
chapter 4 To make some money

September 3, 1934 Berlin

Martin opens the door. "Professor Hans Cloos, the sought-after geology expert, mein Fuhrer"

"Thank you Martin, please Professor, come in, have a seat. Some light refreshments, perhaps?" I ask the last expert who has come for marching orders. As he takes his seat and places his order, I quickly revise my speech and subterfuge to guide the teacher to the treasures of the earth.

When Martin and Johanna leave the office, I begin. "Professor, thank you for coming to Berlin, I hope you had a pleasant trip."

"Quite nice sir."

"Well, the topic of this meeting is top secret. When people ask about what we talked about, you will tell them that I gave you orders to establish several geology teams to find the mineral wealth of Germany. Reveal any of the true purposes of this meeting will be considered treason and will have terrible consequences, understand?

"Yes sir"

"Now, even so, he will organize the teams, let's say around 500 men, and have them map the geology of Germany and each and every mineral deposit. It's just that through sources, which do not concern him, Germany has obtained information which will give you a generally high success rate. For example, if you were to drill 500 to 900 meters around the town of Emlichheim, near the Dutch border, you should not be surprised to find oil."

"Oil, sir"

"Yes, although as I understand it, the oil there will be particularly viscous, so extraction might be difficult, but we might get better results if we pump in hot steam."

"Steam, yes, that would increase the pressure in the well and the heat would excite the oil making it more fluid. Where did you get that idea, mein Fuhrer?"

"Watching some cleaning ladies working on a particularly problematic stain on the carpet. However, for political reasons, it would be better if the idea did not come from me, so I order you to take credit for the idea."

"I couldn't do such a thing, take credit for your ideas, sir, please reconsider."

"You can and you will, this is an order I give for the good of Germany. Your personal feelings in this matter are irrelevant, you will obey the order."

"Yes sir."

New York Times, April 23, 1935

The largest initial public offering ever on the New York Stock Exchange, Atlantic Mineral Group shares are offered for nearly $2 billion.

From our Stock Market reporter K. Altman

Today the DOW received a much-needed boost as Atlantic Mineral Group (AMG) made an impressive debut. Coming out of the gate at a rate of $1,521 per share, AMG is the newest entrant into the precious metals and diamonds market. Founded just 6 months ago to incorporate no less than 2 silver, 7 gold and 2 diamond mines with proven reserves worth over $16 billion, it has become the largest mining company in the world.

The IPO has been underwritten by no less a financial agency than JP Morgan with assistance for European interests from Banque Swiss. Rumors of the pending IPO had been swirling around the stock market since Christmas last year. Considered by many to be the only bright light in these dark days, the prospectus promises to be a steady diet of dividends for decades to come. A promise that many see as good as gold, as gold and other precious metals stand firm as the only safe harbor in these difficult times.

Today's bell was rung by Governor Kirman Sr. (D-Nev), who was recently elected in a landslide to the mansion in Carson City. As governor of the state that is home to three of the gold mines and a member of AMG's board of directors, he had this to say. "It is a real pleasure to point out to everyone that an investment in AMG, and Nevada in particular, is a gamble that will surely pay off. As an investor and governor, I look forward to a long-lasting and profitable relationship with AMG. A relationship that will provide dividends and jobs to thousands of citizens in Nevada and throughout this great nation.

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