and ran away from his grip. She slammed the door open and stood outside.

This is when she realized she forgot to take an umbrella.

She tilted her head towards the sky and glanced at the clear drops of rain falling on her.

Yuri took a quick glance at her watch and ran.

She had perfect attendance and a little bit of rain couldn't do anything.


Yuri arrived at school just in time.

There were only five minutes until class starts, so she walked at a steady pace towards her classroom.

"What happened to you? Did you bring an umbrella?"

Joon stood up from his chair and looked concerned.

"I forgot to bring an umbrella outside."

"Here." Joon took off his sweater and pushed it towards Yuri. "Take it. You might catch a cold."

"It's fine. A little bit of rain can't do anything." Yuri sat down in her chair.
