1 Ejected Into Space

"No! No…no…nooo! It wasn't me! You have to believe me!"

The spaceship I called my home, the job I dedicated my life to, and the comrades I trusted, all are now meaningless. The lights radiating into the cosmos flicker erratically, going past my vision.

I am spinning; my body is spinning. One second, I see it, for the other two seconds, I see nothing. The emitted light is getting duller and duller. Ah, I am floating farther and farther.

Is this how I am going to die? Floating in space aimlessly until my oxygen depletes and I suffocate to death or a meteorite smashes me into oblivion. Is this what I struggled all my life for? To pioneer into space after climbing to the peak of human society, wasn't that my lifelong dream?

Now that I have begun my journey, am I about to say a premature farewell? No! Absolutely not! I will not heed my life to fate yet. Until I find the culprit, I will not die.

"Pink was killed! I will avenge her! You hear me? I will avenge her!"

I press a button in my spacesuit, activating a mechanism I hid underneath the life support system. It connected a tube into the oxygen chamber, allowed me to use something through my oxygen control actuator.

"I will definitely return!"

[Oxygen level at 97%]

A voice beeped into me as the oxygen in my cylinder was ejected into the space using a vent that opened up in the palm area of my spacesuit. My vision spun, I couldn't make sense of my orientation.

But, if I don't resolve the vectors sooner, I will have no hope of surviving.

I faced my palm opposite to the direction of my spin, trying to negate it. Space is a shitty place where inertia is expressed to its full potential. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion while objects in rest tend to state in rest, for all eternity unless acted upon by an external force.

[Oxygen level at 96%]

"The Skeld!"

The voice beeped again as I gazed at the spaceship for two seconds every three seconds. My spin is coming under control. Soon, I will be able to stabilise myself. My heart burns with anger every time I see the Skeld.

How could they believe the words of that traitor and banish me? How could they suspect me when I was voted to be in charge of security? Wasn't I given that important role because they trusted me the most? Then why me? Why?

"It is all because of you, Red!"

I see Skeld for four seconds every five seconds. I am definitely slowing down. How did this situation happen? I was definitely paying attention to the monitor. Every crew member was in their respective station, no one ever moved during then.

[Oxygen level at 95%]

Now, I could see the Skeld for five seconds every five seconds. I have come quite far from it, but as long as I see its light, I will make my way to it.

"I'll be back! Just you wait!"

The murderer wasn't one of us. Two seconds before the 'Emergency Meeting' button was pressed, I definitely saw it. It was a red tongue, the likes of which I have never seen. Whatever it is, it definitely is not a human. And that bastard of Red was happy to get rid of me, that blithering scum of a potato. But…

"That tongue definitely didn't belong to a Human."
