
Blue No.1: Who Knows?

"Check" a seventeen year old kid with a white jacket said after pressing the clock

"King Moves" the other kid said as he pressed the clock

"Queen takes pawn" he said as he blunders his queen, being easily taken by the other pawn achoring it

"Huh? Pawn takes Queen" he said as he smirked

"Rook to H8 and with the bishop covering rook and my pawn blocking your escape, that is surely, checkmate" the boy said as he slides the rook across to the king

"so it was a sacrifice...Well who else but Fukase to see that move, good game" he said as he sighs and shakes the other guy's hand

whispers could be heard throughout the room

"Omg did he just beat the chess club's leader"

"no way, that guy was our school's champion"

"I heard that kid started playing just recently, he's got potential"

"I'm sorry for making this commotion" the kid said

"its fine, you did still beat me fairly so this comes with my lost. You're a prodigy, don't lack confidence in yourself, ok?" he said as he pats the kid on the back

"is it really that obvious" the kid said pitifully chuckling as they both leave the classroom

the kid then leaves to go home as a ginger haired girl gives him some kind of signal

"same time, I guess" he mutters as he gives a smirk and gets his shoes from his lockers

he walks alone as he's pushed into an alleyway by 3 men

"Give me your money" the guy says as he points a knife at him

"Really?" the kid replies as he mutters something else

"I'm serious god dam-" he says as he stops mid sentence and drops the knife

the man then screams as he pulls nothing from his eye and covers it

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO KID" the other man said as he takes the knife and points it at him

"nothing, the real question is 'What did you do?' " he replied to the man as he mutters something again

"Huh..." he says as he looks down to see, nothing, yet he holds his neck and collapses while screaming

"what the fuck" the last man standing said as he makes eye contact with the kid

the kid shows the most scary and disturbing smile, the kid then kicks the knife to the last man and it slides right below him

"pick it up, I dare you" the kid says with a serious look

the last man tries to grab the knife

"Lie" the kid shouts at the man

the man then gives the most terrified eyes as he sees blood floating, it was his blood, from his slices arm.

The arm drops aswell as he

the kid then walks out the alleyway with all the men clear of blood and unharmed

"I don't feel like getting blood on my jacket today, you guys are free to go. But do this again then you'll get the opposite reward"

this was the ability of the Indigo haired child that goes by the code name "Fukase", the ability called Ghost Rule

just by saying lie, he can make anyone see anything and feel anything he wishes

This was because of an event that had happened to him 1 year ago, while he was at home where he lived alone in an apartment


A knock on the door can be heard

"Hello? May I come in?" a foreign teenage boy with a book in his hand said

{1 Year ago}

Fukase looks in the peephole to see the teenage boy

"Sorry man, I'm more of a Buddhist" he said as he thought the foreign boy was a priest

the foreign boy then opened his book and wrote something, and with that, Fukase backed off the door as he felt it was getting hot

the door melted and the foreign boy then goes inside the apartment as he opens a drawer and makes coffee

"Also want coffee?" the foreign boy said


"you haven't answered my question, please answer mine before I answer yours" he said in a serious tone

"yes...I would like coffee" Fukase answered

He then writes something down in his book and says "Can you please put 50 yen on the table"

Fukase then does so, and within just a blink of eye, the 50 yen became a cup of coffee

"Huh?" Fukase was staring at the coffee, purely dumbfounded

"I should tell you now, how I can do all this stuff" he says as he sits on the floor and places his coffee on the table

"Please do" Fukase said as he takes his cup of coffee

"To put it simply, I am God"




Utter silence filled the room

"Do you mean-" Fukase asked but then was cut off immediately by the boy's answer

"Yes, I am not just some powerful being claiming this title, I am the one that made this universe, I am truly God"

"So what now..... Am I gonna be sent to hell for being a Buddhist"

"No, I don't care whether you believe me or not, You can believe in Jesus, Allah, Brahma, Yahweh and Yes, Buddha"

"So, why are you here?"

"Because I selected you, to play in a game"


"I have selected 44 People, which including you, to have a certain role"


"Yes, you will have an ability that no entity in this existence can even get 0.1% close to achieving"

"Is there a price for this?"

