Not the author,They came from two different worlds, yet both got sent to the same place. HE promised to help get her back home once they returned to his own world. But, things don't go as planned. And, while Anne Boonchuy is back in her own world, Olivier Clawthorne is also with her...but STILL so very Far From Home.
[In Another Time, In Another Place...]
"Ngghhh...ohhhh, my head." groaned Anne Boonchuy, as she slowly woke up.
Anne tried to open her eyes...only to shield them from the blinding sun.
She looked around, and found the Plantar family was with her (Also in a dazed state.)
...But, that wasn't all.
Anne found she was sitting on something Hot, and metallic.
and once her vision cleared...she realized she and the Plantars were on the hood of a car.
a Traffic, during Rush Hour.
...Which could only mean ONE THING.
"WHAT THE-?!" exclaimed Polly.
"WHAT THE FROG!?" exclaimed Sprig, next.
"WHERE ARE WE!?" exclaimed Hop Pop, last.
Anne stared out in shock, and disbelief "...home."
As the many cars began to honk loudly, the Plantars began to panic.
"I don't believe it..." spoke Anne, still stunned. "am I REALLY home?!"
Sprig looked at Anne. "So, this is your world, Anne?"
"What are these Stanpeding, Circle-Footed Beasts, Anne!?" exclaimed Hop Pop.
"Those are CARS, dude." said Anne, feeling a moment of clarity. "Their like Snails, only...NOT ALIVE."
"AW, Who's a GOOD Zombie Snail!" spoke Sprig, as he looked into the windshield.
a family inside the car looked terrified (though, one flashed a camera.)
Then, a car horn started to blare LOUDLY. "I think they're hungry."
Sprig then began throwing berries at the cars...which made them honk louder.
Anne then quickly grabbed Sprig, trying to stop him from making a scene.
"so, we're in Anne's world..." spoke Polly, still feeling woozy.
"But HOW!?, Am I...Dreaming? Or, was my whole life in Amphibia a dream?! (loudly) WHO AM I!?"
"Calm down, sweetie." spoke Hop Pop (trying to remain calm.) "Clearly this is all because of a Magic Portal
trapping us in THIS world while our tyrant King Andrias ravages our own with his army of Frobots."
Both Anne and Polly became pale at this.
"OHMYFROG, FROBO!" exclaimed Polly, who leapt for Anne's backpack.
The baby frogette lifted the flap...where the severed, inactive head of an aged,
robotic frog still remained after it was scooped up after Andrias smashed him to pieces.
"oh, Frobo. I promise I will fix you...Somehow." spoke Polly.
Anne continued to stare blankly as recent events suddenly came back to her.
"I...I remember. I remember how this-...oh my god." spoke Anne. "oliver...Oliver!"
As Anne jumped off the car, the Plantars followed after her.
Anne ignored the honking cars, and disgruntled drivers cursing at her.
She only had ONE goal in mind, and refused to leave until she found who she was looking for.
"Oliver!...OLIVER!" called Anne, fear slowly taking hold of her.
The Plantars also grew worried once they realized that one other who had been sucked into the portal with them was NOT among them.
As the family looked around...they then spotted something up ahead.
They heard what sounded like yelling, and against her better judgement: Anne ran to investigate.
As Anne and the Plantars walked closer, they saw a very angry man kicking the downed body of someone.
Anne gasped upon realizing that the person the man was kicking...was Olivier!
Who was laying motionless on the ground, Almost looking dead from where they were standing.
...and the truck driver continued to LITERALLY kick the Thirteen Year Old while he was down.
"GET THE F**K UP!" shouted the Truck Driver. "GET UP SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS PROPER!"
Anne's brown eyes instantly turned cyan blue as she glared in rage.
"get...away...FROM HIM!" shouted Anne, her body flaring with blue energy.
The Truck Driver turned...Just in time to see an angry, blue eyed girl
rush at him like a speeding train, leaving a trail of blue light in her wake.
Without even thinking, Anne balled a glowing fist and uppercut the man in the jaw.
Her blow made a sound like Thunder as the man was sent flying like a ragdoll.
Sprig's mouth hung open in shock (his long tongue unrolled as well.)
Anne's blue energy faded as she dropped to her knees, and held the body of the auburn haired boy.
"ollie...Oliver, WAKE UP! It's ME...Anne. PLEASE wake up."
Olivier Clawthorne didn't respond...he just remained motionless.
a dark bruise visible on his cheek (from where the damaged truck apparently hit him.)
"no...No, don't do this. DON'T DO THIS TO ME, OLIVER!" cried Anne, tearing up.
"please...don't do this. Don't let *THEM* have this! I...I can't lose you NOW."
Anne shed a tear...which fell upon Olivier's forehead.
"I lost...M-Marcy. and, I have no idea what happened Sasha."
Anne shut her eyes tight, tears streaming down her cheek.
Despite having been betrayed by both her closest friends,
she HATED that she left them both at the mercy of Andrias in Amphibia.
And, while Anne still had the Plantars by her side, She was terrified of losing Olivier.
Who seemed like the only other 'Human' that she had left who was special to her.
