

A/N: Hello Dear Readers! An Ethereal Adventure is a fantasy/adventure with magical creatures from medieval times, with a mix of modern times and more... It is also my first written story, so if you like a chapter, I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave a like and comment.


I quickly grabbed my skateboard right beside the couch, revealing the dark faded colour of red and multiple scrapes which was probably from learning roughly every day. "Auntie, I'm going out for a bit! Be right back before dinner, promise!"

With a pair of black baggy pants, long black and white striped sleeves under my faded black shirt that had a printed graphic design on it, and a white converse which was nearly damaged judging from the busted heels, I ran promptly to the front door.

"Where are you running off to now you little-" Just before she could finish pestering me, I annoyingly exclaimed "No time to explain! Bye!!"

Slamming the front door, I could evidently heed my Auntie's voice cursing me out like she constantly does every day. If there was a law declaring anyone is prohibited to curse, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the first one to be seized.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't deny that she's unbelievably gorgeous with her long blonde hair, emerald green eyes, wrinkles which didn't even seem disturbing but exceptionally attractive. She wouldn't even bother to make effort on deciding on what to wear, cause' of the fact that she looks stunning in anything.

Frankly, she occasionally reminds me of someone so close to me back then. But that past doesn't bother me in any way, knowing that person would be irritated by it.

I began getting on my board and began trotting with my left leg pushing back to scamper my board. Gripping tightly the ring on my hand inside my pockets, I rode rapidly to be at the pawnshop before 5 pm when it closes.

Unfortunately, I stumbled upon a rock and fell completely to the ground which wasted some of my time. The ring likewise rolled out my pocket and caught my eye. "I should probably wear this ring before it gets mislaid somehow." My middle finger was much smaller, so that's where I wore the ring.

Struggling to get up, my left arm ached. Don't worry this isn't new to me, I've been in the worst scenarios. I was just lucky it wasn't my right arm, cause' I am NOT a lefty.

Once again, I rode my skateboard but let's consider to be faster now.

Right then, I noticed something unusual.

Then I glanced at my watch, it stopped, like literally stopped. It was like time stopped but I was still moving, weirder wasn't just that, but there weren't people around it was so quiet I could listen to to the cool air blowing through the wind.

Little did I know, it started pouring real bad. That's yet strange too, one time it was sunny and bright, less than a second it began pouring badly. Hearing the raindrops falling to both the lakes beside me, I felt unexpectedly sentimental.

Further, the surface began shaking so I chose to stop for a while then being stuck under a tree dying an awful death.

As I tried stopping the board, my legs couldn't move, the worst part was every part of my body couldn't move. Before I knew it, vast bodies of water emerged from the lake on both sides bringing me to quiver even though I couldn't move.

It grew wider and it moulded similarly to a wave but met each other. While I was stuck in the middle my board still pushing rapidly. I was scared real scared... Is this the end? Am I really going to die like this? But I don't want to perish like this! I thought to myself.

But then, an even worst incident occurred. WATERFALL!! My eyes widened, how could there be a WATERFALL in the middle of the road?! I attempted moving again, it wouldn't work.

As I got closer, I could hear the sound of the Waterfall falling hardly, as I imagined how my body would break to pieces after I would fall. Furthermore, I got ready as I fell down the waterfall, screaming inside of my soul while my tears dripped down from my face.


To be continued...