
The Dump

A shrill alarm blared through the apartment.

"Hello, sir, you need to wake up. The border patrol will be at the dump soon," a voice crackled.

"Sir, wake up! It's almost nightfall, you have less than 20 minutes left to get there!" the voice called.

With a groan, a boy rolled off his desk to check the time. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he glanced at the clock again and, jolting out of his daze, muttered, "Ah, not again... I fell asleep. I'm going to be late! I need to hurry up!" Jumping out of his chair, he dashed straight to the kitchen to grab some leftover breakfast. As he put on his socks and jacket, the voice started speaking again.

"Finally, sir, you decided to wake up. You have 18 minutes left to get to the dump," the voice said. "Thanks, Nas. I'm going now. I can make it, so don't worry," he replied, lacking confidence.

"Where are my skates?" he asked, standing in front of a racket. "Sir, I can sense them behind you," Nas replied. "Whoops... thanks again! I can always count on you to help me. I'm heading to the dump now to get the last part we need to link up. See you in a bit. Bye!" "Oh, and almost forgot, stop calling me sir. My name's Aiko!" he yelled as he slammed the door.

Standing on the balcony staring at the skates he had worked on all night, he said, "Let's see if my upgrade works."

He slipped on his sleek, neon-blue skates and smiled to himself. These skates were relics of a bygone era, no longer used due to their danger. However, he had meticulously restored them to their former glory and added his own twist. Pressing a button on his neck, the neon blades extended from the bottom of the skates, bursting to life. Each blade glowed a vibrant blue and hummed with electricity. With a grin on his face, he tightened the mechanism of his skates and took a deep breath. "Oh, how I've missed this," he mumbled.

So, let's dive right into it. My name is Aiko, and I live in Amona, the largest city ever built. The city of Amona is bathed in fluorescent light, a sea of towering glass and steel skyscrapers stretching as far as the eye can see. Large vessels soar through the skies, and humans and bots coexist. About 49 million people call this place home. We're living in the year 3914.

The city of Amona is divided into five distinct districts, each with its own culture and identity. Central Amona serves as the city's center, surrounded by four districts named Zenta, Skyzol, Deephaven, and Eden.

Amona is the only city left. The rest of the world is frozen solid. So we can't leave even if we wanted to...

Then you might wonder how can Amona not be covered in ice? That's because a meteorite struck this land a few hundred years ago just before the ice age started. It's located in the center point of Amona. And for some weird reason this meteorite gives of incredible warmth, It's not only what's keeping us alive but us humans have managed to harness it's recources and build everything that's here. It's pretty awesome isn't it?

I reside in the slums of Deephaven, one of the poorest regions among all the districts. Deephaven is a city with serious depth—literally! It's burrowed deep underground, giving folks the impression that it's massive. But truth is, it's just jam-packed with people. Picture this: A somber dark blue looking city with streets like rings, spiraling down into the ground, each level at a different height. Those rings? They're metal bridges, always rotating, creating a large road system. And guess what? Houses line these roads, sitting on metal scaffolding. The deeper you go, the poorer it gets. Some even try to fake the sunlight to pretend they're above ground. The district has a very engaging nightlife, and community of people who are always up for fun;. Fortunately, I share a close bond with the people here, and they lend me a hand from time to time, just as I help them by fixing their belongings.

Deephaven is also home to the city's garbage dumps. All of Amona's waste ends up here, which is convenient for me as an engineer. It provides an excellent source of all the parts for my projects. However, there's a catch—the garbage dumps are heavily guarded. That's because the "garbage" isn't merely trash; it often includes weapons and dangerous systems. Although they are broken and no longer functional, if they were to fall into the wrong hands, it could be catastrophic.

Now, Let's get back to what I was doing. Nas, (I know, it's the best name I could come up with), is my virtual assistant. She helps me tackle complex equations and manages various tasks, such as keeping me punctual. My uncle left Nas's program laying around in the appartment before he left, I don't even know how he got it but it's very usefull. But sadly, Nas's link-up device broke a week ago during my last visit to the dump, so now she can only communicate with me through the speakers I've installed in my apartment. And a screen where i can see frequency's when ever she speaks to feel somewhat of an interaction. However, a few days ago, I caught sight of a shipment bound for the dump. I got this information from eavesdropping a couple of guards the last time i went to the dump. It contained the latest batch of Bots rejected by the government due to failing the standard safety requirements. These Bots hold a crucial component—an advanced chip called the "link-up." This chip enables them to establish connections with their hosts and function as portable assistants. I need this chip for Nas to ensure her mobility alongside me. Furthermore, it boasts an impressive holographic feature, which is definitely a bonus for me.

Today marks the final opportunity to retrieve the chip, as all the garbage is made ready for incineration. Time is of the essence, and Aiko must reach the dump before the guards reinforce their numbers.

