
Aeremore, City of the Sky

In the bright blue skies above the clouds, there is a sky island where a city rests atop it's flush green surface. Rivers falling down the island as the source comes from a lake near the city. A small forest dances in the wind on the opposite end of the island. Next to the island and slightly above it rested another place where a small home overviews the entire island. Underneath the island there are overhanging mana crystals that provide this sky island with the ability to float. Birds chirp as they glide around the large, slowly moving island.

In the city with walls, it divided up into four districts: Housing, Markets, Academic and the final part in the centre, the shield.

That shield is hidden as it protects the inhabitants from random invaders that dare to attack.

Strolling the streets of the academic district was a demi-human with red hair and wolf-like features. Instead of normal hands, he has claws instead of fingers and so he hides them with mana gloves that act as hands.

His tail swerves left and right as the slow steps merge with the large clusters of foot steps. His head faces downwards as his ears slightly bent forward. He had some weird buds while his blue clothes with red rims flowed with the wind.

Suddenly nudged by a full-human with orange hair and golden eyes, the demi-human with his red eyes glanced at the boy as he walked with him. They both were six years apart, the red hair boy being ten while the orange hair boy being sixteen.

The orange hair boy signaled for the buds and the red hair boy pulled them out. "Today's the day right?"

The red hair boy stopped and immediately looked up at the clear skies.

"Today marks the tenth… I still can't remember my past life, but why is it that I feel so… o-"

"ODD!? Ahh, yes, you mentioned having no recollection of your parents, who you are and where you came from," a girl with a hyper-active voice called out. The red hair boy turned around only to be greeted by a pair of mature melons. Blushing, he squealed and turned to flee when a pair of hands wrapped around his torso.

"Brother! Stop acting so perverted when you see the t- U-Uhh, MELONS! I MEANT MELONS!" a young voice around the age of the boy was heard. As he stopped he suddenly felt warm and calmed down. "Anyway, you know the deal. Every time you failed to stand in front of miss Yuri's maturity, you would allow us all to touch the floofy tail of yours, Ashkron."

Flinching, Ashkron grew tense as he sighed before going up to Yuri who had the big melons. "P-please be careful."

He turned around as Yuri bent down to snuggle in his comfy, warm fluffy tail. He felt embarrassed with the students from various academies staring and glancing at them hugging his warm red wolf tail.

"I'm the last one," the orange hair boy bent down, Rubbing his hands on the tail before eventually petting Ashkron's head. He smiled at the sight of the group together playing around with no worry at all. "Anyway, Ashkron, don't your classes start in ten minutes?"

Ashkron who lifted his hands into the air screamed before placing his hands on his mouth. "YIKES! Thanks for the mention, Kaede!"

Kaede, the maple leaf, watched Ashkron as he groomed his tail and hair before dashing uphill towards his academy. In Astrelelor, the academic district has literally all subjects in it. Whether it's about the basics or up to mature content, almost all and anything can be studied here. To keep the place organised, the mistress who guards the island with the large barrier instructed there to be several layers that will allow for management in age groups. Ages from birth to eight must remain at home in the housing district to learn the basics from their parents.

Ages nine to twelve study the basics of the life subjects: Maths, English, Science and so on.

Ages thirteen to sixteen, students must study the basics to their advanced stages and can have extra subjects of their choice. Whether it's on magic, combat or adventurers, they still have a lot of subjects.

The final stage being option has ages ranging from seventeen to thirty years. This covers literally any subject of your choice. Some subjects even allow you to restudy them from the start before progressing to the advanced stages.

Since Ashkron is ten, he studies in layer one, the area or stage where he learns the basics of life.

"K-a-e-d-e, WAKE UP!" Yuri screamed in his ear to wake him up from his complicated thoughts. Yuri with her hands to the side and her feet tapping the ground expressed clear frustration. "I know you reminded the red fluffball that he was going to be late, but did you consider that WE HAVE FIVE MINUTES!?"

Yet again she screamed, this time Kaede looked dumbfounded at her before realising the reason for what she said.

"Class is starting in one minute, those who are late must pick up the slack or else you will get detention," a loud speaker sounded the area warning any students in the vicinity to rush to class.

"We should uhh…" Kaede started to speak before he started to sweat and got into a running position. "RUN!"

