
Chapter two

Yvonne balanced on the beam walking slowly across towards her destination. She was almost there, just about twenty more steps. Then, she could tell her finally annoying brother how easy it was to walk on a beam. She swore lightly as beads of sweat slip off her neck.

Her goal was right in front of her, the closest it has been since she started that morning, as soon as the sun went up. She could already feel the heady feeling she got whenever she proved her brother wrong, oh the sweet smell of victory.

"Yvonne!" Someone screeched causing her to lose her balance. She feel ungracefully, flaying her hands as she struggled to regain control. Fortunately, remained on the beam, as she quickly caught the metal pole with her toes, hanging on.

"What do you want?" She yelled at Maya, her friend, at least most of the time. She swung back and forth and her wavy red hair covered moved along with her. Her view from that angle consisted of a plain of flowery and grassy field, with bright yellow of the sunflower scattered around, their cheery colour highlighted by the rays of sunlight.

Sweat ran down the middle of her face upward, as blood rushed to her brain. She finally gathered enough momentum, jumping up, and landing a back flip back on the beam, wobbling as she struggled to remain balanced. She took a deep breath before facing the figure about 10ft below her. "You almost made me fall." She growled at Maya, " If I had, you would have been dead. D-e-a-d."

The owner of the screeching voice came into view looking up, raven black hair pilled into a ponytail. She smirked, placing her hand on her waist. She was dressed in a white shirt and black pant tucked into black combat boots, the picture of arrogance. Or maybe Yvonne was just projecting. "The Luna requested your presence."

Yvonne looked at the end of the beam, trying to increase her speed as she knew what was coming. Unfortunately, her one of her feet slid off, and though she managed to maintain her position, the beam was even more unbalanced as it shook rapidly, the sound of moving metal sharp to her heightened sense of hearing. "Tell her I'll be right there."

"She said now." Maya yelled not even allowing her to finish speaking, almost like she knew what she was going to say, which considering they knew each other since the cradle, she probably did. "She's waiting at the blue room."

"She looked down at her friend. If the Luna was waiting at the blue room, then it was something very important, Like murder level important, or no chocolate spread available in town level of importance. She was probably in trouble already for not being there. She eyes the few steps left and considered just going for it.

"Yvonne! Now!" Maya shouted again "Its a clan meeting. We're probably the only ones not there yet."

"Jesus." She exclaimed, jumping down, and landing perfectly on the grassy ground. She eyed Maya, whose brown eyes were flickering as she became increasingly agitated. "I'm going already, you don't have to yell so loud." She scowled, even as she set off towards the Luna's cottage. Maya fell into step beside her, her hands covering her face as she groaned aloud

"Sorry. Its just that-" She bent down to whisper to Yvonne, her raspy voice low, "A messenger came at dusk, and everyone has been feeling on edge since. Something's wrong." Yvonne considered the statement, if her oblivious friend noticed everyone on edge, then shit was really serious. She wondered what.

Their clan was small, the smallest of the seven. And most times they were insulted as not even deserving of being called one. Their main trade was their traveling act along with the little handmade craft they did.

That was their main pride. The people of their clan were excellent craftsmen, making the best fabrics, baskets, jewelry and the occasional furniture. Yvonne wasn't included in that algorithm though, the best she could do was embroider her initials on an handkerchief. But she compensated for what little artistic crafting bone she had by being the one of best performers.

People from town over came to see her on the tightrope along with her dancing daggers act. With that, she never had to doubt her place in the clan. She wasn't high enough to see their Luna often though.

As a wolf she could be classified as an average beta. Not strong enough to be pack guardian, but passable a guard.

She came to a stop at the door of the cottage and muttered a quick prayer. She opened it and walked inside, and was shocked by the amount of people in the room.

As always, her eyes found her brother first, partly because he stood taller than most people there. Their height was a point of constant teasing from their friends as she was really short, just a measly 5'1 while her twin was a foot taller.

His green eyes, the exact replica of hers connected with hers, and he raised an eyebrow. Silently asking where she was. She passed through the crowd, pushing the clan members with her shoulders, as she made her way over to him "I almost made it across the beam. It was sooo easy." she whispered to him, but in a clan of wolves, everyone heard her and a uniformed shushing sound was directed at her.

She raised her hands up, palms wide, a wide grin on her face. She made a zipping noise with one had and mimed passing the keys to Yurre- her brother. He ruffled her hair affectionately which resulted in her scowling at him. He only grinned before pointing with his face toward their leaders.

She finally turned to their Luna, Diane and her Ray, her mate, wondering what announcement they had. The last time a meeting like this was called was when the Luna had found her mate.

"We received an invitation at dusk." The blonde haired woman dressed in a blue linen gown said, sitting on the high chair placed at the center of the large brick cottage. "It was from the Alpha of the Sky wolves."

The room quieted even more at the mention of the pack. Every one knew the sky wolves, even toddlers knew the sky wolves. They were as revered as they were feared.

If they were in an empire, the other leaders would be just kings. Alpha Lux, he would be the emperor.

"We are to spend the harvest festival at the City of wolves." Yvonne always felt the name of the city was insulting. Why call your capital the city of wolves? when they were thousand of other clans of wolves. But then again, the sky wolves were known for their arrogance as well. "We've all been invited, to spend two months of midsummer with them. Of course, we can't all go, though I've received orders that the young unmated women of the pack must be present." The Luna's face tightened, as growls sounded from the males and females of the pack.

"I've come to a decision on who will go and who will stay. I know it would be hard, but I ask that you all bear with me." Yvonne's hand automatically closed against her brother's and his tightened around hers. She had never been away from her brother for too long and could only hope the Luna would not try to separate them. "These are the names."

She passed down a list to the clan advisor, who stood at her left side and he bowed before taking it. He straightened, unrolling the scroll and taking a long look around the clan members.

"Freya Parker, Ray Drui and Silver Drui." He started calling out the names of those chosen to go. Yvonne could hear her heart beating loudly, but among the others beating as loud, she knew no one could differentiate. A bead of sweet rolled off her forehead and she wished she had worn something lighter than the cotton longsleeved, flowing dress and leggings she put on.

She took out an hair tie from the pocket of her gown and tied her hair up before facing her brother. "If you go, I go." She whispered. Emerald green eyes hardened and determined.

He nodded, mirroring her expression. His hand tightening even more around hers, "If you go, I go." He turned back to their Luna as the names went on. "Maya Luka, Yvonne and Yurre Srai." Her heart immediately came to a stop before resuming its beat. She felt frozen, unable to move as a feeling of dread captured her. For some reason, she wasn't surprised and yet, and yet she was.

She really was going to the city of wolves.


Hope you liked this chapter. What do you think of Yvonne? I'm open to any comment you have.

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Stay smiling ^_^

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