
Caelesti Continent

According to ancient scriptures, the first men appeared on the continent about two hundred thousand years ago, when the continent was inhabited by beasts.

The first men, with their dominion over mystical powers, successively defeated the beasts and established their dominion over the entire continent, and they named it Caelesti, which means Heavenly in the ancient language.

But what are mystical teachings? They are a way of connecting to the world and obtaining powers beyond imagination.

Those who delve into this knowledge are called cultivators because they cultivate knowledge and power.

There are divisions of power between cultivators, there are four Realms.

The first Realm is called Accumulation, where the cultivator needs to understand the mysteries of Origin Qi in nature, which is the source of everything that exists between heaven and earth. After obtaining a certain level of understanding, the cultivator needs to clear the meridians and acupunctures in his own body, so that Origin Qi can circulate naturally and also merge with the body, in order to reach the spiritual body and stop being just mortal.

After the cultivator's body is in complete harmony with Origin Qi, being a spiritual body, he must then begin to accumulate Qi within the spiritual body, and this is the second Realm, called Foundation, which is divided into 9 steps, each step means that the spiritual body can store twice as much Origin Qi as before.

The third Realm ...

"Hey Kyle! Stop reading a little and come see this!", A voice interrupted Kyle's reading.

Kyle sighed and closed the book after marking the page where he was.

It has been almost five years since he arrived at the mystical school, together with Liane, the girl with spiritual roots.

"What is it? Why did you interrupt me?" Ralph asked and looked at Liane.

Liane was holding a very small flame in her hands, and she said with a smile: "See, I got my first harmony with Origin Qi! Soon I will reach the peak of the Accumulation Realm."

Kyle smiled bitterly and said, "Congratulations, as expected from a cultivator with a fire spiritual root."

"But what are you talking about? This has nothing to do with my spiritual root, this is the result of my hard work!", Liane said while pouting.

After five years, Liane had grown up a lot, and she was starting to show the same beauty as her mother. She has red hair and blue eyes. She is currently eight years old.

Kyle just grew up... looking ordinary, neither ugly nor beautiful.

"Right ... Congratulations.", Kyle said while clapping his hands.

"Hehe ...", Liane smiled and then remembered something and said: "Tomorrow is the college exam, are you ready?"

"Yes ...", Kyle nodded slowly and looked around.

They were housed in a student room, but tomorrow they will start living in different places, regardless of the results of the exams.

"Sorry if I disturbed you, you can read your book again. I will continue to practice.", Liane said while playing with the small flame in her hands.

Kyle sighed but didn't read again, it's not like it was going to substantially change the result of the next day.

The mystical college is located in the capital of the Urystelig kingdom, and is subordinate to the Royal college, where only the best talents study.

The kingdom's capital is huge, with over a million inhabitants and architecture that makes Kyle breathless. There are five water channels that cross the entire capital, and which connect to a larger channel that circulates the entire capital. Nobody knows where all that water comes from, and the canals never dried up.

The mystical college serves as a test for people without status in the kingdom, where the best are filtered out so that they can study at the Royal college and serve the Kingdom.

The test that Liana and Kyle are about to pass will dictate their progress in recent years as well as their talent.

On the day of the test, all students at the school were dressed in school uniforms and organized in the main courtyard.

There was a large tower in the center of the test, which reminds Kyle of the skyscrapers on Earth.

"All students must enter on a first-come, first-served basis, the test will take place inside the sacred tower.", The principal of the school said aloud, he is an old man with a long white beard.

After waiting a long time in line, it was Liane's turn, who waved to Kyle before entering the tower.

When Kyle's turn came, he calmly entered the tower, before exclaiming in surprise.

The interior of the tower is simply shocking, there was nothing but darkness.

Kyle looked back and realized that he could no longer see the exit from the tower.

"Student number 658, Kyle Nomit, the test will start as soon as it is ready.", A mechanical voice sounded in Kyle's ear.

"I'm ready," Kyle said.

Suddenly, a flash appeared in the darkness, it looked like a star.

