16 Closer?

As Eden continued to jump I thought about what we were talking about before. "Sooooooo you said you guys did this in the Shikigami Forest right? What is the Shikigami Forest?." Eden continued jumping but did answer. "If I were going to explain it I would need Etta, sorry, but you're going to have to wait till we get bloodwolf and are back home." After that Elly wasn't sure what to say so she just stayed quiet till Eden spoke up again. "Why aren't you scared of us?" Elly was confused by the question.

"Why would I be? I have no reason to?" Eden slightly chuckled. "Just because we are contracted to you doesn't mean that your safe from us, especially since bloodwolf doesn't like you." Surprisingly this didn't phase Elly, in fact after she said that Elly hugged Eden slightly tighter. "I'm not worried at all." She then smiles. "Mostly because I know you guys can't kill me because you'll be killing yourselves." Eden was not expecting that reaction from Elly, it honestly almost scared her a little. "G-good to know you were listening to Israel." Elly let out a light chuckle and they continued on their way to find Bloodwolf.

"Hey Eden look at those branches over there!" Elly says while pointing down to a set of trees with what seemed to be tree branches that are scattered everywhere in the area. Eden takes them both down through to check it out. Once they get to the ground Eden puts Elly down. Elly looks at Eden with concern while moving to her side. "Do you think Bloodwolf shifted here?" Eden looks straight. "Looks like it." Elly also looks and she sees the path of broken branches continue. "Come on Elly we have to be getting close." Eden says while starting to follow the broken path Bloodwolf has made for them. "Coming!" Elly yells toward Eden while try to catch up to her.
