
Beauty no game

In a lonely thicket move in a fairly tall light skinned lad...Odile was his name. All sorts of calmness surrounded his area of exposure and all he could hear was the sweet melodies of the giant and tiny birds within the forest.

Time was moving fast,as soon as it approached 7 o'clock Odile felt so weary, this was due to numerous scary stories the elderly could tell of this forest. "Young man, come closer, " A coarse voice was heard within the trees....it was too loud and coarse that the trees shook with uncertainty.

Odile was now ready for the wrath of the seasonal giants as the elders referred to them...."calm down my friend, with more terrifying sound but calm this time..the giant exclaimed while approaching him, " I will show you the reality of life, and you are going to be part of my agents." Let me go, help, help.....heeeeeelp___ To no one's audience was Odile making the loudest shout...his mission was to pick the juicy and lovely mangoes which looked more attractive to the sight of any by-passer.

The creature then gripped him by the waist leaving him with no chance of taking enough breath. He tried to find his way out but the strength of the creature overpowered him...

"Maybe he would release me , exclaimed the miserable young man silently....maybe he is going to tour me the whole forest", he now spoke this with little composure.

The night had fallen and the boy had no hopes of going back home....this creature became more friendly to him and he also felt some deceptive composure...the two friends had wondered deep inside the forest and wherever they reached all other creatures, big and small could bow down to their chief. This made Odile feel stones onto his shoulders, quietly he mummered..." the boss is my buddy," It was now very clear to him that there was no way out of the forest but the only option was to cooperate with the giant who was now his master.

It was now 12 o'clock in the night, and the two buddies had now reached a well lit environment, all he could see was a queue of beasts moving towards one direction...he could not understand where and what they were upto. Being weary with high heart beat, the monster assured him of safety. He was now like a tourist attraction...every member moved closer to him, shook their heads and continued their endeavours.

An assembly was called immediately, Odile was introduced to the congregation, drums were played as the creatures danced round the fire...one giant picked him by the legs leaving him upside down...the dance continued as he made the loudest noise, this was a way of welcoming a visitor.....He was there after dipped inside a very cold water for cleaning, suddenly a beautiful being was brought to him....this was a lady who was at one time captured trying to get the fruits just like Odile. The two were made to sit at the centre of the circle then asked to take vows of husband and wife.....

Being young,the boy was terrified but thr lady made him convinced that only by taking the vows shall they be safe. The vows were taken and the two were give a very beautiful house to dwell in...they were never allowed to perform any hard labour since they were viewed as god given and a blessing to the whole forest.

Odile was enthroned as a king of the whole forest, he was always being consulted about anything that was to transpire in the forest.

His beautiful wife was admired among the tall creatures but no one was allowed to extend their filthy hands upon her.....surely she was an angel, full of beauty and generosity..The rise of Odile the king came in a blink of an eye, and all the creatures believed he was very intelligent that no one was allowed to object or argue him out. To many creatures this was a blessing in disguise. For the first time there was peace in the forest, no fights and quarrels as it was before, this was due to the good leadership of the great king Odile.. ...

His lead guard, the pioneer giant was always close to him, ready to pounce on anyone who tried to mess with him..He got respect across the forest and once in a while there was a celebration organised to commemorate his inauguration...

Seasons came and went and the two became old and old....this made them think of a child, one who would keep their generation as they say farewell to the world. They sat and gave it a thought then decided to have one..months passed by and soon a cry of a baby was heard in their Palace. Happiness surrounded all the environment as the creatures celebrated the addition of a wiseman amidst them..they all cherished humans and gave them the most and high respect that surpassed all other creatures that lived in the forest.

Ideas started flogging Odile's mind....he felt like to change the way of living within the forest, his wife was the most lucky one and all she counted was blessing of meeting such and intelligent young man. He sincerely ruled with justice and all the giants loved him.

Am African based piece which explores the spiritual life

Odhiambo_Davidcreators' thoughts