"Please speak your total understanding of the Origin Qi that gives rise to all things. If your understanding is enough, the star will explode.", The mechanical voice spoke.

Kyle took a deep breath and started saying everything he understood in the past few years.

"Origin Qi is the origin of energy and matter in this world, but neither does it exist as an entity in this dimension. To access Origin Qi, a being needs to open a gate that connects this dimension to the dimension of origin and this can be done various forms ... ", while Kyke spoke, the star expanded more and more.

At first, Kyke talked only about basic knowledge, but when he started talking about the deepest understandings of Origin Qi and its uses, it didn't take long for the star to explode.

Kyle stopped talking when he saw the super nova.

"Congratulations, you passed the first stage. The second stage will test your cultivation progress ... Your current progress is zero. Any justification?", The mechanical voice spoke.

"I want to understand better what I'm dealing with before I take the first step in cultivation.", Kyle spoke slowly.

"... accepted justification given your understanding of Origin Qi.", The mechanical voice spoke and continued: "The third step will be an assessment of your current talent ... Your talent is defined as just above ordinary. Due to your results , a fourth step will be applied to your test. "

'Fourth stage?' Kyle was surprised.

"You need to speak your understanding of Origin Qi again, but this time there will be no limit. If your understanding is sufficient, the examiner will allow your approval."

Kyle frowned but started to speak again. This time he went further than before, and spoke extremely complex things, such as the process of merging Origin Qi with the body and cleaning the meridians and acupunctures.

After saying everything he knew, Kyle sighed and waited for the result.

After several minutes, the mechanical voice said, "You passed, your score is 60/100."

'Barely enough to pass ...', Kyle swallowed his own saliva.

Then the darkness was gone, and Kyle found himself at the exit of the tower.

Several students looked at him strangely, due to his delay in leaving the tower.

Kyle saw Liane waving at him from a distance and walked towards her.

"So? How was it?", Liane asked worriedly.

"I almost didn't pass," Kyle said with a bitter smile.

"Does that mean you passed? How nice!", Liane said smiling, but didn't ask Kyle's score.

"What was your score?", Kyle asked curiously.

"90/100", Liane spoke with her nose up.

Kyle sighed and looked at the sky.

'How unfair, I tried so hard in my studies and got only 60 points ...', Kyke thought.

But he knows the reason for that, his talent is just enough to cultivate, according to the priest who brought him to college after a thorough examination of his talent.

According to the priest, he has no spiritual roots, but his meridians and acupunctures are more resistant and cleaner than normal, which can facilitate his progress in the first Realm.

Looking around, Kyle knew he was in a cluster of talents, everyone at the mystical college has greater talent than he does, usually having a spiritual root, who serves as Origin Qi's channeler.

There are three types of spiritual roots, Mortal, Earth, Heaven.

Liane's spiritual roots, for example, are earthly spiritual roots, which gives her enormous ease with Origin Qi, which will serve for all Realms.

After returning to their quarters, Liane and Kyke started to pack their things, the reason? They can return to their families for a while before going to royal college.

"Hey, Kyle, what are you doing?", Liane suddenly asked, she realizes that Kyle was rummaging through some papers.

"I'm looking for something ... Ah, I found it.", Kyle said and took a blue stone that was between the papers.

He had been studying this stone for the past few days and he found it to be a spiritual stone, useful for cultivation.

He had earned it from a village elder when he was a baby.

"I can't believe it, do you have a spiritual stone !?", Liane exclaimed, she had seen such a stone in high school classes.

"Yes, don't tell anyone. This is only useful for cultivators in the Foundation Realm.", Kyle spoke seriously.

Liane nodded seriously.

Kyle then looked around and sighed, for the past five years he had to live in this room with Liane alone and attend classes in essential subjects.

He learned to read and write in the language of this world, which is certainly indispensable.

After they finished packing, they both left the room and went to the school exit.

"Are you from that village in the far east of the kingdom? I went there once to try to climb Mt. Ignis ...", the school inspector said as he read both Liane and Kyle's file.