Aiko's heart pounds with adrenaline as he takes a leap of faith off his balcony. Time slows down as he executes a daring mid-air twist, landing with a flourish on the edge of the building's exterior. With each swing he takes, skating down the vertical surface, he hangs on the edge of control. The rush of wind whips through his hair, heightening the exhilaration coursing through his veins. Struggling to maintain his balance, Aiko's legs wobble for a moment, threatening to give way under the strain. But he gathers his focus. "Whoa... I haven't pulled this off in ages!" he exclaims, a mix of excitement and nostalgia in his voice. Memories of previous breathtaking descents flood his mind, adding to the thrill of the present moment.

After his daring descent, Aiko swiftly leaps onto the road, gliding past a group of familiar faces who excitedly call out, "Hey Aiko, long time no see!" their voices filled with warmth. A broad smile spreads across his face. However, time is not on his side. With a touch of regret, he hastily replies, "Sorry, I'll drop by next time! I've got to go right now!" Aiko's urgency is palpable as he navigates the bustling street, leaving behind a trail of excitement and curiosity.

An old man among the group chuckles softly, his eyes following Aiko's swift departure. "Ah, that boy's always up to something," he muses, a hint of admiration in his voice.

As Aiko approaches the towering dump, a dark and mysterious expanse of discarded technology. Puddles of water reflect dim, flickering lights, casting an eerie glow on the rusted metal and shattered glass. Among the tangled heaps of machinery. This isn't his first venture into the depths of Deephaven, and he knows the importance of not getting caught. Scaling the highest rings of the dump, he carefully ascends, seeking the perfect vantage point to assess the situation below. From his vantage point, Aiko scans the area. His eyes dart from one corner to another, assessing the number and position of the guards. But what catches him off guard is the complete absence of guards. It's like they all took a coffee break or something. That's unusual. "Hmm, something's up" he mumbles.

His attention shifts to a cluster of tough-looking containers. ''Yeah, those are definitely where the rejected bots are stashed'' he says. The containers scream "stay out" with their fortified exterior. ''Ain't gonna be easy to crack 'em open'' he implies. Aiko's brain starts buzzing, searching for a solution to this unexpected twist. He studies the containers, checking out their reinforced locks and solid construction. ''No point in a head-on collision, that's for sure'' he points out. He needs to be smart about this, find a way to slip in unnoticed.

Aiko takes a moment, plotting his next move and says ''There's gotta be a weak point, a hidden trick to sneak inside and grab the chip without setting off any alarms''.

Man, the last time I went to the dump, it was a total disaster. I tripped some stupid alarm, and the next thing I knew, I was playing a real-life game of hide-and-seek for three freakin' hours. Sneaking my way back home without getting caught was like threading a needle in a hurricane, I swear. Especially because they where guarding my usual entry point. After that nightmare, I decided to lay low for a couple of days. I mean, who knows if they were still sniffing around, right? Call it paranoia or whatever, but better safe than sorry. I locked myself indoors, double-checked the blinds, and kept my ears perked for any sign of trouble. Gotta admit, it felt good to have a breather and put my mind at ease. No way was I gonna let them catch me slippin' again.

With that thought in mind, Aiko begins his descent into the dump. He contemplates his usual entry point, a small hole he had made in the fence, but he figures they've probably sealed it off after his last visit and quickly turns down that idea. Yet, a spark of inspiration ignites within him as he realizes something: "wait i got my skates working again". Suddenly, an idea starts to form in his mind.

As Aiko reaches the level of the dump, he scans his surroundings, searching for a spot with enough room to build up speed. Sneaking along, he finds a narrow road nestled beside a building that fits the bill. "Alright, here goes nothing... or everything," he mutters with a hint of uncertainty. Taking his position, Aiko adjusts the force of his roller blades using a handy rolling disk on the side. He takes a deep breath, exhaling a sense of focus and determination. It's time to unleash his sprint.

With a burst of energy, Aiko kicks off his sprint, leaping from one box to another, effortlessly navigating his way towards the fence. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, he propels himself upward, scaling the building at lightning speed. He's so close to reaching the top when suddenly, his foot slips, and he teeters on the edge. In a split second, he manages to grab hold of the railing, narrowly avoiding disaster. "Whoa, talk about a close shave," he mutters breathlessly while turning of the blades to make up for the noise. Collecting himself, Aiko knows he can't afford any more slip-ups. He shifts into stealth mode, crawling along the building, keeping his body low to avoid detection. He scans the surroundings, ensuring no prying eyes witnessed his near fall. Once satisfied that the coast is clear, he locates a sturdy ladder and expertly scales down the side of the building, descending towards the containers he's set his sights on.

As Aiko approaches the container, his sharp eyes catch a glimpse of a panel in front of it. Curiosity piqued, he takes a closer look. The panel seems to materialize from its surroundings, revealing itself as a possible entry point. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he realizes this could be his ticket inside. "Alright, this is promising," Aiko mutters to himself. He swiftly pulls out his trusty phone and rummages through his pockets, retrieving a cable that perfectly matches the panel's ports. He connects the cable to his phone and the panel, their compatibility a testament to his preparedness.

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