

From my happy place filled with rosy fantasies

waking into nightmarish reality is distressing,

yet I do it, earnestly prepare myself.

Shiveringly take a step,

to greet my demons who hurt me, not physically.

But inside, they torture me.

I know that I am worthless, talent-less, and more of nothing.

I don't need anyone else to tell me, but then maybe, I do.

I don't know.

I never know anything.

I believed I could fly,

I believed I could touch the sky.

But I forgot I don't have any wings.

Without any abilities in me,

what can I do?

I only wish to be free.


I like to dream

I have a dream.

I don't know why but

what I dream seems beyond the sky.

Do what I now

when I cannot even

touch the sky,

then how dare I imagine

to embrace the wild blue yonder.

Future remains hauntingly unknown,

so does the past lay unchanged.

And the present is hard,

when one feels caged.

I want to scream

I want to shout

I want my voice

to be heard aloud

if not through my mouth

then through my moves,

through my words

I want to alter the truth.

I love it but

am no good, so what?

I will learn because that's something,

I never could before.

If toiling is the key, then I will.

I'll do it hard,

I'll do it well.

Cause I love it immensely so.

It enthralls me like the moon attracts the tide's flow.

A tiny problem,

I am no good at it,

I already know.

Hi guys, so this is not a chapter update and I am sorry for that. I just feel like I am going crazy with so many negative thoughts I have. I didn't know, I don't know what to do.

If you have time would you mind going through these words of mine and tell me what you think. Your honest opinion would be so helpful and something that I will be forever grateful for.

Of course I would understand if you can't.


Thank you so much for your time. Greatly appreciated. If you have any suggestions for me on how I can improve my writing or any advice for me in general, then please comment I will be eternally grateful.

Have a good day.

star_dreamercreators' thoughts
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