
An angel in the multiverse

Well, a guy is reincarnated, nothing new, or is it? Read on to find out. The protagonist or MC is not the smartest person in the world, he will make a lot of decisions based on emotion, and this is where my powerful Dao comes in. Of course, he also won't be stupid or dumb as a stone, remember that what he saw was a manga and what he faces are real people with emotions The translation was done by DeepL, courtesy Epic_Buddie123, as we can see in the comments of the first chapter. This fic will not have harem. Disclaimer, I do not own the image or the respective works, if the owner wants me to remove it please contact me. original image: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=990999&lang=Portuguese

HeavenlyDemonCult · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

I can't take this shit anymore

- Haaaa man how I hate this shit, fuck, how can this man be so dumb, it's not possible, the author can only be smoking weed while he has crack up his ass.

The angry young man screamed in his room, he had just read another light novel to forget about his problems and relax, however.

- Since there are so many people with mental problems like that, what these authors are using, they want Mc to collect women like pokemons , that's ok, it's bearable, but what the fuck, the woman just looks at the Mc and decides to abandon everything, he he's my destined husband I'll give him my ass, how the fuck can I take this, like a 20 year old virgin can I take this shit, Mc breathes the system gives a lineage of incubi I don't know where or how, fuck this shit . In another manga the mc is kidnapped like a slave and now he has Stockholm syndrome, beta bastard, and I'm not just referring to male mcs , I'm not asking to go out with everyone in the punch, but at least revenge, I want blood without having to go through all this wretched drama, follow your instincts and sword in them. I better stop reading, I'm definitely going to throw a tantrum if this continues, why is the world on its side??? the shit.

(Author pov : Never ask the age of a lady and a gentleman.)

And that's how one of the greatest and most angry light novel readers of all time died, a death worthy of an otaku , he had a heart attack and didn't realize it because of the level of his indignation.

(Author pov : You didn't see anything wrong with this heart attack, bye : ) )

In the middle of the void, there was a bright soul, but it wouldn't shut up.

- What a cliché, now I'm going to wait centuries in this darkness until I forget everything and then I'll have the chance to make my wishes, could you please speed it up there .

As the young soul complained, a shadow approached, curling its lips, not in anger, but as an attempt to contain its laughter.

- (shadow) buahahahahahahahahahahaha , you really are funny.

The soul turned around only to find a large mace of energy in the middle of nowhere.

- So you're a Rob?

- (shadow) I don't know where you humans got the idea of ROB, do you have any idea how it is an almost impossible task to reach omnipotence, literally is being able to do everything whenever and however you want, do you think that omnipotent beings are born from trees in large plantations? I am one of those who have reached the level necessary to have some understanding of the laws of this verse, well, before you ask, you would be like the physicist Isaac Newton with his three laws, you know they exist and how they work, but do you know how Or do you have the power to change them? I know how to change them, even if it's not permanent, but that's not why we're here, is it? Come on, I'll give you 5 wishes, but take it easy, I'm not omnipotent.

- All right, sorry , I was kind of excited, but before that can I ask you some questions? hmm.... what can i call him?

- ( Gilean ) I have several names The Gate of Souls, the Wise, Void , the Book, the Gray Traveler, Gilona , Xilon , Graylord , but call me Gilean , if it's within my reach I can answer, but don't try to know of very dangerous things, you are still very weak little one.

- Thank you, how many omnipotent beings are there? like I'm not going to find an entity like the great old ones out of nowhere right?

-( Gilean ) Buhahahaha , although they exist they belong to different versions, each verse is like a glass ball, inside this little glass ball there are all things, infinite realities, time, space, among others, we can obtain information about these verses, but they do not merge and even if the great ancients entered here, they would lose much or even all of their power and would be attacked by the entities responsible for this verse, since their power comes from Azathoth, while ours comes from @ #$%#%¨, as you can see we can say his name normally with repercussions we are already protected, but we cannot say the name of our primordial creator entity.

- I see, so this is how it works, despite having my wishes in my head, do you have any tips?

-( Gilean ) Hahaha , yes I do young man, this verse doesn't have things like destiny and the will of the world, so if you see a "Mc" doing shit and you went there and ended up killing him by accident, nothing will happen, the world won't kill you like in those chinese soap operas, but be careful. Second, as we don't have exactly one destination it can change at any moment, nobody can predict with 100% accuracy what you will do, it's more like seeing all your possibilities and choosing the one that has the most chances, but you can still see the future, despite being constantly changing, however there is the so-called plot armor, but it is not invincible, just a knife and that's it.

So I recommend that you choose powers that can help you evolve on the journey and avoid powers like devouring or becoming merge with other people.

- Um, may I know why?

-( Gilean ) Which one, devour or merge?

- Both.

-( Gilean ) Well, let's start with devour, the essence of the power to devour is to swallow everything from the target and assimilate it, as well as memories, soul, emotions, power, species, lineage, etc... now imagine that you got it by chance find an extremely powerful but seriously injured being and use devour on him, now I ask you are you 20 years old and your enemy would happen to be 1,000 years old, 20 years of memory and emotions is nothing compared to 1,000 years, when you finish devouring you will still be yourself or a cheap copy of your enemy, but I can have a filtering skill, you can filter the gross, but not the essence and little by little you will stop being yourself, and the second is obvious who in sane consciousness will fuse another being with itself, if the other doesn't have something far superior still it won't be easy to determine a dominant personality, that is if he agrees peacefully, if he fights then he can even destroy both souls.

- I got the idea, I think I'll have to think again about my desires. And what about systems?

- ( Gilean ) You've heard the phrase easy come easy go easy, that's the essence of it, the system will normally connect your soul with Root, which is the origin, so any being with enough power can find your system and take everything out of it. you, in addition to being able to modify your system, then you become an easy target.

- Are there different types of energy, if so can they be stored together? Is there some higher type of energy?

- ( Gilean ) Yes, there are hundreds of types of energy such as Ki, chakra, Qi, Spiritual, Physical, Mana , among others, and there are energies superior to others as an example we have chakra which is the fusion of spiritual and physical energy and can be superior both depending on how it is used, and most of them cannot be stored together, as this will put a strain on the user's body.

- Yep , don't even think about the system. Damn how hard it is, 1st wish I have the ability to absorb all types of energy and transform them into a single purest energy, 2nd I want the greatest talent in whatever you can give me, 3rd I want to be able of traveling between worlds, 4th I want to be an angel and 5th absolute evolution and adaptation.

- ( Gilean ) Well, the 4th and 5th wish are a little complicated since angels are purely metaphysical creatures, not containing physical bodies, but I can make you look like an angel, I can send you to the world of douluo from there it will be easier, now regarding the 5th I can greatly accelerate its capacity for evolution and adaptation, but nothing absolute. So accept?

- hehehe , I thought the 5th wish would be denied, of course I accept it.

- ( Gilean ) Well, I'll let you choose the appearance.

- As an angel I want to look like Diablo's Imprium , only with nine pairs of wings. And my appearance without armor I desire the classic white hair and fair skin, eyes like gold and um.... yeah... how to say this.... a big gun down there,

- ( Gilean ) Buhahahahahaha , big gun hahahhahaha , I'll give you a gift as a farewell, a manual on how to absorb energy, I think you forgot about it, good luck kid.

- Thanks, see you soon. Goodbye