
Chapter 8: The Church With Golden Doors

A man was in the church, in front of the holy statue. He was kneeling while praying. A rosary was hanging down from his neck and he wore clothes befitting of a priest. "Amen". He stood up and walked towards the exit of the church. He washed his hand in a bowl of holy water after praying and exited the church.

Elis and Asmodeus stood in front of the inn where they're going to stay. After checking in, they immediately went to sleep.

-The next day-

Elis was woken up by the sunlight coming from the window of their room. She stretched her arms like she always does and stood up. She looks around and Asmodeus was nowhere to be seen. 'Where did he go?' she thought.

Before she could take a step, the bathroom door opened and Asmodeus was drying his hair with a towel, his bottom was covered half was covered with a white towel. If anyone were to see him in that state, they would faint.

Feeling relief all over her body, she looked down and sighed. 'oh,' she thought. She walked towards the kitchen and ate the food that was already prepared for her.

"I didn't know that demons take baths"

Asmodeus walked towards Elis without wearing any clothes but a towel wrapped around his waist and sat in front of her.

"Well, now you know"

Elis and Asmodeus walked down the road. They are currently going to go sightseeing. There was a mountain on the island where a holy church was built. Elis didn't know why Asmodeus, a demon would like to go to a church.

"Aren't you a demon?"

Asmodeus stops walking and turned around to her. "Yes"

"Why do you want to go to a church?" Elis asks.

"You'll understand when we get there" he answered and continued walking.

They reached the place where the holy church was built. The church was old, with faded brown color and gold on the sides of it. The gold design of the church made it looked regal. At the center of it was a large clock that was still working and on top of it is a large bell that looks like it still works. The entrance of the church was covered by a door that had gold and roses embedded in it.

"Wow" Elis commented.

"I know" Asmodeus stared at the church that is surrounded by the trees. It was like a hidden church, built only for the people that would discover it.

"Who are you?"

A voice was heard, coming from behind. The two turns around and they were greeted by a man dressed as a priest with a rosary hanging from his neck.

"We're-" Elis was cut when the man suddenly rushed in front of Asmodeus and attacked him. 'Tch. Great. Just when I promised to protect Elis from other creatures' he thought.

Elis stared at what just happened with her eyes wide. The sudden attack of the priest surprised her.

The priest jumped and landed 2 meters from Asmodeus. He clutched his rosary and made an expression like he just remembered something bad.

"What are you doing here demon?" he asked and looked at Asmodeus with distaste in his eyes.

"Relax. We're not here to fight" Asmodeus said and raised his hands. He didn't want to put Elis into any danger and for that, he is willing to lower his pride.

Elis jumped in and stretched her arms as if she's trying to protect Asmodeus. She looked at the priest with her emotionless eyes.

"Stop," she said in a clear voice.

"A human?" the priest sounded confused. His eyebrows furrowed and he had a confused look on his face.

The priest sighed and fixed his posture.

"Come with me, you two"

He walked towards the church. He opened the golden and rose-filled door of the church and the two followed him. At the entranceway of the church, an angel statue resides while holding a stone bowl filled with water. The floor was marble and a lot of wooden benches were placed at the sides of the church. The ceiling was full of ancient markings. The top of the walls was also designed with gold and had ancient words written in it.

They walked towards the front of the church where a huge diamond statue was built. It had a holy aura emitting from it and was stunning to look at. The statue had a pair of wings that were stretched out and her hand was reaching out as if she wanted to help the people that come to the church.

A large carpet was laid out in front of the statue and there was a metal door that was placed behind the statue. The priest walked in and the two followed him. The room had a desk and a typewriter placed on top of it. A lot of paper was placed at the table and bookshelves full of organized books occupied the sides of the room.

"Where are we?" Asmodeus asked.

"My office" The priest answered and sat down at his chair.

"Sit" he ordered.

The two sat at the chairs that were placed in front of the desk.

"Now tell me. Why did you come here?" The priest asked with nothing but seriousness in his eyes.

Hey! This is the first time I'm writing an author's thoughts on this novel. I just want to let you all know thank you for reading this and if there are any mistakes please tell me. You can also tell me what you think about this novel. Thank you and I hope you keep supporting this novel \\(~^3^~)//

Elephteriacreators' thoughts
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