
An Awakener's Production Skill

It's just like any other novels you've read

Crydsth · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Cloudy skies, but nice weather.

Kids play at the park.

People walking the crossroads.

A man watching something in his phone with his friends. He was watching an old man with long gray long hair and beard saying something

"10am tomorrow, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8 will happen globally."

Would you believe if someone were to say that?

The people who have seen the video didn't thought much about it but... 24 hours later


The weather was great. The people were just doing their daily work... not until


It is faint but it can be felt

"Can you feel that?"


"C-Could this be-

People who were just walking stopped as they feel the tremors are getting stronger

Then suddenly the ground shake strongly to the point where the people who are standing fell.

It really is an earthquake magnitude 8.

It only lasted 29 seconds but– it was a disaster

It caused–

Buildings collapsed

Roads cracked

Electrical posts fell

Trees uprooted


A really heavy traffic

and lastly

A huge uproar

There were 20 million deaths, 33 million injured and 4 million in coma

More importantly it didn't only happened in one place. It happened globally.





Philippines and many more

The people online knows to whom they heard of what would the happen that day.

—The same day

A video was posted again

It was that old man with a gray long hair and beard.

He said

"A large part of the Amazon would be burned by scorching flames."

The Amazon was closed and security is tight but still it happened the day after

The videos broke the internet of having the 1st and 2nd in trending

His videos only lasted barely 20 seconds yet...

His first video got a 4 million views in the first day, then got 97 million views the second day

His second video got a 56 million views the day it got posted then 191 million views the next day.

His channels name was Quaswexexort and that didn't make sense

His subscriber went from 30k to 12million, moreover, he only has two videos in his channel

The police, secret agencies, and even hackers teamed up to locate this old man

Then they came up with a name to call him

"The Foreseer."

Four days after the Amazon got burned–

A video was posted again

"A president of a country will die tomorrow because of plane crash."

Because of the video presidents of every country got scared and even some of them retired

In the video he didn't say the specific name of country, and that made every country to stop their flights in every airports as possible.

But then it still happened, in the country of India.

The building he was in was hit by a private plane from a country of Ethiopia because of gas leakage.

It was less disaster than the first and second but the video got 367 million views in just the second day

Days went by but still they can't locate this mysterious old man.

Then someone suddenly saw the old man walking the streets and the police captured him.

He was in China.

Because he was captured,

the World Global Institute (WGI) was made.

It was an organization made up of every country presidents.

They had their first meeting two days after "The Foreseer" was captured to decide what to do to him.

And they had only one decision.


They plan to execute him in order not to make anymore prediction of disasters that would later befall humanity.

And then as if the whole world agreed to it

They made an execution platform underground in India. The Indian president was the one who recommended executing him there.

Why? Because he was the son of the Indian president who died because of plane crash

They made the execution a livestream but before that, they make sure to tell the whole world about the execution.

The method was simple, it was an electrocution.

The machine was really big and the chair has sharp spikes. Capable of 1,800 volts

–Execution Day

Livestream went 4 billion views

lots of comments saying to start now.


They forced him to sat on it but the old man was obedient at if not caring about himself.

They also made a spiky helmet

The spikes were at least 22mm but as if there's no spike for him

He was calm

Then the president of India initiated the machine himself

All of the president were also there

"Finally, I can sleep well tonight."

"Me too. I've been having nightmares lately."

"Problem solved."

They're relaxed at the moment because someone that troubled them will finally disappear.

"Shall we start?" -Indian president said

"Of course. Our audience is waiting."

"Ladies and gentlemen. The time you await will now start."

The host said with a microphone in his hand

Then the people who watch the livestream somehow got excited. Of course, it's all over the world.

Sitting. Calm face. This was the expression of the old man.

"We don't know his name. We don't know his origin, But we call him.... The Foreseer!! Witness this memorable day. As one of our problems would completely disappear!"

The viewers cheered

"Now we will start with... 5 volts!" the host said enthusiastically

Then the Indian president pressed something red then turned the lever up. He did that willingly but...

It appears to not affect the old man

"Now 10 volts."

The lever was pushed up

The old man twitched but that's it.

"Ohh.. it appears to not affect him that much. Now... 20 volts!!" host said

Then the chair was shaking. It appears to affect him now.

"Ooh!." Indian president

"Hahaha this is exhilarating!." someone at the platform

"Watch-watch how he suffers! Now 30 volts!!."

The lever was pushed up again

The old man was shaking hardly now

The camera was meters away from him so they can't see his expression

Also the operating machine was inside a transparent glass which is somehow sturdy

They were laughing at him

"Now 50 volts hahahaha!!!." the host crazily said as if some psycho

The old man knew he was going to die so he said his last words.

"Give minutes from now, the world will change drastically."

Then all of the audience got quiet suddenly even the viewers from the livestream and then the one's in the platform

Then he died. But he was shining, everyone thought it was a hallucination but it wasn't.

Shining. To the point where as if they were looking at the sun

The old man disappeared in the chair

It made everyone in shivers