"I...I can't lose you too." spoke Anne. "I...I love you, Ollie."
Anne hugged Olivier, acting as if he would disappear if she let him go.
She didn't even care who was watching this emotional scene she was making either.
Damn her Pride. she had plenty right to grieve over losing the people she loved.
"ah, ahhh...ahhnnnee?" spoke a weak voice.
Anne and the Plantars looked to see Olivier slowly stir awake.
Joy all but destroyed her sadness once Anne saw those Gold and Sapphire Heterochromia open.
"OLIVER!" exclaimed Anne, who hugged her boyfriend tight.
"AHH!" cried out Olivier, wincing in pain. "AH-Anne...M-My ARM!"
Anne and the Plantars took note that Olivier's arm was limp,
dangling, and turned in a way that was physically impossible.
"I...I can't move it. TITAN, it hurts!" exclaimed Olivier, hissing in pain.
"hold on...I'll help you."
Anne then picked Olivier up bridal style, and lifted him up.
As Olivier groaned in pain, Anne gave her Frog Family a look that they understood.
The Group then ran as fast as they could away from the freeway,
and ducked into a grassy area away from the many honking cars.
Once Anne felt they were far enough away from 'civilization',
She knelt down and laid Olivier down gently against a large shade tree near.
Anne kept her distance as Olivier touched his limp arm...which earned him a jolt of pain.
"CAREFUL, Oliver...I think you may have dislocated your arm!" spoke Hopediah Plantar.
"ye-yeah, I th-think so too." spoke Olivier, despite his pain.
"You need to get yer' arm back in place before it heals all wrong." said Hop Pop.
Olivier tried to grip his arm...but the pain he felt was intense.
"Titan!...I can't do it!, hurts too much."
Anne knelt down, and touched Olivier's face. "let me help."
Olivier breathed out sharply. "okay...I-I trust you."
Anne walked around, and knelt down to where Olivier's dislocated arm was.
"Okay, now do as I say Anne..." spoke Hop Pop.
"okay...I'm listening." said Anne, not wanting to mess this up.
"Now, I want you to pull his arm out straight. but SLOW, an' STEADY."
Anne reluctantly did as she was told, and gently pulled at Olivier's arm.
Olivier winced from this, but tried to endure the pain.
"GOOD, now gently push back while turning his arm." continued Hop Pop.
"You should hear'a 'Clunking' sound once th' arm is in a proper position."
Anne carefully turned and pushed at Olivier's arm.
Olvier groaned, feeling waves of pain pulsing every now and again.
Until finally: (*CLUNK!*)
" comes th' Hard Part, now: JAM that sucker back into place."
Anne looked at Olivier. "I'm sorry...this is going to hurt a lot."
Olivier sighed softly. "do what you have to do."
Anne Gripped Olivier's arm, and using all her strength...Jerked it forward.
Olivier let out a loud yell of agony as his bones made a loud, cracking sound.
Olivier breathed heavily, feeling a numbness in his arm.
But, he soon regained control of his hand as his nerves reconnected.
Anne then began to massage Olivier's shoulder,
trying to restore circulation back into his arm.
"OKAY, that should about do it!" said Hop Pop. "Though, you should probably keep that arm of yours in a Sling, or Cast."
"OH!, I think I have something." said Anne, reaching for her backpack.
Anne then pulled out one of her shirts (Olivier recognized it as one of Anne's favorites.)
"Uhh, Anne...Isn't that-" (*RIIIP!*)
To Olivier's shock, Anne tore the shirt into strips of fabric.
She then fashioned them into a makeshift sling, and tied it around Olivier. Securing his arm.
"there you go...that should do it." said Anne.
Olivier looked at his arm...and, then his girlfriend. "You didn't have to-"
"YES, I did!" said Anne. "You are more important to me than some silly old shirt."
Olivier looked away, feeling awkward. Anne then leaned closer,
and pecked his cheek (which made the Witch Boy blush.)
Sprig then stepped up. "I think we should maybe-"
Everyone looked up to see a mossy green falcon fly down to them,
and perch itself onto a tree branch right above Olivier.
"Fleetwing?!...Is that YOU?" spoke Olivier, looking up.
The Falcon screeched, and swooped down to Olivier.
The Bird Palisman then became wooden, and formed a staff from it's feet.
The Falcon Staff struck the ground before Olivier...who grabbed hold of the staff,
and used it to pull himself back onto his feet (with some help from Anne and Sprig.)
The injured boy held onto his Falcon Staff like an older man would a cane.
He took a moment to breathe...and then gazed out at the vast landscape that lay before them all.
"I cannot feel any magic in this world...This MUST be the Human Realm." spoke Olivier.
"It sure does feel familiar...but could it REALLY be home?!" wondered Anne aloud.
Anne pulled out her phone, and turned it on. She then watched as the once unchanged
[NO SERVICE] caption turned into [5G], and bombarded her home screen with hundreds of notifications.
Anne gaped, bearing an expression as if she just saw the face of God himself.
"I'll take that as a YES." spoke Olivier.
[End of Part One]