
Mommy's Kid

After interrogating Aariv on the Shadow Monarch, Shadow had one last question.

{How does this tie into my reincarnation and where do I come into play?}

[Well, it's very simple Shadow, why you're the supposed heir, why the Monarch sent you here, why you're bloodline is seemingly directly related to her, and why you're so important.]

{Well don't keep me waiting, what's the big reveal?}

[You are, the Shadow Monarch's child]

{Yea, that makes sense}

[To be specific, you took over the body of the Monarch's child as you transmigrated over into this reality. This makes you her child and the heir to her power]

Shadow wasn't shocked, he expected this. The question, however, was why the Forest of Misfortune. Why was he sent here? Did the Monarch have some sort of tie to this forest? Was this forest so dangerous that the Monarch figured it would be the only haven from the humans? Was she not thinking about whether or I would even be strong enough to survive in this place? I'm a hatchling, surely whatever dangers lurk within the shadows of this godforsaken place couldn't be handled by me.

Shadow was getting a headache, his supposed mother either overestimated him or was too strong to see how dangerous this forest would be to a newborn dragon.

It was either that or it was a message. Survive this hellscape and enact revenge upon the people that wronged us. It's not like my death caused the demise of the insanely strong Shadow-Lord of sorts, therefore, when I had reincarnated, I could've had an all-powerful mother to teach me how to be a dragon! That was quite literally an easy life that I missed out on due to jealous and greedy humans!

He wasn't before, but the more Shadow thought about it, the more annoyed he got at the thought of having to claw his way to the top of the food chain because a few humans couldn't mind their own business.



{What's an efficient method of training to get as strong as I can, as fast as I can}

[Well, you could take the path almost everyone takes, and you would be as strong as your mother within a few thousand years]

{That's not fast enough, I don't have that kind of patience}

[Or we could devise a different formula, one quicker and more efficient. This comes up with higher risks]

{To live is to take risks, to survive is to play it safe. I'm not here to survive but to live my life to the fullest.}

[Understood, should I begin right away?]

{Of course, not like I have anything else in life to do}

Shadow noticed he was starting to find this world a lot more calming and less stress-inducing than his previous world, allowing him to open up and not be as boxed in to avoid conflict and drama.

It's like he was meant to be born here and not there.

While Aariv was analyzing a methodical way of bringing out whatever draconic talent that lies dormant within himself, Shadow, not one for sitting still, decided to work on the powers he currently has and knew how to operate.

He attempted to train his mind, elemental manipulation skill, and the length with which he could spew fire, by breathing and pushing his will onto the fire while simultaneously changing the shape.

It took him a few minutes to get his will to stick, but once it did, the most challenging part was upon him in an instant, he couldn't mold the fire outside of changing the direction it blew or sending it in different directions. He seemed to be a lousy dragon.


I am Aariv, a name given to me by my son, Shadow. As of now, I am currently watching what seems to be the most talented dragon I have ever seen nor heard of.

How is he the most talented dragon ever? As I converse with myself, he is attempting | Mana Influence | as a hatchling. Never has this been done before, or at least that I know of. It hasn't been recorded or left it any ancient documents.

I originally sent him to the Forest of Misfortune since not a single human has ever entered and left alive. The intricacies of this place, I am still unaware of, however no humanoid creatures have ever reported problems while traveling through and even said it was quite peaceful and empty. However, attacking any wildlife will bring a serious curse to you and your kin. The validity of these words is still unknown to me, but I was desperate and didn't know who else I could trust with my baby, choosing to guide him as a second conscious rather than be separated from him.

I even instructed him to think of mana as his will because that seemed to be the best way to help him grasp mana as a being born and raised outside of this reality and in the absence of anything related to mana.

What I did not expect was for him to immediately comprehend the properties of mana despite not being directly told about it, learn how to breathe mana infused fire, unconsciously master a passive domain in less than a week's time.

Now he's currently undertaking a technique only the most talented dragons attempt at a few thousand years old. Even I was 965 when I started learning and spent the next 60 years mastering.

Words cannot describe how monstrous this boy is, but at the same time, I feel a very foreign feeling creeping on my heart. Such a sight would bring a smile to my face should I still have a physical body, odd.

This is going to be an interesting ride, watching my son grow into a fully fledged dragon and enact judgement upon those got in the way of our happy life.

My son is my world and no one shall ever touch him and anyone who gathers the thought that otherwise could ever happen, shall be met with wrath of the strongest dragon to ever walk this planet.

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