
Tuesday 07/23


I hear the loud screams of my mother who calls me to dinner, I see dad in the living room, I go at full speed, straight to hug him.

- Hi daddy, how was work? - I say with my head on his chest.

- Terrible, a worker disappeared from the building, we don't know where he might be, they called the police, but we don't know anything, tomorrow the police will go to the open field to see if they can find him, maybe he left earlier.

- Too bad, his family must be very worried.

- Yes, I think so, let's eat.

The three of us sat down, and began to savor Mom's delicious stew, after a few minutes, we eat dessert and I go to my much-desired bed.

8 a.m.

My alarm goes off, I get up, and the same routine as every day. After taking a bath, I enter the dining room. Mom is alone, I greet her and I start eating a light breakfast.

I go back to my room and prepare my clothes for when I go to school.

12 p.m.

After lunch, I greet my mom and walk away, as dad takes the car to work. I walk slowly and relaxed to school, it is still early.

Arriving at school, I walk through the hallways and see Lucas alone. I approach him, he lifts his deep gaze from him, he watches my eyes and smiles.

- Hello Lucas

- Hello - he looks back at the cell phone.

- You're very busy, why isn't there anyone at school?

- We will enter later - he walks away.

- Wait, why are we going in later?

- Ah, if one of the teachers could not come, they said it yesterday, I ignored him and came because I like to be alone, with permission - he turns around and leaves again.

I sit in one of the benches to wait, but wait, I have no idea what time we enter, I stop and go to the address, there is no one inside, of course, they must be having lunch, so I decide to go outside to look to Lucas to ask him.

On the way, a little through the schoolyard, I had forgotten during the holidays that it was all so dark, the pines grew a little more, they were very opaque, almost no light passed between them, and above all, it is cloudy. I feel the soft touch on my shoulder, so I turn around scared.

- Oh Lucas! You're going to scare me to death.

- Ha ha ha - he starts laughing - you were so scared and I couldn't miss the opportunity to scare you.

- It does not matter, I came because I wanted to ask you what time we entered.

- At 2 p.m, do you want to join me?

- There's still an hour left, and what? ... Do you want me to stay here with you?

- Yes, what do you have, don't you want to be with me? - And now that happened to him, since when he wants to be with someone, he told me a while ago that he came early to be alone.

- No thanks, I could disturb your loneliness.

- Don't bother her ... what's more, she says she likes you.

I raise one of my eyebrows, she is saying that she likes me, since when, we never spoke.

- Ehhh - I don't know what to answer, like ...

"You too"

Or "let's get married now"

Or also, "aha, thank you"

Ring Ring...

Damn, the bell that indicates two in the afternoon resounds, class change. I get up quickly from the floor, Lucas stares at me, and I start running to the living room. I slip when entering, most of them laugh, while Lucia helps me to stand.

- Hello Strawberry - Vanessa continues with that, perhaps nobody can forget what happened yesterday, they forget about the exams from one day to the next, but not a girl who got dirty in the middle of the room.

Okay, I wouldn't forget either.

- Fuck off Vanessa - I answer, I keep walking to my seat.

The teacher joined the room and began to take attendance at each one.

- Very good young people, in my class, we will work in groups during this part of the year. They will be groups of three, the first team will be made up of Vanessa, Lucas and Anna.

- Excuse me teacher, I'm not going to work with him - Vanessa exclaims from the other end of the room, just because her daddy has a bit of money he thinks she's a princess, from the moment she comes to this school she's not very princess. .

- Miss, no one is inferior to anyone and relax.

- Excuse me teacher - Vanessa takes a seat.

- Very good, the next group will be Luis, Alia and Mario, the other one is Melissa, Aarón and ....

- I, I - Lucia exclaims, raising her hand.

- Okay, you two and Lucia Berenger.

Ring Ring!!

- Well, we leave it for the next class, bye guys - the teacher leaves.

- You don't know what happened to me - I turn to speak to Lucia.

- What? Tell me everything.

- Lucas...

- Lucas?!! - Aaron gets into the conversation.

- Yes, Lucas - I answer - I was out, because I arrived early, he came with me and he told me that he liked me.

- Seriously?! - Lucia raises her voice.