As the two ran off to their class that was on the far wall of the layer, Ashkron sat down in his seat in his classroom.

One kid with short brown hair sat with a textbook in front of him while resting on his left arm in thought. Another one with black hair and a pair of glasses was skimming through a thick textbook. Both of which sat on either side of Ashkron. The one who was deep in thought was named Isamu while the one stuck in the books was Sumato.

Ashkron who was casually reading his textbook noticed that some whispers were going around and decided to listen in as his ears twitched.

"Apparently there's going to be a duel between the mistress and a random adventurer."

"Yeah and they are planning to do it today. So, the school might close early to allow students to observe the battle."

Ashkron's tail was swerving in excitement as he heard that.

'A battle between a mysterious person and the almighty mistress? Man, I hope school ends now so I can see this battle for myself!' Ashkron thought to himself before their teacher slapped his desk.

"Get back to reading!" she yelled with her stern voice.

Everyone continued reading while Isamu nudged Ashkron. He eyed at the girls who spoke about the rumour as he signaled his thumb to the windows. Ashkron grinned at Isamu before poking Sumato in the side. He yelped and gently placed his chunky book down before glaring at Ashkron.

"What?" he furiously whispered at him. Clearly he didn't like his chain of reading being interrupted. Sumato has this thing where when he skims for hours, his brain becomes blank and ignores everything around him aside from physical contact. This allows him to process thousands of words with ease and in which case makes him a smart kid.

Giggling, Ashkron pointed his thumb to the window before a teacher's shadow overlooked him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here," the stern voice of the teacher caused Ashkron to yelp in surprise. The teacher then used one hand to lift him up like a small puppy who got into trouble for mischievous acts. "Just because you have special treatment and that you don't have eight years of memory does not mean you neglect the basic, boy."

The teacher made that last word sound like no effort was put in.

"I'm sorry, miss Erica-sensei…" Ashkron frowned as he was eventually placed in a corner of the room. Everyone who witnessed the event simply giggled as he shamefully sat down with his knees in the corner. "But, I said sorry…"

"Eesh. Anyone who wants to be embarrassed and act like the baka over there, be my guest as I don't mind getting you all into detention," Erica called out to everyone, face full of intensity as she glared at all the students. Even Isuma began to read his book thoroughly. Sumato on the other hand actually liked this scene as he pleasured himself with his big book again.

While this happened, someone knocked on the classroom door on the left which alerted the teacher and caught the attention of several students.

"Come in," Erica called out, her expression still stern. Once the door slid open, a person with a rich and a powerful robe entered. It's golden rims, brown fabric while patterns of gold traced around his robe in the shape of a dragon gave off a slight glow. The teacher who was staring at the board full of sentences in the language of magic felt the presence and grew tense.

"Ashkron, please come home with me," the man with his rich clothes, brown eyes, brown and gold hair casually requested Ashkron who was sitting quietly in the corner.

Ashkron sighed and got up and walked towards the man. Erica who was still tense, held her posture as still as possible while everyone else was confused about the whole situation.

The red hair demi-human, Ashkron held his gaze towards the marble ground.

"Let's go," was all the man said before they left the room. Erica, who heard the door close softened up, simply sighed and looked at everyone who was confused.

"Well, to anyone who just saw that man, you all should probably pay your minds to the books I gave you whenever that lord comes in. He's one of the top ten lords of the island that came into migration with another thirty-seven lords."

Sumato, who heard what she said, yelped at that and looked at the teacher.

"So, I just insulted a lord's son?" he had a sign of fear before the teacher glared at him. Erica rested her back to the board where nothing was written and closed her eyes.

"Let me teach you a bit of history. First, let me start with before the island was founded," as Erica started her lecture. "I believe it was when the mistress started her plans to create an island when she announced a safe haven in the heavens would be created for a century."

And so, the small story begins here.

In a forest full of wildlife, thousands of humans were hidden in the forest as a dragon constantly roamed the skies. A man dressed in chainmail approached someone with leather.

"Sir, the nobles are meeting up, we should observe their meeting while we can," his voice quiet as he informed the man wearing leather armour. He grunted and did some sign language saying he'll come.

The two quickly jogged to their cave base.