"Here, this should be enough for you to go there ... Remember that you are always wearing the school uniform to avoid problems, no one will dare harm you that way.", The inspector spoke and gave a small bag of coins for Kyle and Liane. He also handed over a small golden medallion.

The currency in the kingdom are coins, separated into three types, bronze, silver and gold.

Kyle and Liane had to look for a travel agency in the capital for the entire afternoon to find someone who made trips to their village ... The problem is the time to leave.

"A caravan passes through that village every six months, with the destination being the neighboring kingdom. The trip to that village costs three silver coins per person and the caravan departs in two weeks.", The manager of one of the agencies said with a bitter smile.

Kyke and Liane looked at each other, they both do not have enough money to stay in an inn in the capital for two weeks, and they also cannot return to school.

"What do we do? Kyle.", Liane murmured worriedly, she has no experience of that kind.

Kyle was calmer, but he knew the problem was complicated.

After leaving the travel agency, Kyle looked around the street. Everything to him still seemed so... medieval, like in the movies he watched in his past life. The carriages coming and going, the stalls on the sides of the big stone street, vendors shouting to advertise their products ...

However, the people of that realm have knowledge beyond the medieval-era people of Ralph's world.

"Kyle, why don't we get a job?", Liane asked naively.

Kyle laughed lightly but had an idea.

"Let's go to the adventurer guild, there must be something interesting for us there.", Kyle said and started walking in one direction.

After several minutes, both arrived in front of the adventurers guild, it was a huge building in the center of the capital, close to the royal castle.

Seeing their uniforms, most people tended to avoid problems, and Kyle easily made it to the mission wall.

"What are you looking for?", Liane asked curiously, she doesn't think Kyle has any ability to accomplish missions.

Kyle did not respond and continued looking at the missions on the mural until his eyes suddenly flashed.

Kyle removed a paper from the mural and went with Liane to the reception.

"Excuse me ...", Kyle said to one of the attendants, it was a middle aged woman.

The woman looked at Kyle a little surprised, it is not common to see children in the guild. But when she saw the uniform Kyle was wearing, her expression got a little serious.

"Need something?", The woman said with a smile at Kyle.

"I'm accepting this assignment," Kyle said and put the paper on the table.

The attendant looked at the paper in surprise and read the contents. After that, she looked at Kyle and said, "This is an escort mission, are you sure you want to accept that mission?"

"I do.", Kyle nodded without hesitation.

"...", The attendant looked at Kyle and Liane's uniforms and hesitated. She never assigned missions to children. Although she knows why Kyle wants to go on this mission, which is taking advantage of his status as student of the mystical college, she is not sure what to do.

There is a belief in these lands that if someone kill a student of the mystical college or the royal college, masters of the mystical arts will cause this person to die a very miserable death, regardless of who they are and where they are hiding themselves.

"There are no rules forbidding children from accepting missions, right? In any case, the client will decide whether or not we are qualified for the mission.", Kyle spoke calmly.

The woman twisted the corners of her mouth and sighed.

"Okay, give me your ID cards," the attendant said.

Kyle took the ID card out of his pocket, he received one when he entered the mystical college.

Liane also gave her card to the attendant.

After a few minutes, the attendant said, "Okay, the caravan leaves today for Woodway, the customer is waiting at the east gate of the city and will be leaving in a few hours."

"Wait, Kyle, are we going to travel overnight?", Liane suddenly asked startled. She didn't quite understand Kyle's plan, but she trusts him.

"Don't worry.", Kyle spoke with a smile and started walking out of the guild.

The reason Kyle is confident is simple, no one dares to hurt a student at the mystical college, especially one who will enter the royal college.

Kyle took a small golden medallion from his pocket and hung it around his neck. It was a medallion that proved his approval at the royal college and he received it from the inspector when he left the school.

Before, Kyle did not want to draw more attention with this medallion, but now it is very useful.

Kyle had Liane hang the medallion around her neck as well.

After walking for a long time, both arrived at the capital's east gate. The wall that surrounded the capital was enormous, fifty meters high, and the great gate of pure steel was so imposing that it made Liane's legs soft.

