
Forgiving Claire.

<General perspective>

Phil looked at Ava and said, "Have we met before? I think I've seen you somewhere."

Ava sighed, and Elena asked, "Ava, do you know this person?"

Ava nodded and turned to Phil, "Mr. Dunphy, I am Ava, your daughter Haley's friend."

Phil remembered and said, "So you are that dinner girl."

Ava chuckled, "Yes, I am. Well, Mr. Dunphy, I am sorry for that night. I shouldn't have gotten that angry."

Phil shook his head, "It's not your fault. Claire doesn't have any right to call you that."

Ava smiled, "No, Mrs. Dunphy cares about Haley. That's why she said that."

Phil looked at Ava's clothes and asked, "Are you and your friend skydiving here?"

Ava nodded as she looked at Regina and Elena, "Yes, we are. Oh, I forgot to introduce, Mr. Dunphy, this is my girlfriend Elena and my best friend Regina."

Phil extended his hand, "I'm Phil Dunphy, as Ava said, I'm her friend's father."

Elena and Regina shook hands with Phil.

Phil turned to Ava and asked in curiosity, "Oh, I'm a little confused. Is Elena your girlfriend or just a friend?"

Elena chuckled at Phil's question, "Well, I am her girlfriend," as she kissed Ava on the cheek.

Phil nodded. Regina looked at Phil's reaction and asked, "Mr. Dunphy, you don't show much reaction to their relationship. Why is that?"

Phil smiled, "Well, my brother-in-law is gay, so these things aren't new to me."

Regina nodded. Ava saw Elena looking at Phil's bike and whispered in her ear, "Do you want to ride it?"

Elena nodded, "No, when we get to the city, we can rent a bike. You know, the last time I drove a motorbike was 3 years ago. It was a nice experience."

Ava looked at Phil, "Mr. Dunphy, can you let Elena drive this motorcycle to your house? Don't worry, we have a car."

Phil thought and replied, "I don't mind. You can. I don't like bikes anyway."

[Commentary Phil]

Phil said, "That thing is so heavy. After 15 minutes, I thought I'd have to film a documentary about myself."

Phil continued, "Like in that movie '127 Hours'. Now, the last thing I want is to drive that thing again. On second thought, I could become famous. But how did Ava pick up that bike like a piece of paper?"

[Commentary End]

Elena was about to say something, but Ava patted her shoulder and said, mimicking a military commander, "Now it's your mission to get this bike to Mr. Dunphy's house, soldier."

Elena sighed and also played her part, "Yes, Commander Ava."

Phil saw this and thought, 'Is this some kind of act? If it is, why should I be left behind?' As Phil said with a salute to Elena, "I leave this bike in your hands, soldier."

Elena was taken aback by Phil, but she replied playing her part and saluted back to Phil, "Yes, Sergeant Phil."

Phil felt proud being called a Sergeant, while Regina chuckled at their acting and performance.

Ava said, "Let me get the car."

As Ava got inside the Hummer and drove towards Phil's bike, she opened the door and said, "Get inside."

Ava looked at Elena on the bike and said, "Elena, I sent the location of Sergeant Phil's house to your phone."

Elena nodded and started the bike. Phil looked at the car, "Commander Ava, is this a military Hummer?"

(Pic in the comment)

Ava shook her head and said, "No, Sergeant Phil, it's my own private Hummer."

As Regina sat in the front seat and Phil sat in the back seat, Elena drove the bike while Ava followed her in the Hummer.

After some time, Elena arrived at the Dunphy house and saw Claire talking with Jay outside.

Elena put the bike on the stand and asked Claire, "Is this the Dunphy house?"

Claire nodded, "Yes, it is."

Elena replied, "Where should I park this bike?"

Claire looked at the bike and thought, 'This is the bike Dad gave Phil to ride.'

As Phil got out of the Hummer and walked towards Claire, she saw Phil and said, "What are you doing in the car? You left on the bike."

Phil then explained everything to Claire, as Jay started checking the bike. After checking it, Jay sighed, "Great, the bike is safe."

Claire glanced at Jay and said, "Dad! The bike fell on Phil, and you didn't even ask Phil if he is alright."

Jay looked at Phil, "He looks alright to me." Phil just smiled warily.

Claire sighed, as Ava said, "Mr. Dunphy and Mrs. Dunphy, I will be on my way," as Elena got inside the car.

Claire stopped Ava and said, "Ava, can I talk with you inside the house."

Ava thought for a second and replied, "Can Elena and Regina come with me?"

Claire nodded, "Yeah, they are more than welcome."

As Ava, Regina, and Elena got inside the Dunphy house, Phil explained why Claire invited Ava to talk inside the house.

As they were sitting at the table, Claire said with guilt, "I am sorry for the last time. I don't have any right to call you that."

Ava shook her head, "No, Mrs. Dunphy, you were concerned about Haley."

Claire said, "Still, it's my fault."

Ava sighed, "Okay, I forgive you."

Claire smiled, "So can we start again?"

Ava turned to Phil, "What do you say, Sergeant Phil, should we start again?"

Phil replied, "Yes, Commander."

Elena and Regina were laughing at them, while Claire and Jay were confused.

Ava extended her hand, "Ava Lewis."

Claire shook Ava's hand, "Claire Dunphy, Haley's mother."

They sorted out their misunderstanding and talked for a while. Ava asked, "Where is Haley? I didn't see her here."

Claire replied, "Well, she went to her friend's house. Do you want me to call her?"

Ava shook her head, "No, it's okay," as she looked at her watch, "Mrs. Dunphy, I think it's time for me to leave."

As Ava was about to leave with Elena and Regina, she turned to Jay, "Once again, congratulations on your wife's pregnancy."

Jay replied with a smile, "Thanks."

As they left the Dunphy house, Jay said, "She is a sweet girl." Claire and Phil nodded, as Claire asked, "What was that commander and Sergeant thing?"

Phil replied, "It's a way of showing that we are buddies."

After Jay left, Haley got inside the house and said, "Mom, I am home."

Phil looked at Haley and said, "You know, now I don't regret allowing you to spend your summer vacation with Ava's family."

Haley put her handbag on the table and asked, "And why is that?" As she took the juice bottle from the fridge.

To be Continued....

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

[Author's note: Please write a review; it motivates me to write.]

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