- Yes, and just at that moment the bell rang, it comes inside and I left it.

- Clumsy - says Lucia.

- It's good that you've done it, he's not that bad - Aarón answers me, giving little interest to what I said.

- Meli, come - Lucia takes me by the hand and we approach the teacher's desk - let's ask the teacher if she lets us go to the bathroom.

- Well, but why do you want to go with me? If you can go alone.

- I have to tell you something, does she let us go to the bathroom?

- It's okay - Lucia won't let her finish and she takes me to the bathroom.

- Why are you running? - I tell him

- Because, look, I'm going to tell you something, but don't comment on it, Aaron likes Lucas - says Lucia.

- Aaron is gay?

- Yes, any problem? - Lucia asks me.

- No, I just didn't know.

- Well, and he didn't like it after you told me what happened with Lucas, so if something happens, tell me. Is that clear?

- Yes yes, okay

- Well, then let's go back to class.

- Let's go

We return to the course, Aarón observes me, surely he already realized that Lucia told me, I take a seat next to him and try to talk to him, but I decide to avoid the topic.

5 p.m

We left, since the exit bell rang, Lucia offers to accompany me to my house, but I say no, since she must go with Aaron, they both live near her. I start to walk, I feel steps behind me and he turned with his guard up.

- Hi Lucas, why are you following me?

- How do you know it's me? I wanted to scare you - he stands in front of me - before the doorbell interrupted you, what were you going to tell me?

- Any

-Any? - approaches me.

- Look, I do like you - I sigh - but I'm not the only one.

- So, there are more girls like you who like me.

- Not just girls - I wink at him, he just looks at me confused.

- That is . ...

- Yep - I approach him and kiss him - Bye Lucas.

- Wait - take my hand gently, only his other hand on my face and gently caress it, bringing me closer to his face, causing a soft and lasting kiss.

- Okay ... - I pat him on the shoulders, I walk away, but when I open the door my mom is there watching through the window.

- Hello little girl, who is the boy? - my mom asks me

- It's Lucas, have you been spying on me?

- Not at all, but you should invite him to dinner - he puts his hands on his waist - I say, if you want, because I didn't see anything - he winks at me.

- Oh mom, I'm going to go to sleep, because I want to wake up very early, to do the homework I have pending - I walk to the room and throw myself on the bed.

My phone rings, it is an unknown number.

- Hi Mel.

I already realized who he is, haha ​​how strange that he does not have it attacked.

- Hi Lucas, I have to accommodate my room, we will talk another time.

- Well - send me a sad face.

I roll over in bed, get up, and begin to set her up.


I'm going with Aaron to my house, it's about four blocks from the school.

- I don't like him - Aaron tells me

- Who? - I ask trying not to realize who is talking about.

- You know who, you think I didn't realize it, Melissa.

- Ah, Melissa, she's a good person, just because Lucas likes her, it doesn't mean she's bad, you understand.

- Yes, but there is something about her that I don't like and she especially likes Lucas.

- She Only she was telling me, she didn't know that you liked her, I told her.

- Okay, see you I'm going home - he greets me and walks away.

I go into my house, Dad is in the living room and Mom ... mmm, I don't see her.

- Hi Lucia, how was school?

- Well, where is she mom?

- He went out to do the shopping.

- But if the car is outside.

- He walked away

- I made a new friend

- Good, and what is it called?

- Her name is Melissa Romano, she is my partner.

- At last you have a friend and not a friend who thinks she is a friend.

- He is Aaron and he is my friend, even if he is gay, do not make fun of him every time he comes you say something to him, and he feels bad.

- Well daughter, go to your room, your mother left you something.

I go upstairs in my bed, my mom left me a notebook, new vintage. There is a note.

"Luci, this notebook is for you to write your conspiracy and mystery cases and stories, inside I will leave you a few sheets with some inspiration I hope you like it".

She smiled when she read it, I always liked mystery stories, Mom sure gave it to me as I was begging her to buy one for me, I hear someone knock on my window, without hesitation I approach her and see a silhouette move away under the shadow of the Willows from the patio, paralyzed me, slowly I move away from the window, but I feel a hand on my back and turn .....

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