3 Year One (3)

It wasn't until we were behind the doors that lead us to the Great Hall that I got butterflies in my stomach. Walking into the Great Hall, all of us were in awe at our surroundings. From the floating candles, to the sheer amount of people in the hall.

The sorting itself apparently calls students up by alphabetical order, so I was one of the few frst years left standing as Professor McGonagall kept listing off names.

"Y/n Johnson!" exclaimed Professor McGonagall. I walked away from the small group of first years left and sat on the chair so she could place the hat on my head. "Oh, this is a new one. From......America I see. Traveled quite a bit to get here," the sorting hat announced to the hall. I could see the shocked faces of, well, everyone. I guess Fred and George were right, they never had an American student here before.

"This is going to be a tough choice. Such a difficult choice. You would do well academically in Ravenclaw, but would also be a cunning Gryffindor."

I didn't realize it, but deep down I was hoping to be put in Gryffindor just so I could be with Fred and George. I did just meet them on the train, but they were so nice and so unlike the boys back at home.

"Which to choose which to choose. Let's go with....GRYFFINDOR." Surprised and yet relieved at the hat's exclamation, I headed over to the Gryffindor table where both Fred and George were there to welcome me with open arms.

"Guess you are going to be seeing a lot more of us," they said in unison. "As long as it's not because you prank me, I'm fine with that." "Hey, we made a deal not to prank you. Though, I don't believe there was anything in that deal that said you couldn't help us prank people," George told me with a wink. "Maybe. As long as you don't get me expelled. You have no idea how mad my parents would be."

We sat, overall, quietly throughout the rest of the sorting. Harry Potter was called a bit before me. I didn't know who he was, but George explained to me that he was the only known survivor of the killing curse. Quiet impressive if you ask me.

The feast was marvelous. I don't think I've ever eaten that much food before. It was all so good I just wanted to keep eating. Alas, eventually I was full and we were escorted to our dormitories (which George had to explain were our rooms, stupid English slang) by the school prefects (who were apparently just glorified hall monitors).

We were escorted to the Gryffindor dormitory where I met Hermione Granger, who was just as excited as I was about starting school. We got along quickly and become instant friends. And we will stay friends for many years to come. Who cares about the future right now though, we just got sorted into our houses. Hermione and I stayed up almost the whole night because we had so much excitement for the following morning.

"y/n wake up!" Hermione said in an excited tone. "It's the first day. I'm surprised that you got the three hours of sleep that you did. I didn't sleep a wink!" She seemed all too excited to tell me how sleep deprived she was. "Okay, so I'm excited to start school too, but I am really tired from the lack of sleep. What time is it?". "It's 5:30, and I figured that you wanted to be up early so we are really awake in class to learn as much as we can."

I loved this girl already, really, but her reasoning behind waking me up this early was not a good enough reason. Someone better be dying or dead, otherwise leave me to sleep.

"You should have been put in Ravenclaw since you are this excited about school, even if it is a school where we learn magic." "I've thought about that too, but if the sorting hat thinks I should be in here, then who am I to argue with it," she answered with a shrug of her shoulders. "I guess you're right."

We got dressed, organized our books in our trunks since we didn't get to it last night, grabbed the books we needed, and headed down to the Great Hall for some breakfast. We got there at 6. so there weren't many people there. I was able to, however, find Fred and George near the end of the Gryffindor table, so Hermione and I went to greet them.

"Hi, Fred. Hi George." They looked up from whatever they were doing and smiled at us. "Try and guess who is who," one twin told me. My intuition told me that George was talking to me since he seemed to be the more talkative one. "Well, I think that you are George and you are Fred," I told them as I pointed my finger, my slightly tense posture relaxing at their un-offended faces.

"She got it correct. Nice job y/n." "Don't call me y/n. You can just call me n/n for short. And the reason I was able to tell you two apart is because I have identical twin brothers back in America, so I'm used to guessing who is who."

"n/n, you have twin brothers?" Hermione asked me, siblings being one of the last things that we would have talked about last night. "Yeah, I have twin brothers. Then I have two more brothers that aren't twins, and also a sister." "Wow. That is a lot of brothers." I gave Hermione a smirk and turned to George and Fred who were also smirking. "Why are you all smirking?" she asked suspiciously. "Fred and I have 4 brothers other than us and a sister."

Hermione's jaw literally dropped. "You're joking right?" "No. Not joking. You've met Ron right? Well, he's one of our brothers."

"What are you guys working on?" asked Hermione, changing subjects as she leaned closer to see what was on the table. "We decided to start planning our pranks early so we have them all set up and ready," replied Fred. "Can I help?" I asked. I didn't know if it would be a good idea for me to aid the pranksters, but bad ideas have never stopped me before, why now?

"Sure," answered George almost instantly. "Georgie, I don't know. Can we trust you not to go telling people what we are doing, and after the prank is done can we count on you not to tell who did it?" said Fred.

"Well that would kinda suck if I helped you with the prank then tattled on you. Though, I can't imagine that people will think the prankster was anyone but you two," I told them honestly. "Well, then I guess we can let you help us with our pranks," Fred told me. "But n/n, what if you get caught. You might get expelled," Hermione said in a worried tone. "Hermione, I would be fine, promise. Besides. I'm pretty sure they have never expelled someone for having a little bit of fun." I say as I give Fred and George a wink which made them smile in return.

"y/n, we have to go now if we want to meet our professors before class." "Okay Hermione, I'm coming. Goodbye George, bye Fred." And we set off to meet our professors.

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