1 Prologue:

Zoë. An E-sport lover, is on the stage of Onmyoji Arena Pro League: 2029, playing as an ADC of the team 'Typhoon'. The opponent team is 'Y1'.0', which is the second biggest team in the world after 'Typhoon'.

"In-chan, gank Pang." She ordered to the jungle of their team.

"Okay!" He replied, following the orders of their ADC.

There's only 10 sec. left and the captain of their team is going to live again. There's a little chance for Typhoons to win. Y1'.0 are doing their best to destroy the base of Typhoons. Would the able to win? Let's see.

"Finally captain is alive now! Let's attack on their base." Kim Jaehan, which is known as Jay, is the bot of the team exclaimed as their captain is able to play now.

"Jay, you keep an eye on our base. In-chan, help Jay to save our base. Seha, assist them. And Zoë, follow me to their base." Now the captain was back, everyone was happy. They followed his command. But something happened. 

"Captain! I'm dead." Seha, the support of the team exclaimed in sorrow.

"What? Can't you play more seriously." Zoë scolded her. 

"I did, but ... ." She was gonna say further but the captain stopped her in the midway. 

The match between these two teams was so fierce as these both teams are the most powerful teams in the world. Team Typhoon id a South Korean team consisting of five members, while Y1'.0 is a Chinese team and also having five members. Both teams are no.1 in their countries. And both are the enemies from ages.

Last year, in the finals of Onmyoji Arena Pro League: 2028. Typhoons were defeated by Y1'.0. Park Seungho, the former captain of the team Typhoon had an hand relapse during the finals and this led Y1'.0 to victory. After that, their captain made a decision to left the company. By hearing his words, the support of their team named Jungwon also decided to retire from the esports field, and started a new career as a culinary teacher at overseas. 

By these, it caused a black spot on their reputation. It was a hard time for Typhoons. The director of boards decided to find new players. Lee Han Suk, the mid of the team Typhoon was promoted as a captain. However, Seungho disappeared since the day they lost the finals. People gossiped and spreaded rumours regarding to their captain's disappearance. Many of them concluded that he was dead. No one knows where he is or he is alive or dead.

This made an great impact on Jungwon and he left after bidding the farewell with his teammates and fans. On the stage, he announced that he will find his captain and he believed that he is alive. Some of the people supported his decision while some made his fun.

Then the director Gang ordered to the manager of Typhoon, Cooper Kim. Thr coach of Typhoon, named Toyoshi Kazihime, also known as Kango, suggested two of his students to join the team, but the director didn't saw the potential in them, so he refused.

