
No Spoiler

Humans are part of only 3-5 % of mammals that pair bond. The neural basis for monogamy comes from the neural network we develop as babies when we are being mothered, perhaps that is why we often call our lover, "baby." But here comes the interesting part, if you are physical with anyone you aren't sure you want to stay with for the rest of your life, then you damage your own ability for your pair bond to last a lifetime... you start to learn how to break that bond, or perhaps, even worse, that love isn't good. So, learn from the animals that pair bond for life, sex [here it is in form of gender] forms the pair bond.

Sex brings that special addiction to your one love, your true life partner. If you aren't careful it becomes an addiction to the physical act and the fantasy rather than the person. And so, be good to yourself, love yourself by being sure that you've met your life partner before you have sex... then the relationship becomes all the deeper for you both... that's when humans mate for life instead of entering the carousel of pain that has become so normal in this toxic society.

Sex without love is merely a healthy exercise and we waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

Tony was just lying in bed after a long exhausting night. He was wrapped in the bedsheets. Their whiteness was as a fresh page awaiting ink. The pillows were the kind of white summer clouds radiate, the kind that raises the eyes heavenward as if it were fashioned from the twilight heavens.

A woman was lying next to Tony. She was the kind of girl that women loved to hate. She was an adult I suppose, but so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She had that movie star look, not overly tall and willowy, but more like an action star.

Tony just looked at her with his eyes that were asking what she's still doing here. All that they were doing was sex and they have little or no interest in getting to know each other or at least Tony thought so. He left her and went to his workshop as she was still asleep.

In the basement of the mansion is Tony Stark's workshop. A large, open area with mostly concrete walls, this area was well suited for small-scale testing. In addition, Stark also kept a collection of both vintage and up-to-date cars in his workshop, parked near an access ramp back to street-level.

The entire workshop possessed an expansive hologram projector system that was operated through J.A.R.V.I.S., where Stark could manipulate digital projections for a variety of purposes such as looking at documents through the internet and secure databases or to project a 3-D model of his or anything that he was creating or studying.

After a few hours, Pepper Potts headed towards the Tony workshop. Working as Tony Stark's personal assistant, she would take care of his schedule and perform any task he wished. During this time, Potts became good friends with Stark and soon, they started to develop romantic feelings for each other. However, neither was able to act on these feelings, as they each feared that the other would not accept them.

It all started when Potts discovered a numbers error on some projections and reported it to her supervisor but he dismissed her concerns, as did the general manager, Mr. Folan, who also fired Potts when she persisted. Undeterred, Potts made her way to the CEO's office and personally confronted Tony Stark with her findings. When security tried to remove her, she lied that she had pepper spray in her purse, prompting Stark to give her the nickname "Pepper". Impressed with her actions, Stark offered Potts a job on the executive floor as his personal assistant, which she accepted.

In her new position, Potts kept Stark on track in spite of his chaotic lifestyle by efficiently managing her boss's business and personal affairs. Unfortunately, this included requiring her to send Stark's one-night-stands home the next morning by informing them that a car is waiting to take them wherever they needs to go. Just like this morning.

Pepper Potts was on her way to inform Tony that his companion of the night had left the mansion. With a coffee and croissant lunch ready. In her hands, she had a tray with a prepared lunch in the form of coffee and a croissant.

Suddenly, a doorbell rang from the front door.

"JARVIS tell them that Tony won't be seeing anyone" Potts said firmly. If it had been Happy or James Rhodes, they would have been admitted a long time ago because JARVIS knows them and they have direct access to the mansion.

Harold Joseph Hogan is one of Tony Stark's closest friends and his personal chauffeur who formerly worked as his personal bodyguard and Head of Security of Stark Industries and James Rhodes is an officer with the United States Air Force and liaison between the military in the Department of Acquisitions and Stark Industries, where he became close friends with Tony Stark.

"Ma'am, this man introduced himself as the blood brother of Sir, Stark. Considering the lifestyle of Mr. Howard Stark it has a 15 percent probability that it is true and 80% if we consider his facial features scanned and matched to Sir, Tony. However, we still need a blood sample for 99 percent confirmation " JARVIS replied with magnetic to the core voice.

"Does Tony know?" Potts quickly asked, but if you paid more attention to her tone, you might hear, a voice full of surprise and disbelief.

"Yes, Ma'am. I just informed Sir, Stark. He wants to let him in" A.I. replied.

"Direct him to the living room" Potts put the tray down and headed for the living room.

"Yes, Ma'am!" JARVIS replied.

__ MC POV __

The main floor of the mansion contained most of the basic living areas, including a large, open foyer/living room and a kitchen. The foyer is large enough to host upscale parties, much to Stark's personal taste and style I think.

Passing by I also saw the gym the room had a variety of weights and in the center of the gym was a standard wrestling ring where Stark practiced his fighting and spars. If I remember correctly during his birthday party, a drunk and stressed Stark fought James Rhodes here as well, using his barbells as a club.

The living room is large. It reminds me of a hotel foyer, not just in the space but in the artwork too. I scan for a personal touch, something that doesn't suggest a hired designer chose it. Nothing. The floor is polished concrete, the walls white and the furniture I'm sure is from a high-end Scandinavian designer, but the name escapes me for the moment. Still, everything here is functional. There was only one way you could summarize this room - a perfect magazine cover.

In the living room, there was a Tony and Potts sitting on the couch.

What people always say? If you are greeted then return the greetings more warmly. If you are favored, then repay the obligation manifold - but those who take the initiative will always excel in merit.

Still, I am always honest, always sincere... I mean what I say even though it scares me sometimes. I live life with my emotions on full blast, not blessed with the same fine-tuning other folks seem to have. On the plus side, that makes a of things more fun, and if someone beginning to know me, they will soon know that I am just like that. Well, let's break the ice with the silly line.

"Should I start this conversation with a bad pickup line or by just saying hello?"

"Well, I like people who can keep the conversation going, no matter how random the topics get" Tony replied with an evil smirk.

"Yes, yes… just remember Tony your thinking is unique … just like everyone else but go ahead. Judge me. Just remember to be perfect for the rest of your life."

"Well, you can't believe everything you hear or see. There are always three sides to a story, yours, theirs, and the truth…"

"Tony, I know you have a hard time believing we're brothers, but our mother had twins. One of them was healthy, the other was not. Father managed to find rescue. It was a super-soldier serum. I was injected with it while we were still in the womb, but the serum was not as perfect as it might seem. My health deteriorated rapidly, and I fell into a coma as a side effect. I wake up every once in a while but my parents still hid me in the Maria Stark Foundation Hospice in fear of someone getting the serum. You see, the serum didn't connect to my DNA in the first years and it was very readily available to clone from my blood. Additionally, it slowed down the aging process"

I couldn't tell the whole truth about me being a person who remembers my past life, but I still could reveal all of it from this one.

Continuing with my speech "Only recently did my body completely absorb the serum, and I was finally able to enjoy my freedom" only then did I regain all my memories "The first thing I decided to do after my stay in hospital was to see you"

"Tony we are family. No family is perfect.. we argue, we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times, but in the end, family is family ... Here you are the only close person to me. Once a brother, always a brother no matter the distance, no matter the difference and no matter the issue"

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