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What is AMeeegoz

Read ‘AMeeegoz’ Online for Free, written by the author abdoo_megahed, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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"Umm...ji...." She shuttered. He looked up at his beauty, she was too naive for this cruel world.He just wanted to hide her in arms and never let her go.But, she was too stubborn. "Yes,Mrs.Aditya" "This...This...is office ,I will loose my jobs if...if... someone sees us like this,we are not married yet." My grip on her waist tightened.I pressed on to her and whispered into her ears "None can make you leave and you are my wife soon baby" She was too scared of him,his possessiveness.And his stubbornness...for god'ssake this is office and the CEO ,is arriving in like any minute and here he is caging me in my very own cabin.I don't even understand how he managed to get in here. "Please, the CEO will be arriving soon...I will loose my job" "You don't have to work baby" he whispered in to my ears seductively. "Please move, I love to work"I said pushing on his chest He didn't even budge "Then givmme a kiss" She was in horror. "I can't we are not yet married please" "Oh!my naive kitten ,you will death of me oneeday" he said and kissed her on her cheeks and was gone ,before she could open her eyes. Her assistant Riya ,screamed into her intercom "Mam he is here,the CEO" She hurriedly ran into washroom ,cursing her fate and was in horror looking at herself in the mirror ,she was a mess.She smoothered her shirt and hair, put on some lip balm .And when she was sure she looked presentable she walked out to recieve the CEO. "******************""**** He knows what he is doing She is too innocent to figure out He wants to keep her for himself She wants her identity This is the war of love. .. One always needs an identity....but he wants her to be his..she is a dreamer....he is practical....she loves everyone ...he only lover her. This is the story of two individuals

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A Muggle’s Quest for Truth: Death is but a Journey

A young boy named Alfred Stanford is no ordinary boy. His existence is shrouded in mystery. On the surface, he is simply a promising child and the son of a rich conglomerate. But hidden in plain sight, he is gifted with mysterious power. One day he received a letter that would change everything he believes about the world around him. It was a letter from Hogwarts. However, he keeps another secrets. He is not an origin of this world and knows some events that will transpire in the near future which threatens the world. Thus, he fears for his life. Will he survive or will he die trying? A Harry Potter Fanfict with SI and OC characters... ________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: This is only a fanfiction, I have no rights in any way to the original franchise, except this. I am the sole owner of this fanfict, no one has any rights to claim it. The names use in this fanfiction (other than the original) are merely the product of imagination. It is in no way pertaining to certain individual. WARNING: Rated PG (Parental Guidance). It contains the use of language profanity, adult scenes, gore and violence. BEFORE YOU READ: 1. Consider that the author is not a native English speaker as there are errors grammar. 2. You may find things that is inappropriate in the original settings. 3. There are names not belonging to the original works. 4. Inconsistent uploads. ________________________________________________

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