

{Edited Aaron's appearance: 3rd paragraph}

Morning sunshine is flowing through my bedroom window when I gently wake up from a good night's rest. When I'm done stretching I get dressed in my ankle-length, long sleeved, brown dress and white apron. I brush my long brown hair and leave it down. Then I head to the bakery.

"Hi Amora!" My friend, Aaron, said, "How has your day been?"

"I woke up not too long ago so there's not much of a day to rate but it's been good so far." Aaron is my best friend from when we were kids. He has straight black hair and cerulean blue eyes. Aaron wears a simplistic, long sleeved, white cotton shirt and fitted black cloth pants. He wears knee-high leather boots and keeps his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. But what stands out the most in his outfit is the cerulean dyed cloth wrapped around his waist with a silver pin portraying a fox in mid-run keeping the cloth in place and leaving the excess to dangle at his right side, this is what I gave him for his sixteenth birthday and, seeing as I've never seen him without it since that time, makes me feel very warm inside from how much he cherishes my gift so much. Even though we have been the best of friends since before I could remember, he doesn't know that I am a vulpin.

A vulpin, simply put, is a creature with 2 different forms: a human and a fox. The town of Aloran, like many other towns and villages, is against witches and vulpins living in harmony with humans. This is because these 2 creatures are seen as deceitful, cunning, and wicked even though most of them are nothing like that. When a witch or vulpin is discovered in Aloran, they're immediately hanged along with anyone who dared to give them shelter, food, a way to earn money, or anything else that might be beneficial to them. Which is why even Aaron doesn't know about my being a vulpin.

"Wanna head to the bakery for some breakfast before we go to the market? I haven't eaten anything and I'm starving." I ask as we start walking together.

"Sure! I'm down with that." Aaron replies.

          A few moments later we heard a blood-curdling scream and saw a baby falling out of a three-story window. Almost on instinct I hid behind some crates and transformed into a black fox. I rushed forward, leapt into the air, and gently caught the tiny baby in my powerful jaws. Then I gingerly set it on the ground in the middle of the growing crowd. Before anyone could react I raced down a nearby alley. When I lost sight of them I changed back to a human and silently made my way back to Aaron's side.

          "Did you see that, Amora? That fox just saved that baby's life!" Aaron said in astonishment. "And its coat was so beautiful! It shined silver in the light but as soon as it entered the dark alley it seemed to have melted into the shadows! I've never seen anything like it!"

          "It was a black fox. Black foxes are the friendliest species of foxes known to man. But they are very rare. And that one was female." I reply.

          "How do you know?"

          "The facial and bodily features. The face and body were sleek and feminine." I answer and then I change the subject. "Hey, uh, weren't we going to go eat breakfast at the bakery?"

          "Huh? Oh yeah. Let's get going then."

          As we started heading to the bakery, I couldn't help myself from feeling relieved that Aaron didn't think that a black fox saving a baby was a curse or something like that like everyone else most likely thinks. Sometimes I wish that everyone was like Aaron, always looking at the positive side of things. But that would be boring.

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