

The city of Los Angeles was breathing life, it was just 8 pm when the people were wandering around. A few people were still peddling, clubs vibrating with the weekend vibes, the regular traffic jam exasperating drivers.

Tall buildings stood at one side and a large community hall on the opposite side of the road. In one of the buildings, in an apartment there lived three sisters with their father. The two elder sisters did not like their youngest sister. The eldest was Lidia, middle one was Carol and the youngest was Amelia. Lidia and Carol were jealous of Amelia that she was the most beautiful in them. They always went together out and never took Amelia with them. Amelia stayed quiet and was shy. She never argued on anything with her sisters.

One day a party was going on in the hall, and Lidia and Carol wearing expensive and beautiful frocks went to the party, leaving Amelia home. She said nothing and stayed back home. After they were gone, Amelia was looking down from her apartment's window at the hall where the party was going on. She was staring from a long time when suddenly she thought of going there and see how a party is, because she had never seen any party. She put on her robe, got a hat, wore her dangle earrings with precious beads on it and went down towards the hall. She was sneaking through the road and finally reached where the party was. She stood outside the door, thinking how to get in but also had fear of her two elder sisters. While she was standing there and peeking, a handsome young fellow in his twenties with large blue eyes, silky brown hair and thick moustache came beside her.

He politely asked, "Madam who are you? Do you want any help?"

Bewildered Amelia spoke, "I…I just…..umm…"

The young fellow again asked, "Are you alright?"

Amelia then spoke quickly with fear, "Actually I have never went on a party and my sisters don't even take me with them. They are here inside and I just want to know what is going on inside!?!" She kept finger on her lips and whispered, "Please don't tell my sisters."

The boy gave a polite laughter and said, "Oh! So won't you go inside?"

Amelia answered, "Nooooo!"

The boy got impressed with her innocence and kept looking at her for few seconds while she stood shyly at the door looking down. As she took a step to move back, the young fellow asked her that from where she came. Amelia stretched out her hand and pointed at one of the apartment. She ran from there and the boy kept looking from behind that where she goes.

The handsome young fellow was the one of the richest and the most handsome men in the whole town. He was from a well-known family.

The days passed and Amelia forgot about it. Lidia and Carol busy in their lives paid no attention to Amelia. They both went out for shopping, checked in expensive restaurants and attended the luxurious parties.

The young boy kept thinking about Amelia, and started to fell in love with her. He wanted to see her again so he went at the same way where he met her for the first time. But he came back with disappointment. After few days, he decided to go at her home because he has already seen it and ask her to become his life partner.

He got in his lavish black car drove to Amelia's house to confess her that he has fell in love with her. He luckily arrived at the same day, when Lidia and Carol were not at home. He knocked the door and an old man limping unsteadily opened the door.

"Is this Amelia's home?" questioned the boy while frowning.

"I am her father." the old man answered in croaky voice.

The father allowed the young man to come inside. He came in and took the seat. Amelia came out of her room and got astounded to look the same guy in his house.

"You...?" Amelia gave a confused look.

"I am here to confess something." The guy continued and looked at her father, "I am from the same town and a well-known business man. From the day I saw her I stated liking her and eventually fell in love with her. I want her to be my partner for the whole life. Will you allow me to marry your daughter, I will keep her the happiest girl."

Amelia's eyes grew wider and was startled to hear such words from the handsome young fellow. Her father looked at her daughter and then the man and agreed on the proposal.

Amelia ran diffidently from there. Their marriage date was fixed the same day and the boy went back. Lidia and Carol came back home after hours and when their father told the whole situation they got dismayed and jealous as usual and went in their rooms murmuring. Amelia, in her room, smiled thinking of her joyful days to come.

The day of marriage came, Amelia was looking the most beautiful girl. She was looking elegant wearing the prettiest wedding dress. But the two selfish sisters kept getting jealous even on their sister's wedding. The resentful look on their faces was visible and the lovely couple got happily married.