

The ride in the carriage was rather hard for celeste, being locked away for so long she had never ridden in one before and motion sickness was a new discovery she would have rather not found. Havoc was silent during the trip but every so often he would stare at the girl who struggled to sit up properly. her bronze skin turned sickly and she looked desperate for some fresh air.

the day crawled by slowly and the night sky was a welcomed sight for celeste. finally allowed out of the carriage to sleep in the tents prepared by maids. celeste strolled around the new grounds excited to see some place new. no one in the traveling group dared to talk to havocs new bride but eyes were watching her every move. some were shocked by her graceful beauty while others felt she was a simple temptress that havoc would soon get rid of. who among them didnt hate the monroe family? they all believed she must be just as horrendous as her 3 murderous brothers. her breath taking looks were also just another reminder of her tramp mother.

havoc was right to worry for his new bride but he was niave in thinking she was a simple creature. he soon learned his mistake when a rogue vampire disguised as a maid suddenly attacked the young girl without cause. celeste who had sensed the females bloodlust before didnt flinch or cry out. instead she slowly lifted her hand and sent a strange wisp of black smoke into the womans face. her playful smile broadened when the shrieking woman suddenly fell to her knees and slowly turned to dust.

havoc almost instantly recognized this scent. it was definitely shade! celestes aura was originally light green had now darkened until it was a murky grey. her golden eyes had also turned a terrifying blood red color that reminded havoc of that damn reaper.

posession was not impossible for that devilish creature but why was he possessing celeste and protecting her? was his new wife celeste the girl he had heard sold her soul to shade? a memory of shade with the temptress flashed in his mind and it all suddenly became very clear.

shade had worshipped marissa and now that she was gone he planned to take her daughter. if havoc had known beforehand he probably wouldnt have married her but now that he has havoc had to protect her. this girl... she wouldnt last long with that mad man.

pushing aside the frightened maids havoc pulled celeste towards him and whispered a small chant. almost instantly her eyes returned to gold and her aura was green again. celeste was back.

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