

I woke up in his arms that morning; the smell of rose air freshener filled the air. How long was I out?

Takumi held me firmly in his embrace still fast asleep. I glanced at the alarm clock beside his bed and it was 4am in the morning. The last I remember I was in his arms at the balcony now I'm in bed with him. I felt his well built body and stopped to wonder what he does for a living? He's not poor and not filthy rich but I've never seen him go out or even talk about his job.

Ding dong

The bell rang, I freed myself from his grip carefully, not trying to wake him up and ran downstairs. He sat there like a ghost, I was startled for a moment and sighed, Michael sat on the sofa legs crossed and fingers tapping impatiently on a throw pillow.

"You couldn't wait until I let you in" I crossed my hands around my chest and sat beside him.

"You were too slow so I let myself in"

He turned to me and put a hand on my forehead. What was he doing?

"What do you want this time of the morning?" I asked brushing his hand off my forehead.

"I wanted to know if you would like to go for a quick jog"

He came all the way here just to ask me if I wanted to jog, seriously?

"Okay" I added "I let Takumi know I'm going out" I rose about to go upstairs when he grabbed me by the wrist.

"Don't bother him; I'm sure he'll be cool with you going out for a while" he said.

True I wasn't a kid but would he get upset, I felt a chill run down my spine as Michael took off his jacket and then his shirt. My cheeks were flushed so I turned away resisting the urge to look at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked stealing glances of him through the corner of my eye.

"Hasn't Takumi heard of air conditioner, its hot in here!" he then took off his pants and shoes.

It was funny how the weather changed so quickly, I could feel sweat build up under my armpit. I had put off the air conditioner because of the snow storm.

"I can put it on for you just stop whatever you're doing"

"What? It's not like it's the first time you're seeing me naked before" he pulled me closer to his chest and I felt my hand on his manhood as we looked into each others eyes. For that brief moment I had fallen for his charm. He gave me a sly smile as he kissed me.

What is he doing? Why is he doing this? I pushed myself away from him and he pulled me closer to him.

"Don't you like it?" he asked stroking my hair.

"What's your problem? You can't go around kissing me like that"

"I'm sorry, I-I-I don't know what came over me" he shook his head and quickly put his clothes back on, he looked confused.

"Where are you going?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I need some fresh air" he walked to the door and placed his hand on the knob then paused for a while letting out a heavy sigh. "Iris" he called my name with coarseness in his tone.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Please don't tell Takumi anything that happened here"

Why would he think I would tell Takumi?

"Oh-okay, what about that jog?" I replied.

"Let's book that down for another day" he said, opened the door and walked out.

Why is he behaving strange all of a sudden? Did I say anything offending or hurt his feeling? This isn't the Michael I know?

"Who left just now?" Takumi said coming down the flight of stairs.

"It was Michael, he came to check in on me" I said

"That's strange; he usually stays until the day ends, I wonder made him leave so soon"

"Yeah me too"

"Did he make breakfast time because if he did I would…"

"He didn't" I stopped him from completing his words

"Good, if you need me I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast, instead of watching TV how about you get dressed" he said

"Why?" I asked

"We're going out after breakfast" he said

"To where?" I pressed on.

"I won't tell you, you'll see it when you get there"

"Ugh I hate suspense" I complained.

"You'll have to wait" he said and walked into the kitchen.

I sunk into the sofa and revisited that moment Michael kissed me, I could still feel that tingling sensation on my lips. Could Takumi kiss me like that? How would it be like to kiss him? I wondered and stared blank for a while and returned. Does Michael love me! It all made sense to me now.

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