
Chapter 36 Return to the Underground World

In the morning, the sun was shining.

Lying on the bed, Liu Ruman suddenly opened her eyes.

Two light dark circles appeared on Liu Ruman's face. She was extremely sleepy.

Last night, after Jiang Sa left, she thought she could have a good sleep, but she didn't expect that she tossed and turned in bed and didn't fall asleep the whole night.

Liu Ruman turned around and saw the bed that belonged to Jiang Sa in the closet.

She suddenly realized that she seemed to be getting used to the existence of Jiang Sa.

She couldn't fall asleep without the company of Jiang Sa!

The door was opened and Liu Ruman suddenly closed her eyes.

As soon as Jiang Sa returned to the room, he keenly noticed that Liu Ruman was pretending to be asleep. He felt sorry for her.

Liu Ruman yawned and said, "You're back."

"Yes," said Jiang Sa in a low voice

"Didn't you sleep last night? I'm sorry. How about I go to the company and ask leave for you today?" Jiang Sa said.

Liu Ruman shook her head and said, "No, I just woke up. I don't need to ask for leave."

Taking a look at the dark circles under Liu Ruman's eyes, Jiang Sa said, "Perhaps you'd better ask for a leave"

Liu Ruman shook her head firmly.

Although she was very sleepy, there were still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with at the current stage of the Jiang Liu Project, and she had no time to ask for leave.

With a sigh, Jiang Sa said, "Okay. I'll cook first."

On the table.

The four of them still kept silent and didn't say anything while eating.

Liu Yan suddenly opened her mouth and said in an unfriendly tone, "Jiang Sa, since Ruman bought a car for you to pick her up from work, you have to bear the responsibility of buying a car!"

Liu Yan said aggressively.

"Mom..." said Liu Ruman.

Liu Yan scolded, "Shut up."

A bitter smile appeared on Jiang Sa's face. She just wanted him to take the blame.

Even if the company found out the truth at that time, only Jiang Sa needed to take the blame and no one else would be involved.

"Okay, mom," said Jiang Sa helplessly.

Anyway, no matter how hard the company investigated, they couldn't find anything. It didn't matter if he agreed.

Seeing that Jiang Sa agreed, Liu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

It would be better if they couldn't find it out. If they did, it would be the fault of Jiang Sa, and it had nothing to do with their family.

What's more, it would be best if Mrs. Liu got angry and ordered Liu Ruman to divorce Jiang Sa.

Didn't know how long this loser, Jiang Sa had wasted Ruman's time!

Liu Yan continued, "Ruman, your uncle, and his family are coming this afternoon. Remember to pick them up at the train station."

Ruman was confused and nodded.

Why did uncle come all of a sudden?

She had a bad impression of her uncle's family.

It would probably be another turmoil.

Liu Yan knew what Liu Ruman was thinking, so she had been staring at Jiang Sa.

Jiang Sa realize it seemed that she wanted him to pick up Ruman's uncle and his family.

Jiang Sa said, "Ruman still has to go to work. Let me pick up your uncle and aunt."

Liu Yan nodded, "Okay, you go."

This guy is quite sensible today.

After dinner, Jiang Sa drove Liu Ruman to the company building.

Liu Ruman said, "Be careful when you go to pick up my uncle. They come less, but they have a very bad character."

Jiang Sa was confused. Why would Liu Ruman say that?

But he still nodded and listened to her. Listen to others, lose little.

Jiang Sa knows that.

The family of Liu Ruman's uncle. It was the first time that Jiang Sa had heard of that since he had been married to Liu Ruman for three years.

He had never seen them before.

So Jiang Sa didn't know much about it.

After watching Liu Ruman go upstairs, Jiang Sa turned around and went to the milk tea shop.

The milk tea shop had been opened as usual. Many passing students and office workers would stay in the shop for a cup of hot milk tea in the morning.

With a big smile on his face, Long Xuanming made milk tea for every guest, looking very happy.

However, Jiang Sa could tell that under the smile, Long Xuanming was trying his best to hide his sadness and not to be noticed by others.