There were several soldiers patrolling the wall, and since it was already getting dark the lanterns gave an even stranger tone to the entire wall, which was made of a dark material.

"Hey, Kyle, I heard that the walls of the capital were made by dwarves and with elven spells ... is it true?", Liane asked as she swallowed.

"Who knows ...", Kyke spoke with a slight smile as he walked.

Soon they found the caravan, which was about to leave.

"Excuse me, sir.", Kyle said to an old man who was on top of one of the carriages.

"Huh? What do you want?" The old man asked brutally, but then he saw Kyle and Liane's golden medallions and opened his eyes wide.

"I'm sorry for my lack of education, what do you need?", The old man changed his attitude and asked seriously.

"We accepted the escort mission.", Liane spoke with a childish smile.

"... Huh!?", The old man was so surprised that he almost fell off the carriage.

After talking to the old man for a few minutes, the old man looked at Kyle and said, "I know those eyes, they are the eyes of smart people. You came up with this idea, right?"

Kyle nodded.

"Very well, your client is not me, he is that ugly man with the scar right there, be careful not to be scared while talking to him.", The old man spoke with a friendly smile.

"Thanks for listening to us, Grandpa!", Liane spoke with a bright smile, almost blinding the old man.

Kyle laughed and went over to the man with the scar, who was busy reading something.

"Excuse me," Kyle said.

The man with the scar looked at Kyke strangely and said, "What do you want? Child."

"Cough ... Can't you be more polite?", Liane said suddenly while pointing at the man.

Kyle contorted the corners of his mouth and stood in front of Liane.

"We accept the escort mission," Kyle said while looking directly at the scarred man.

The man looked at Kyle and Liane's medallions and understood Kyle's little scheme.

'Does he want to take advantage of his status to scare the bad guys? It's not that simple. ', The man thought and said: "Listen, boy, your medallion can scare bandits, but it doesn't scare beasts. I'm only willing to pay half for your services."

Kyle frowned and was about to accept when Liane said: "This is unfair, why only half? You are underestimating us!"

Kyle sighed and said, "Liane, stay calm, we must accept."

"But why?", Liane didn't understand Kyle.

"I'll explain later. I accept your condition," Kyle said as he looked at the scarred man.

"Hehe, besides, you will not go inside the carriages, after all... How will you scare the bandits if you are inside them? You will go on the bench with that old coachman.", The scarred man spoke and pointed to the old man that Kyle had talked before.

"He is responsible for controlling the horses, you will go with him outside the carriage.", The scarred man said and then shouted: "Come on men, we're leaving now!"

After looking at each other, Liane and Kyle went to the old man and went up to his side after explaining the circumstances.

"Hey, Kyle, can you explain your plan to me now?", Liane asked after the carriage left the capital with the rest of the caravan.

"It's simple, if we went as an escort on this mission, we won't have to worry about food, and we will also receive money for the mission.", Kyle spoke calmly.

"But how are we going to go home?", Liane asked again.

"This caravan ends at WoodCity, which is halfway home. When we get there in a week, we won't have to worry about getting a way to go to home. That city is part of an important route to the neighboring kingdom. and that passes close to our village. ", Kyle explained calmly while looking at the moon in the sky.

"Hoh !! How do you know that? Did you read it in the books?", Liane was impressed.

"Heh ...", Kyle smiled bitterly, he simply acquired this information from the travel agency and on the mission paper. He was a bit lucky to find this opportunity.

Liane looked at Kyle impressed for a moment and said, "Kyle, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"... But what kind of question is that? Our destiny now is to be cultivators.", Kyle looked at Liane and said.

"But I don't want to be a cultivator, I just want to be a peasant like my parents.", Liane said a little sadly.

Kyle frowned and said, "If you have the skill, you can be anything you want. Right now, our path is cultivation, but in the future? Nobody knows."

"You're right.", Liane spoke with a smile and then said to the old man: "Hey, grandpa, what did you wanted to be when you were little?"

The old man laughed bitterly at the sudden question and began to tell a story to answer the girl.

Next chapter