"kind of, next year, this exact same day. You all will be playing the game, you will separated into 3 groups. Red, Blue, and Green. And with that you all will be fighting to the death, and whoever is the last team standing will win"

"what will the winner win?"

"they can make one wish, with no rules and no restrictions"

"I see"

"So if I were you, I'd practice my abilities since you only have 1 year, here's the information of your abilities" the boy says as he gives a card containing all the information of his ability

"And with that I will take my leave, good luck Mr. Alir, and may the best fighter win" he said as he closed the door

"...Wait a damn minute, wasn't that burnt" Fukase thought in his mind


{The present day}

Fukase then got to an abandoned building

where he meet up with the ginger girl

"What took you so long?" The ginger haired girl said

"Sorry, there was 3 dude who tried to rob me" he replied

"Oh my god! How are the robbers??"

"Really? What about poor little old me" he said with a sad face

"Oh like anyone can hurt you, so how badly?"

"You got me there, no blood were spilled today"

"Huh, wow, looks like someone is finally changing"

"Ok, so hows the research going Him-" he asked but his mouth got covered by the girl

"Ehem? Code names?" she said to him

"sorry about that Kasane"

"Its ok, just don't do it again"

They then go inside to the building which is filled with photos and newspaper and many more around the walls

"So hows Eikyo? Is he a member of the game?" she asked

"No, he seems normal, and even has an average rating"

"I see, there goes that lead"

"So is there anymore people that we can link to this game?"

"Yes, there is allot of people connect to this game" Eikyo said to them

"W-What??" they both said

"Yeah, I got atleast five, and 2 of them are kind of a shot in the dark, so take that as you will" he said to them

"No, I meant like why are you here?"

"Oh, because I'm also a player, I used my future sight to see that you guys are also a players"

"But our chess match...How did I win against a guy with future sight"

"you think I cheated on the chess games'

"Yeah? That's the perk of having a power"

"how disgraceful, truth in games is what makes a game fun, even if you lose or win. Even if you can control the universe in the palm of your hands, if you still respect the rules of a game, then you and your opponent are equal and the outcome will be decided by the players themselves, truth is what makes everything beautiful"

"....You know my ability is literally to Lie, right?"


"Ok you know what, nevermind Fukase's mistakes. Tell me Eikyo, what did you find out"

"Him, he's a member of this game. And I also know his main ability" Eikyo said as he points at a long haired man

"I KNEW IT" He shouted

"Ok but wait, you said you found out his ability??" Kasane asked

"Yes, it was truly a terrifying experience"


{Around 5 months ago}

I was just Investigating him, as there were rumors of a man like him having unnatural abilities

I stalked his every habit and didn't sleep for a week

until one day, he came into a store. I set up a video camera and waited for him, 30 minutes pasted and nothing was happening and he was still inside, I stood up to go inside and see what happened but as I did that, He spoke right behind me

"Stay, let's have a little nice chat, shall we?" he said as he was eating a chocolate bar

I slowly turned around and saw my worst nightmare come to life

"How?" I asked in a shaky voice

"Let me asked you first, why were you stalking me?" he asked

"I was trying to see if you were part of the game or not" I said honesty to see if I can get some answers

"Hahahaha, I see. You really are committed to researching me, so lets make a deal"

"And that is?"

"I will tell you my role and ability, if you tell me yours"

since I needed answers asap, I took the deal without a second thought, fully knowing he could have just gotten information out of me and leave

"I am Eikyo Koya, My role is Nivoi'artgs, and my ability is to see into the future"

"I see, how generous of you to even say your name" he said

"Let me say mine next, I am Iuru Tihana as you already know by now. My role is Dlowr and I have many abilities, which includes strength, accuracy, speed, durability but my main ability is-" he said but cut himself off mid sentence

He then took my hand and put it palm up, threw a cup noodles behind him, my eye was on the cup noodles but within an instant...

the cup noodles was gone

"Stopping Time" he said, completing his sentence

and what was on top of my hand was a ready cup noodles with hot water inside and all the other seasoning in it aswell

To be continued

Next chapter