"A cup of red bean milk tea." Said Jiang Sa.

Following the voice, Long Xuanming saw Jiang Sa and said, "Here you are. I've told you that I'll pay for all your milk tea from now on."

Jiang Sa nodded with a smile.

Finally, as the morning rush hour passed, the noisy milk tea shop quieted down.

Jiang Sa sitting opposite Long Xuanming.

"Thank you for your help yesterday, brother Jiang. Otherwise, I don't know if I can still be here today," Long Xuanming cupped his hands and expressed his gratitude sincerely.

Jiang Sa said, "You're welcome, brother Long. But what are you going to do in the future?"

Long Xuanming said, "What else can I do? I'll be fine except managing the milk tea shop."

"But this time, I have learned a lesson that if you want to be calm, you will never be able to be calm. Only by making everyone afraid with your fists can you calm down." Long Xuanming clenched his fists, his eyes sharp.

That's true. Jiang Sa agreed with what Long Xuanming said.

It seemed that Long Xuanming wanted to get back what he had lost.

It was estimated that the whole underground world of Jiang City would be reshuffled.

In the following period, the whole underground world of Jiang City would be in turmoil.

The underground boss of Jiang City five years ago suddenly returned.

Nobody knew how many people were willing to follow Long Xuanming just by his name.

Let alone Long Xuanming, the underground leader of Jiang City, whose means were not comparable to the current underground leader.

After chatting with Long Xuanming for a while.

Jiang Sa drove at the train station.

The phone rang. It was a call from Liu Ruman's uncle. He told Jiang Sa what clothes he was wearing so that Jiang Sa could find them.

"I'm Jiang Sa. I'm Ruman's husband. Ruman is working. I'm here to pick you up." Jiang Sa introduced himself briefly.

In front of Jiang Sa, there were two men and one woman.

They were uncle, aunt, and the son of the two.

Liu Ruman's uncle was short and shifty-eyed.

However, her aunt was taller than her uncle. She was well-dressed and glamorous, with heavy makeup on her face and the smell of perfume from time to time, which made him a little headache.

The son of the two, the cousin of Liu Ruman, inherited the height of her uncle but like her aunt, dressed like a peacock.

Jiang Sa held his forehead secretly. No wonder Liu Yan asked him to pick them up. So that's the reason.

Liu Ruman's uncle was Liu Long, his wife was Wang Fei and his son was Liu Tao.

Liu Long glanced at Jiang Sa up and down. When he saw the clothes that Jiang Sa wore were all cheap and low-quality, he was unhappy.

Liu Tao said in a low voice, "Father, why is this man here? Does he look down upon us? He was dressed in rags."

Liu Long said, "Let's wait and see."

Jiang Sa could hear what they were talking about.

Although he was wearing a stall robe, he didn't look shabby.

Liu Ruman's uncle looked down upon him so much.

"Get in the car with me first." Ignoring them, Jiang Sa picked up the car key and opened the door.

Liu Long's eyes lit up.

It was said that one couldn't judge a person by his appearance. Liu Long knew what the car is. He had dreamed of having this kind of car for many days!

Did these rich people like to wear cheap clothes?

Liu Long hurriedly said to Jiang Sa, "Ruman's husband, nice to meet you. It's a pity that I didn't come when you got married. Now we finally know each other."

"Yes, you're right," said Jiang Sa with a smile.

" My nephew-in-law, perhaps you are tired of driving, so let me drive." While they were talking, Liu Long grabbed the car key and started the car.

Jiang Sa wanted to refuse, but he couldn't blame him. He had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat.

On the way, Jiang Sa was terrified. The car was quite stable with few cars on the road. But once there were more cars, Liu Long began to be flustered, and the car was unusually bumpy.

Jiang Sa was shocked all the way and finally drove home.

When he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the thing that worried him the most finally happened.

When stopping the car, Liu Long pressed the accelerator as the brake and slammed it against the wall.

The front bars of the car were sunken.