
An Addicts Guide To Webnovel

I try to teach beginners or addicts things about webnovel. I might talk about random shit in the future. credit goes to @averageidiot132 on wattpad. I stole the idea form him. Send the guy love. also https://discord.gg/nHgypagwBV is the discord server. yee yee

Void_Eagle1230 · Realistic
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105 Chs

Random Rant about School

So it's fucking 7:47 Am Est right now and I'm wondering, if you want us students to do better at school then why would you give us a math test at 8am. Like what the fuck.

Bro you adults can barely function without 1 gallon of coffee in the morning, what makes you think I'm any better. I didn't even have breakfast. It's to early for me to eat anything cause I usually eat break ast at 9 or 10 am.

And here comes the shitting school music they play over the intercom. Why in the sweet grace of hell do you play 80's music to kids aged 14 - 19. Do you think we'll like any of this shit. Although i think this is the first decent song we've had in a couple weeks.

Okay my test is about to start. See ya'll later. Void_Eagle, out.