Inside there were spires overhanging and everything a large cavern has except infested with humans. In the centre, seventy rich looking men stood around someone who wore leather clothes with the golden dragon on his robes. His brown eyes glittered as the torches lit the dark caves.

"As you all are aware, the mistress has planned to create a safe haven in the heavens for a century and you all feel anxious about it, scared even," his voice called out to everyone who was observing the meeting. One noble of crimson clothing, brown hair and blue eyes snorted in retortion as he stuck his finger up before leaving. "I also know some of you don't want to live up there and wish to remain on the surface, but due to the dragon's existence, we remain in a state where we must seek a safe haven to prepare for it's death."

"But, what of the people who may be unable to migrate?" a noble of mid class questioned the guy's speech.

As silence followed, the noble clenched his fist and growled.

"Screw this, I'm out. If our people cannot migrate all together, then we should not be in the sky. Besides, I had a feeling the mistress, whom we don't know much about, held small power."

As the noble left, several others followed him, leaving thirty-seven including the speaker. The rich noble then coughed to gain the remaining nobles' attention.

"If there are this many of you, then I presume you agree to this plan?"

One noble who had similar clothing but with a falcon and blue lines stood forward and unsheathed his longsword. "Yes, thou agrees and wishes to form a pact of agreement."

All the nobles unsheathed their blades and waited for the speaker to come down with his blade. When he came down the small platform, he unsheathed his sword, revealing an orange Wakizashi that glowed a crimson colour. He then pointed his blade forward, followed by the other nobles as each one placed their blades in the form of a large circle.

"In accordance to our agreement," they all spoke simultaneously. "We, the thirty-seven nobles hereby become the thirty-seven lords of our new home, Aeremore, the sky city!"

Mana slowly flowed to the centre as a small ball of rainbow grew into the shape of a symbol. A staff to be precise. Blades slowly pointed upwards as the staff ascended, illuminating the room with a fierce colourful light.

Each noble worked alone while the lords worked together in forming the new sky city, Aeremore. This meeting is what was known as the start of the new foundation for a new home.

Now, back to the present where the classroom of young children observed Erica as she rose her blade in response to the last two paragraphs. When she opened her eyes, Erica blushed and immediately sheathed her blade and coughed.

"Well, now that you know that, please don't worry about punishment, however, the lords do have their reasons and such is so if he, the lord of myth, Draconius, desires Ashkron's presences."

Just as she stated her last words, a large set of bangs were heard.

"FINALLY! THE SIGNAL FOR LUNCH BREAK!" Isamus cheered as he packed up his gear and ran out the door along with the other students who cheered whilst ignoring Erica who was screaming for their attention. Sumato slowly packed his gear and stood in front of Erica.

"As class president, I apologise on behalf of everyone," he bowed before dashing off to Isamus. Erica was so angry that her voice screeched.

"DAMN YOU BLASTED KIDS!" she screamed some non-child friendly words.

Ashkron who was following the man named Draconius held his hand as he put on a blank face. When the two left the school grounds and onto the streets of the academic district, they halted before Draconius bent down to Ashkron's level.

"You forgot to tell the lady in the office about your magic test today didn't you?" his voice was calm, soothing and yet had a sound of concern. His eyes granted the feel of a father who wanted to help his son. "Amnesia isn't something good. It's the reason why you do these tests."

Ashkron who had his eyes down looked up into his step-father's caring eyes. He truly knew how his father felt, however, Ashkron didn't like what was going on with his life. Having no recollection from the years before the age of eight, Ashkron lived, not knowing how to live life until Draconius found him sleeping on the ground in the winter with little clothing.

On that wintry afternoon, a story to be remembered another time as Draconius booped Ashkron's nose with his finger. "Haha, gotcha!"

Ashkron retaliated by moaning in annoyance.

"Fine! Let's just get that test done so I can hang with my friends," Ashkron's tail went up with his ears on alert showing Ashkron really wants to hurry. Draconius, who noticed this, stood up and pointed at the large tower that holds the power for the barrier, in other words, the mistress.

"You seriously think she would suddenly waltz on down here for a simple fight and leave our home unguarded?" he suddenly chuckled at the thought, his mind imagining a woman in her twenties with divine clothes befitting a goddess. The two walked towards the tower before a strange man observed their actions and ran off into the shadows.

Never the greatest, but something I like.

Zerius123creators' thoughts
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