
An Assassin's Mistake

Elion Tyrnea is a normal adventurer, working jobs she is hired for whether that be protecting merchants or slaying monsters, she does it. One day, as she stops in the Kingdom of the High Elves, she is requested by the queen to assassinate the royal family of the Human Kingdom. She accepts the job and poses as a royal knight, but doesn't expect to fall for the princess as she begins to kill off her family. What does this mean for the adventurer? What will become of the princess? Find out in "The Assassin's Mistake"

achent3 · Fantasy
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2 Chs


  "I'll be damned if I do another giant slaying job with a bronze adventurer again." Elion walked into the bar and sat down at the bar, tapping the counter. "Can I get a dark ale? The best you've got." The bartender nodded and poured the drink, passing a tankard to her. She chugged half of it down when a man carrying a scroll walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. "Are you Miss Elion Tyrnea?"


  Ela turned and nodded, looking at the man suspiciously. He handed her the parchment and quickly left out if the bar. She stared at the scroll and opened it, skimming over the page only for her to read it again in shock, seeing it was a request from the Queen of the High Elves herself. She dropped a few coins on the counter and put on her hood and mask, then equipped her bow and rushed to the palace. She stopped at the front gate and showed the guard the parchment and was brought in by two other guards to the throne room, where the queen sat. Ela kneeled down and bowed her head.

  "You have summoned me, Queen Falia?" The queen nodded. "I have brought you here to ask of you to take an assignment from me." Ela raised her head and looked to the queen. "And what do you request from me, my queen?" The queen stared as she spoke in a flat voice. "I request you to assassinate the Human Royal Family."

  Ela stared at the queen in shock, unable to speak after hearing such a thing. "I ask you this because they have been corrupted. They starve their people, they drain money from their subjects through taxation, and I have gotten word from my scouts that the mean to wage war upon us." Ela still did not speak.

  "I am willing to pay a fairly large price to you, seeing as you manage to assassinate them all. I have heard your stories, and you seem most fit for the job. So, will you accept, or will you decline, and this will be your end."

  The wood elf gulped and thought to herself if it was worth it. If it was all gold, she would be well cared for the rest of her life. Elion decided to do so and looked up to the queen. "I will take it, Queen Falia. As long as I have a cover, I will do it." Falia grinned and chuckled. "You will pose as a royal knight, personally one of the princess. I will give you nine months, then I will treat you as and enemy of the kingdom, is that clear?"

  Ela gulped again, nodding. "Yes my queen." Queen Falia smiled and rose her hand, signaling the wood elf to stand up.

  "May your Goddess smile upon you, Elion Tyrnea." The queen bowed her head to the adventurer. Ela bowed down. "And may your Goddess smile upon you, Queen Falia."